
发布时间:2018-06-10 00:38

  本文选题:中国当代 + 水性材料绘画 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The history of Chinese art development in twentieth Century is a history of criticizing and inheriting the excellent traditional culture of the nation. It is also a history of reference and absorption of the western art trend of thought. The development of Chinese water-based material painting language can be said to be in the course of reference and absorption of the inheritance and development of national excellent traditions and Western art. It is a gradual process that the painting language of sexual painting is gradually transformed from traditional form to modern form. In this process, the artists' adherence to the essence of national culture and the absorption and absorption of Western water-based material painting are also filled. This paper is on the evolution and characteristics of contemporary Chinese water-based materials painting language. The thesis is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the problems and challenges facing the Chinese water based material painting language. The significance and value of this study and the combing of relevant literature and the innovation of the paper. There are certain limitations in the development of Chinese water-based materials painting language, such as the singleness of the use of pigments, the binding of the selection of bases, the stylization of performance techniques and so on. This limitation urgently needs Chinese water-based materials painting. The innovation of language, because the law of the development of art is characterized by the integration of various cultures and the characteristics of innovation and development. Therefore, the contemporary Chinese water-based material painting language needs not only the inheritance and development of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, but also the great use of the western culture to promote the contemporary Chinese water-based material painting. The rapid development of language. The second part is the analysis of the influence of the art practice of Western water-based materials on Chinese contemporary water-based material painting language. The Western water-based material painting language has its own uniqueness, such as the concept, emotion and meaning in the color language; the online language has movement and direction; in the light color Language has light color harmony and light and shadow flicker. These features are not available in Chinese traditional water-based materials painting language. Therefore, the art practice of Western water-based materials has brought a new transformation to Chinese contemporary water-based materials painting language and promoted the modern transformation of Chinese painting. The third part of the Chinese water-based materials painting language The inner life has been deeply excavated and analyzed. The traditional Chinese water-based material painting is unique in the form of line, shade, color and so on. In the picture, it has the spiritual realm of harmony between heaven and man, the spiritual harmony of Buddhism and Zen, and the pursuit of ethical and moral characteristics. These features are vivid in the specific works and are moved by the heart. The beauty of the artistic conception of harmony with the scene also extends the beauty of subjective color, the beauty of harmony and the beauty of the shape of the God. These national characteristics are the vitality of the contemporary Chinese water material painting and the inner driving force to realize the innovation in the world. The fourth part is the contemporary water material in China. The interpretation of the art practice of the painting language. The language of Chinese water material painting has its own characteristics in the carrier, subject, color, technique and artistic conception. The water material painting language embodies the fusion of transparency and non transparency in the Chinese context, the combination of thick and light, the richness of the texture, the innovation and abstract concept of the water-based materials. In the fifth part, the fifth part is an example of the art model of Chinese water-based materials painting language, which mainly analyzes the selection material and expression style of the three artists of Lin Fengmian, Wu Guanzhong and Wang Zhaomin. The wind sleep is a typical representative of the organic integration of the East and west painting factors. He broke the pen and ink system after the Yuan Dynasty. At the same time, he used watercolor, ink and water to unite the heavy color with the bright visual image. Wu Guanzhong perfused the formalism of Western painting in the ink painting, and made the line surface in the ink painting to the West. The block surface of the painting language of the square water material constitutes an organic fusion, which embodies the visual tension and the richness of the color; Wang Zhaomin has the uniqueness of the change of light and shadow and the understanding of the form. In his works, it presents the style of the Chinese painting, the color of the oil painting, the power of the sketch and the realm of the poem. The sixth part is about the contemporary Chinese water-based materials. The application and thinking of material painting language. The contemporary Chinese water-based material painting language should not only consider the relationship between the primary and secondary, the virtual reality and the color collocation among the objects, but also the infiltration of cultural ideas and cultural signs. In the decorative application, the form of black and white decoration, heavy color decoration and ink and ink decoration are reflected in the decorative application. This can be seen that the contemporary Chinese water-based materials painting language in the integration of multiple, national and humanistic connotation, and many other aspects of the new. The seventh part is the conclusion of the thesis, the thesis emphasizes that the charm of art lies in the development of individuality and the integration of different cultures. The background of the development of the contemporary society lies in the blending of different cultures. Because different cultural discourse brings different ideas and brings different artistic spirit at the same time, it is necessary for the artists who are engaged in the painting of water-based materials to be brave in the journey of art, to continue to study and explore, and to make the national and extraterritorial culture. Fusion promotes the enrichment and innovation of contemporary Chinese waterborne material painting language.


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