
发布时间:2018-06-06 04:53

  本文选题:手臂伸直 + 手臂弯曲 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:发散性思维指对开放性问题产生多样性的新颖观点或答案的认知加工过程,其是个体创造性潜能的重要预测变量。已有研究发现,手臂运动影响个体的发散性思维;即,手臂弯曲(arm flexion)与手臂伸直(arm extension)相比,更利于促进发散性思维。本研究对此主题作以推进,探讨手臂弯曲和伸直对发散性思维的效应是否受到其他因素的影响,继而探讨其内在的认知神经机制。本研究由三个子研究组成。研究一(实验1-3)探讨了物—我距离趋势在手臂运动对发散性思维作用中的影响。距离调节理论认为,手臂弯曲、伸直与物—我距离存在直接关联。物—我距离指目标物体与个体间的距离或距离趋势。对于手臂动作而言,手臂弯曲缩小了物—我距离,可视为趋近动作;而手臂伸直增大了物—我距离,可视为回避动作。需指出,手臂弯曲、伸直与物—我距离的关系会受到其他因素影响,故手臂弯曲、伸直与趋近、回避属性的对应关系也会随之改变。实验1通过操作身体姿势变量(包括端坐和平躺两种水平)以改变手臂动作的物—我距离。结果发现,端坐姿势下手臂弯曲动作、平躺姿势下手臂伸直动作的物—我距离呈缩小趋势,二者作为趋近动作促进了发散性思维。实验2采用组内设计多试次的实验范式,进一步证实平躺姿势下手臂伸直的物—我距离呈缩小趋势,其作为趋近动作促进了发散性思维。实验3通过操作指导语以改变个体对手臂动作物—我距离趋势的认知。结果发现,当个体将手臂弯曲认知为接受物体的动作,或将手臂伸直认知为伸手拿物体的动作时,二者的物—我距离被认知为呈缩小趋势;相应地,个体的发散性思维表现在该趋近动作条件下得以提升。研究二(实验4-5)探讨了在身体姿势固定条件下,情绪在手臂运动对发散性思维作用中的影响。已有研究表明,积极情绪刺激会诱发趋近动作,消极情绪刺激会诱发回避动作。基于此,手臂动作和情绪可能存在相容(手臂弯曲—积极情绪,手臂伸直—消极情绪)或不相容(手臂弯曲—消极情绪,手臂伸直—积极情绪)的情境;这种手臂动作和情绪的相容性或不相容性对发散性思维可能产生影响。在实验4中,被试在手臂弯曲或伸直的情况下,通过观看视频诱发积极或消极情绪状态,随后完成发散性思维任务。结果发现,情绪与手臂动作的不相容性更利于促进发散性思维。实验5关注情绪系统而非情绪状态的作用。首先对被试趋近—回避情绪系统的水平进行测评,而后要求不同趋近—回避情绪系统水平的个体完成发散性思维任务。结果发现,情绪系统的趋近、回避与手臂动作的趋近、回避属性处于不相容条件时,更利于促进发散性思维。研究三(实验6)探讨了身体在平躺姿势下,手臂运动影响发散性思维的认知神经机制。该实验采用功能磁共振成像技术(fMRI),记录被试在手臂弯曲、手臂伸直、手臂侧放身边(控制条件)三种条件下完成发散性思维任务时的大脑活动信号。行为结果表明,趋近动作(平躺姿势下伸直手臂)下个体发散性思维表现最好。fMRI结果显示,此条件下大脑奖赏系统(主要涉及尾核和前扣带回)呈现更强的激活。已有研究表明,大脑奖赏系统调节个体趋近奖赏的行为。基于此,本研究发现尾核和前扣带回在手臂伸直条件下的较强激活,可能表明手臂伸直在平躺姿势下确为趋近动作,这支持了实验1和2的结果。此外,鉴于这两个区域参与到执行控制过程中,本实验的发现可能表明手臂趋近动作影响了执行功能,继而对发散性思维产生效应。综上,本研究发现物—我距离趋势的改变影响手臂动作与趋近、回避属性的对应关系,继而影响发散性思维。情绪与手臂动作的趋近、回避属性不相容时,有利于促进发散性思维。fMRI研究表明,手臂趋近动作促进发散性思维可能是因为,执行趋近手臂动作激活了大脑奖赏系统,增强了执行控制功能,进而利于发散性思维。本研究有两方面理论意义:其一,揭示了影响手臂动作对发散性思维效应的两个新因素(即,物—我距离和情绪),探讨了该效应背后可能的认知神经机制,推进了具身创造力的相关研究;其二,扩展了距离调节理论在发散性思维中的应用,拓展了心理不相容理论可能的应用情境。
[Abstract]:Divergent thinking refers to the cognitive processing process of innovative ideas or answers to the diversity of open problems. It is an important predictor of individual creative potential. It has been found that arm movement affects the divergent thinking of the individual; that is, arm bending (arm flexion) is more conducive to the divergence than the arm extension (arm extension). Thinking. This study was carried out to explore whether the effect of arm bending and extension on divergent thinking was affected by other factors and then explored its intrinsic cognitive mechanism. This study was made up of three sub studies. Study 1 (Experiment 1-3) explored the effect of the distance from the arm movement to the divergent thinking in the arm movement. The distance adjustment theory holds that the arm bending, the straightening and the object are directly related to the distance. The distance refers to the distance or the distance between the object and the individual. For the arm movement, the arm bending reduces the object - my distance, can be seen as a approaching action; and the arm extends the object - I distance, can be seen as an avoidance. Action. It should be pointed out that the arm bending, straightening and object - my distance is affected by other factors, so the arms bend, straighten and approach, and the corresponding relationship of the avoidance attributes will also change. Experiment 1 changes the arm movement by manipulating the body position variables (including two levels sitting peacefully and lying down) - my distance. Results found, end. In the position of the arm bending and the arm stretching in a flat position, the distance is narrowing, and the two as a approaching action promotes divergent thinking. In Experiment 2, an experimental paradigm was used in the design of a multi trial group to further confirm that the distance of the arm stretched in the flat position is a shrinking trend, which is promoted as a approaching action. In Experiment 3, experimental instruction is used to change the individual's cognition of the arm movement, my distance trend. The result shows that when the individual takes the arm bending as the action of accepting the object, or when the arm is extended to recognize the action of the object, the object of the two is cognitively reduced by the distance; correspondingly, The divergent thinking of the body is improved under the condition of the approaching action. Study two (Experiment 4-5) explored the influence of the emotion on the divergent thinking under the fixed position of the body posture. The previous study showed that positive emotional stimulation could induce approaching action, and negative emotional stimulation could induce avoidance action. Based on this, hand The arm movements and emotions may have compatibility (arm bending positive, arm extension negative emotion) or incompatibility (arm bending negative emotion, arm extension positive emotion); the compatibility or incompatibility of arm movements and emotions may affect divergent dimensions. In Experiment 4, subjects were bent on arm bending. In the case of an extension, the positive or negative emotional state is induced by watching video, and then the divergent thinking task is completed. The result shows that the incompatibility between the emotion and the arm movement is more conducive to the divergent thinking. Experiment 5 focuses on the emotional system rather than the emotional state. The results of three (test 6) study the influence of the body on the level of the arm and the influence of the arm movement. The cognitive neural mechanism of divergent thinking. The experiment uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record brain activity signals when the subjects perform divergent thinking tasks under three conditions, such as arm bending, arm extension, and side arm side (control). The best.FMRI results show that the brain reward system (mainly involved in the caudal and anterior cingulate gyrus) is stronger under this condition. In addition, the discovery of the two areas may indicate that the arm approach action affects the execution function and then the divergent thinking. In conclusion, this study finds the change of my distance trend, in addition, in view of the participation of these two regions in the execution control process, the discovery of this experiment may indicate that the arm approach action affects the execution function and then the divergent thinking. The influence of arm action and convergence, avoidance of the correspondence of attributes, and then divergent thinking, the approach of emotion and arm movements, and avoidance of incompatibility, is beneficial to promoting divergent thinking.FMRI research indicates that arm approach action promotes divergent thinking, which may be due to the activation of the arm movement of the arm to activate the reward system, This study has two aspects of theoretical significance: first, it reveals two new factors (i. e., distance and emotion) affecting the divergent thinking effect of arm movements, and probes into the possible cognitive mechanism behind this effect, and promotes the relevant research on creativity. The application of distance adjustment theory in divergent thinking is expanded, and the possible application context of psychological incompatibility theory is expanded.


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