
发布时间:2018-06-17 15:01

  本文选题:驾驶风格 + 驾驶模式 ; 参考:《清华大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Our country road traffic safety situation is grim, the bad driving style is flooded in the daily driving behavior. Under the background of the rapid development of vehicle networking technology, it is of great significance to study and realize the effective monitoring of dangerous driving style and to intervene in offline feedback education or online hazard warning. At present, there are some problems in the study of driving style, such as the limitation of comprehensive evaluation dimension and the incompleteness of driving operation evaluation dimension. In order to solve these problems, this paper constructs a driving pattern decomposition and identification method system, which takes into account the cognitive characteristics of human beings and the optimal expression of information, starting from the two dimensions of driving mode transfer and driving operation control. The method of dangerous driving style evaluation is designed, and the method system of driving style evaluation is expanded. Aiming at the problems of dynamic time-varying, multi-dimensional coupling and local similarity in driving mode identification under high-speed operating conditions, this paper puts forward the identification index of longitudinal driving mode based on braking deceleration, following time distance and changing rate of following driving time distance. For lateral driving mode identification, In this paper, four characteristic parameters of steering wheel angle Shannon entropy in 2s window and transverse acceleration root-square velocity standard deviation in 5s window and velocity Shannon entropy in 4s window are used as input of random forest classifier. The output probability of the classifier is used as the identification index of the lateral driving mode. The verification results show that the driving mode identification system presented in this paper can effectively identify each driving mode, and the identification accuracy can reach 860.98%. In order to realize the effective evaluation of driving style in the dimension of mode transfer (frequency), it is based on the probability of driving mode transfer. Five typical driving mode transfer patterns which can characterize the characteristics of driving style mode transfer are selected as follows: short distance following, restricted right change, restricted left approach. The approach is restricted to the right and the restricted left to go straight and free. The conditional probabilistic values of these five morphogenesis are taken as the input of the random forest classifier and the probabilistic values of the output which belong to different style types are taken as the criterion to realize the effective evaluation of the dangerous frequency of driving style. The results of cross validation show that the accuracy of this method can reach 933, which is 18.5% higher than that of the traditional method in evaluating the dangerous frequency of driving style. In order to effectively evaluate driving style in the dimension of operation control (intensity), this paper presents a method of quantifying the perceived dangerous state intensity by integrating the power exponent of acceleration in time series, which is controlled by acceleration, braking and distance control. On the basis of weighted synthesis of risk intensity perception in five dimensions of change control and turn control, the radical index of driving operation is obtained as the evaluation index of dangerous intensity performance of driving style. The experimental results based on post video and field evaluation show that the identification accuracy of the algorithm can reach 85 / 92. The decision tree model is constructed to evaluate the comprehensive driving style in the two dimensions of dangerous frequency and intensity. The experimental results show that the precision of the decision tree model is up to 89.


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