
发布时间:2018-06-15 22:54

  本文选题:词论 + 清雅 ; 参考:《云南大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:“雅”是中国文论中的重要范畴,具有独特的内涵和鲜明的民族特色,在词曲、诗文、小说等文体评论中占有重要地位。词最初是作为一种通俗的大众文艺出现的,为了改变其俗艳、卑微的地位,其雅化的要求和趋势大于诗文等文体,从唐五代直至晚清,词论者大多以“雅”为尚。而现今研究者对词论中“雅”的研究多局限在宋代,尤其是南宋,或者多是对雅词流派、雅词创作的研究,对词论中“雅”的发展嬗变及其内在深厚而复杂的内涵,则很少有人研究,把“雅”放在词论中进行系统、深入、全面地进行探讨的,更是阙如。本文主要从动态和静态两个层面对词论中的尊“雅”观进行研究:一是从纵向即动态层面探讨词论尊“雅”观的发展、嬗变的历史,“雅”在各个时代所呈现出的面貌;二是从横向即静态层面探讨尊“雅”观的哲学基础,探讨词论中“雅”之风格要求和创作特点以及“雅”与相关的诸范畴之间的关系问题。本文共分七个部分进行论述。 导言部分主要综述词论之“雅”的研究情况并说明本选题的由来,阐述研究中国古典词论尊“雅”观的逻辑起点,并阐明本文研究的方法和思路。 第一章主要探讨尊“雅”观的形成和嬗变。中国古典词论尊“雅”观萌芽于唐五代时期,是尚文雅的社会文化思想和“清雅”的审美趣尚的产物,受到过儒家思想明显的影响。宋代是古典词论尊“雅”观树立和发展的时期,在内敛的士风的刺激下,词论尊“雅”观成为这一时期的主流意识,词体在创作上完成了由“空中语”到“心中事”的转变。“雅”之内涵逐渐丰富,出现本色之雅论和诗化之雅论这样两种既相联系又有区别的尊“雅”观。在“清”与“浑”的此消彼长中,“清空”成为得“雅”之旨的典范,受到推崇并得以发展。此一时期,词论尊“雅”观的思想基础以儒家思想为主,道释为辅。元明时期,追求真性情,反对礼法的束缚和压制,在“宁为大雅罪人”等等思想的影响下,词论中的尊“雅”观逐渐丧失了其主流地位,且为当时正统的审美意识所排斥,词论中的尊“雅”观念在与世风的冲击和磨合中得以延续和凝定,“尚雅而不避俗”成为一时典范。清代是词体的“中兴”时期,尊“雅”观得以开拓和深化。倡雅词论者在方法论与思想内涵等方面对“雅”进行深入而系统的阐释。 第二章主要探讨了“雅”这一审美范畴的义界、内涵及其内在矛盾。“雅”在义界上有广义和狭义之分,而作为词论中的“雅”,历代词论者所提倡的“雅”之内涵则更为具体和深厚。词论中的尊“雅”观涉及三个层面:在词体创作层面要求音协律合,字琢句炼,才高意新,创作者人品高洁;在词体风格论层面,以“雅”为审美要求,强调意高、趣雅;在思想层面上是以儒家思想为主,以道、释为辅。词论之“雅”,以“中”为内在尺度,以“礼”为外在要求,在情、性、志、韵等的变化组合中形成矛盾张力。 第三章主要论述古典词论中“雅”的根本思想精神、哲学辩证法。在思想上,词论中“雅”的根本思想精神是儒家的诗教原则、复古与崇正思想等等,而道家的“清”、“无”、自由不拘、超然出尘和佛家的“空”、“圆融无碍”等精神对词论尊“雅”观有很深的影响。在方法上,词论尊“雅”观所体现出的艺术辩证法之“中”,更多地体现为折中兼取的方法和“中和之美”的艺术辩证法。 第四章以词论中的主张和典型雅词为例,阐述了“雅”的主要风格特点。辨析了清雅与闲雅,雅正与骚雅,醇雅与儒雅等等及其与一般概念上的“雅”之风格的区别,与同时期相关美学范畴的联系与区别,最后论及词论尊“雅”观中的风格要求和创作实践之间的关系。 第五章主要探讨词论尊“雅”观的意义。词论尊“雅”观具有较高的理论价值与指导实践的意义。其理论价值主要表现在具有鲜明的时代性与强烈的现实针对性和树立了雅词的典范。在对实践的指导方面,词体的内容得到扩大,词境、词品得以提升,词体在认同规范的同时,实现了自我地位的提升。词论尊“雅”观对诗学具有丰富和深化的作用,对其他文体也有很大的影响。 结语部分主要是对词论尊“雅”观的形成与嬗变、内涵及生成、思想与方法、风格、意义等诸方面加以总结。总起来看,词论尊“雅”观借助于传统文化和诗学话语来建构词学批评体系,其对词学理论史的建构、丰富和深化作用是不可忽视的。
[Abstract]:"Elegance" is an important category in Chinese literary theory. It has a unique connotation and distinctive national characteristics. It occupies an important position in the literary criticism of poetry, poetry and fiction. It was originally appeared as a popular popular literature and art. In order to change its gaudy and humble status, the requirements and trends of its elegance are greater than poetry and other styles, from Tang Dynasty. The five generation until the late Qing Dynasty, most of the word theorists took "elegance" as the Shang Dynasty, and the research of the "elegance" in the word theory is limited in the Song Dynasty, especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, or more on the elegant ci poetry school, the study of the elegant word creation, the development and evolution of the "elegance" in the word theory and the deep and complicated connotation of the "elegance". On the basis of the dynamic and static two layers, this paper mainly studies the "elegant" view of the word theory from the dynamic and static layers: first, to explore the development of the "elegance" view from the vertical and dynamic level, the history of the evolution, the appearance of "elegance" in various times, and the two from the horizontal. The philosophical basis of the view of "elegance" is discussed at the static level, and the style requirements and creative characteristics of the "elegance" in the word theory and the relationship between the "elegance" and the related categories are discussed. This paper is divided into seven parts.
The introduction mainly summarizes the research situation of the "elegance" of the word theory and explains the origin of this topic, expounds the logical starting point of the study of the "elegance" view of the Chinese classical theory of speech, and clarifies the methods and ideas of this study.
The first chapter mainly discusses the formation and evolution of the view of "elegance". The Chinese classical theory of "elegance" sprout in the period of the Tang and Five Dynasties. It is the product of the elegant social and cultural thought and the aesthetic taste of "elegant", and has been influenced by the Confucian thought. The Song Dynasty is the period of the establishment and development of the classical theory of the "elegance", and the reserved taxis. Under the stimulation of the wind, the "elegance" view of the word theory has become the mainstream consciousness of this period. The CI style has completed the transformation from "air language" to "mind" in the creation. The connotation of "elegance" is gradually rich, the elegance of the original elegance and the poetic elegance appear in the two kinds of "Qing" and "muddy". In the period of this period, the ideological basis of the "elegance" view was based on Confucianism and Taoism as a supplement. In the period of the yuan and Ming Dynasties, the pursuit of true nature, the restraint and suppression of the law of etiquette, and the influence of "Ning for the great sinners" were influenced by the thought of "rather the great sinner" and so on. The concept of "elegance" gradually lost its mainstream position and was rejected by the aesthetic sense of orthodoxy at that time. The concept of "elegance" in the theory of "elegance" was extended and condensed in the impact of the world style, and the "elegance without avoiding vulgarity" became a model. The Qing Dynasty was the "Zhongxing" period of the word body, and the concept of "elegance" was developed and deepened. In terms of methodology and ideological connotations, the author makes an in-depth and systematic interpretation of "elegance".
The second chapter mainly discusses the meaning, connotation and inner contradictions of the aesthetic category of "elegance". "Elegance" has a broad and narrow sense in the sense of meaning, but as the "elegance" in the word theory, the connotation of "elegance" advocated by the writers of the past dynasties is more specific and profound. The "elegance" view in the word theory involves three levels: in the creation layer of the word body On the aspect of the style of word body, the "elegance" is the aesthetic requirement of the ICO and the elegance. In the ideological level, the Confucian thought is based on the Confucian thought, and the "elegance" is the "elegance" of the word theory, the "middle" as the inner scale, the "rite" as the external requirement, the emotion, sex, and ambition, with the "ceremony" as the external requirement. Paradox tension is formed in the combination of rhyme and so on.
The third chapter mainly discusses the fundamental ideology and spirit of "elegance" in the classical theory of speech and philosophical dialectics. In thought, the fundamental ideological and spiritual spirit of "elegance" in the theory of words is the Confucian doctrine of poetry, reunification and worship, and the Taoist "Qing", "no", freedom and unrestraint, transcendental dust and the Buddha's "empty", "harmony without hindrance" and so on spirit, The "elegance" view of the word theory has a profound influence. In the method, the "middle" of the art dialectics embodied in the view of "elegance" is embodied in the method of compromise and taking and the artistic dialectics of "the beauty of neutralization".
The fourth chapter, taking the proposition of the word theory and the typical elegant words as an example, expounds the main style and characteristics of "elegance", distinguishes the distinction between elegance and elegance, elegance and elegance, alcohol elegance and Confucian elegance, and the distinction between the style of "elegance" in the general concept, the connection and distinction between the aesthetic categories of the same period, and the final discussion of the "elegance" view of the word theory respect. The relationship between style requirements and creative practice.
The fifth chapter mainly discusses the meaning of the "elegance" view of the word theory respect. The "elegance" view of the word theory has a high theoretical value and the significance of guiding practice. Its theoretical value is mainly manifested in the distinct times and strong realistic pertinence and the example of setting up the elegant words. In the direction of practice, the content of the word body is expanded and the word is in the realm of words. The word has been promoted, and the word body has realized the promotion of self status while recognizing the standard. The "elegance" view of the word theory has a rich and deepening role in Poetics and has a great influence on other styles.
The conclusion is to summarize the formation and evolution of the "elegance" view of the word theory, the connotation and the generation, the thought and method, the style, the meaning and so on. In the whole, the view of the "elegance" of the word theory respecting the traditional culture and the Poetics Discourse to construct the system of Ci criticism, which can not be ignored in the construction of the history of the theory of CI. Yes.


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