
发布时间:2018-06-08 21:30

  本文选题:奥登 + 思想历程 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Weinstein Hugh Oden is one of the most important poets in the Anglo American poetry world in twentieth Century. It is generally believed that in his creative career, his ideological development has undergone three stages of transformation. The first stage is mainly psychological thought, the second stage is mainly left leaning political thought and the third stage is mainly Christian thought. This article takes a new history. The criticism methods, such as doctrine, cultural research, psychological analysis, and so on, deeply analyze the main contents of Auden's thought in different periods, cause the origin, change the reason, and the contradiction, connection and undertaking between the three main ideas. On this basis, with the help of a large number of text analysis, the concrete manifestation of Auden thought in the works and the poetry of different periods are made. The influence of the creation is discussed in detail. This article is divided into five chapters. The first two chapters discuss Auden's various thoughts and their relations, and the other three chapters explain the connection between Auden's three thoughts and poetic creation. In particular, the first chapter discusses the specific content and transformation process of Auden's three main ideas. His psychological thoughts are Freud, The influence of grosdeco, Homer Ryan, Layard, Carl Jung, and other psychologists, formed a view of the nature of the art of art, the art of poetry as a tool for observing human nature and a prescription for the healing of people. His political thoughts were rooted in the turbulent times of the 1930s, and he chose to stand on the proletarian position and pay attention to social reality and Marx. The theory of labor value theory, the theory of surplus value and historical materialism have profound influence on him. He understands the ugly behind the bourgeoisie and hopes to save the world by communism. His Christian thought is rooted in his church family, and he has been guided by the mother's religion at a young age until he is in contact with a large number of subjects. In theory, he began to doubt about religion and claimed to give up the original belief. But after he began to study Kerr Key Gol's Christian existentialism in the late 1930s, he gradually understood the true meaning of Christianity, rejoined the church, and acknowledged his return to the Christian faith. The second chapter studied the three ideas of Auden. It is an important feature - blending and sustainability. The integration is embodied in the fact that although the three ideas are completely different, there are still intersecting and merging. Auden's overall view of the world is from Christianity to psychology and then to leftist politics and finally to Christianity. This is a process of succession and accumulation, all of which are established in Auden's rescue. On the basis of the basic original intention of the people's salvation, persistence shows that although the three ideological stages are distinct, they all have a lasting influence on his creation. Psychology gives Auden the sense of mission and the scientific method of psychoanalysis. Marx teaches Auden to be objective, historical, and dialectical thinking, while Christianity is given to him. Auden's attention to love and concern for people, these three aspects are integrated into Auden's creative thinking and in the different stages of his creation. The third chapter analyses the relationship between Auden's psychological thoughts and poetic creation, and discusses the psychological thoughts from the morbid personality, the shadow of death, the self stranded condition, and the cure of love. In the connotation of the influence of Auden's poetic creation, it also points out that psychological thought also affects Auden's poetic creation in form, and discusses the two aspects of the allegorical writing and the style of poetry. The fourth chapter discusses the influence of Auden's leftist political thought on his poetic creation, and expounds how he shows him through his works. The left-wing position expressed his criticism of the bourgeoisie and the agitation of the proletarian struggle. At the same time, he often expressed his high attention to the social problems in his works, and tried to appeal to people to resist injustice and tyranny and carry on social change through poetry. This chapter also analyzed Odenzzo from the "Eagle's horizon" and the language style. The fifth chapter discusses the expression of Christian thought in the creation of Auden's poetry. Through the study of his later years, he can find that his Christian faith is pious, but also rational. The trust and worship of the light, while reason shows that he has his own unique religious concept, and his praise of religion is more about the salvation of his "loving neighbor as yourself". Through the above discussion, the conclusion of this article is that Auden's three ideas are intersecting and connected with each other, and that Auden has the end of each other. The profound influence of the psychological thought on Auden's poetic creation lies in a diagnostic art view that can be used to heal the sick mind with the help of poetic art, while the influence of the leftist political thought lies in keeping Auden continuing to pay attention to the real society and learning to be objective, dialectical and rational. To look at social problems and put forward social reform, the influence of Christian faith lies in making Auden firmly believe that "love the neighbor as yourself" is an inherent mission. Only under the aura of God can we get the place of the soul, get the peaceful spirit, and survive in the barren world.




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