
发布时间:2018-06-05 21:45

  本文选题:语料库 + 关系代词取舍 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:关系代词取舍是限定性关系从句研究中的一个重要课题,但是前人研究对关系代词取舍关注不足;其研究多基于内省或实验法,对语料使用不足;针对中国英语学习者的关系代词取舍研究较为鲜见。本文以中国英语学习者和英语本族语者产出的非主语型限定性关系从句为研究对象,聚焦两个语言群体在关系代词取舍中的异同,尝试挖掘影响关系代词取舍的一般认知加工机制,特别是制约中国英语学习者关系代词取舍的认知加工机制。整个研究以基于使用的研究范式为理论基础,通过复杂统计模型开展数据分析,整个研究着重回答三个研究问题:a)与英语本族语者相比,中国英语学习者在关系从句中使用关系代词取舍是否存在共同的制约因素?b)与英语本族语者相比,制约中国英语学习者关系代词取舍的因素有何显著差异?c)在可比语言特征下,中国英语学习者与英语本族语者的关系代词取舍有何差异,尤其是显性/隐性关系代词在两个群体中的组间差异有何表现?本研究从中国英语学习者语料库(WECCL 1.0、WECCL 2.0)和英语本族语者语料库(LOCNESS、NESSIE、ICNALE)中抽取1726句非主语型限定性关系从句,对其标注多层面语言学特征,然后开展四种统计分析:单因素分析、二元逻辑斯蒂回归、双回归分析、共现词分析。二元逻辑斯蒂回归和双回归分析显示:1)关系代词取舍构式受到一系列因素的制约,并非随机分布,中国英语学习者和英语本族语者在关系代词取舍中存在九个共同的制约因素:先行词语义丰富度、先行词的生命性、先行词确定性、先行词修饰语数量、先行词在主句中充当的句法成分、关系从句主语词性、关系从句主语确定性、从句肯定/否定、从句长度;2)二者存在四个差异性制约因素:关系从句长度、先行词具体性、从句主语具体性、主句谓语动词类型,其中,从句长度同时充当两个语言群体的共有制约因素和差异性制约因素:3)隐性/显性关系代词构式在两个群体中的组间差异并不相同:显性关系代词构式的组间差异显著大于隐性关系代词的组间差异;显性关系代词的组间差异与显著制约变量的认知加工难度呈现负相关性。共现词分析显示:1)中国英语学习者和英语本族语者在隐性关系代词的使用中存在更大的相似性,在显性关系代词的使用中差异更大;2)在两个语言群体共有的共现词中,中国英语学习者对高搭配强度的共现词依赖程度更加显著。结合回归分析和共现词分析的研究结果,可以发现:关系代词取舍构式中存在一个由具体词语构式和抽象图式构式组成的连续统;从具体词语构式到抽象图式构式存在竞争—浮现的认知加工机制;与英语本族语者相比,中国英语学习者的关系代词取舍构式在构式连续统中更为靠近具体词语层面。通过挖掘关系代词取舍构式的认知加工机制,本研究实证检验了中介语的两个理论特征、尝试确认了关系代词取舍构式的默认原型。研究发现论证了基于使用的研究视角在二语习得研究中的适用性。
[Abstract]:The substitution of relational substitution is an important subject in the study of limited relation clauses , but it is not enough to pay attention to the relation substitution .
Its research is based on introspection or experimental method , which is not enough for the use of corpus ;
On the basis of the research paradigm of Chinese English learners and English native speakers , there are nine common constraints on the relationship between Chinese English learners and English native speakers .
2 ) There are four different restriction factors : the length of the relation clause , the concreteness of the antecedent , the concrete of the subordinate clause and the predicate verb of the subject sentence .
The analysis of co - occurrence words shows that 1 ) There is a greater similarity between Chinese English learners and English native speakers in the use of tacit relationships , and the differences are greater in the use of dominant relationships .
2 ) In the co - occurrence words shared among the two linguistic groups , Chinese English learners are more dependent on the co - occurrence of high collocation intensity .
From the concrete word structure to the abstract schema existence competition - floating cognition processing mechanism ;
In comparison with English native speakers , the relationship between Chinese English learners is more close to the specific word level in the structure - type continuum . Through the study of the cognitive processing mechanism of the relational substitution , this study empirically tests the two theoretical characteristics of the intermediate language , and attempts to confirm the default prototype of the relational substitution . The research finds that the applicability of the research perspective based on the use is demonstrated in the study of the second language acquisition .




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