
发布时间:2018-06-20 06:38

  本文选题:外语教育 + 质性研究 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:随着我国对培养具有合格的外语交流能力的人才越来越重视,国人也越来越多地关注自身外语交流能力的提升和发展。英语作为主要的国际交流工具更是引发全民学习热潮,然而,“哑巴英语”依旧是中国人学习外语和对外交流的最大瓶颈之一。英语口语学习上的困境很大程度上反映了外语学习中学习者心理因素的重要性。在诸多的心理因素当中,自我概念较少受到我国外语教育领域的关注,而心理学领域已有的很多研究表明积极、健康的自我概念对个体行为选择、对环境的适应和自信等方面有积极影响(Berretta 1970;Marsh 1990;Byrne 1990,Skaalvik Valas 1999)。本研究以某重点大学的6名大二非英语专业学生为个案研究对象,采用访谈、参与式观察、录像、日记、书面故事总结等资料收集方式,从跟踪观察他们的英语口语学习历程出发,探究他们在大学入学后两年多时间里英语口语自我概念的形成和发展情况,以期为外语教育工作者和研究者们揭示大学生们的内心认知和情感感知,为进一步理解在外语学习情境下英语口语学习者的问题提供可能的理论和实践依据。本研究发现六位中国大学生对自身英语口语能力持有较为模糊或清晰的自我描述,积极或消极的自我能力判断,以及相关的情感感受和自我价值判断。不同的英语口语学习行为反映出个体的英语口语自我概念的相对稳定性、动态情境性以及发展性等特点。英语口语自我概念引导着个体在学习行为上的坚持、投入或者放弃。从符号互动理论视角出发,本研究就大学生们在大学前两年的课内外英语口语学习时的自我内在对话进行了较为细致的分析,发现他们的英语口语自我概念经历了不同的发展状态,其中包括忽视、冲突确认、冲突加剧、冲突减缓、冲突转移、冲突搁置、以及内在一致性。随着大学生英语口语自我概念发展进入不同的状态,他们对自身英语口语能力的内在思考在不同程度上促进或阻碍了他们具体的个人行为能力(时间管理、情绪管理、人际关系能力、整体能力感)的发展,并且进一步影响着他们身份认同、人生目标以及价值观等方面的发展和变化。本研究在英语口语自我概念的形成机制、发展状态、对外语教育的意义等方面做了初步的探索,为英语教育工作者和研究者们阐明了语言学习与个人成长之间的关系,所获得的研究结果丰富了英语口语学习和自我概念的研究内容。
[Abstract]:As more and more attention has been paid to the cultivation of qualified foreign language communication talents in China, more and more attention has been paid to the improvement and development of their own foreign language communication ability. English, as a major tool of international communication, has triggered a nationwide upsurge in learning English. However, mute English is still one of the biggest bottlenecks for Chinese to learn foreign languages and communicate with foreign countries. The difficulties in oral English learning largely reflect the importance of learners' psychological factors in foreign language learning. Among the many psychological factors, self-concept is less concerned in foreign language education field in China, and many studies in psychology field have shown that positive and healthy self-concept is the choice of individual behavior. It has a positive effect on environmental adaptation and self-confidence. Berretta 1970 / Marsh 1990 / Byrne 1990 / Skaalvik Valas 1999. In this study, 6 sophomore non-English major students in a key university were selected as case study subjects. The data were collected by interview, participatory observation, video recording, diary, written story summary and so on. By following up and observing their oral English learning process, this paper explores the formation and development of their oral English self-concept in the more than two years after college entrance. The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical and practical basis for foreign language educators and researchers to reveal the inner cognition and emotional perception of college students and to further understand the problems of oral English learners in the context of foreign language learning. The present study finds that six Chinese college students have vague or clear self-description, positive or negative self-competence judgment, and related emotional feelings and self-value judgments. Different oral English learning behaviors reflect the relative stability, dynamic situational and developmental characteristics of individual oral English self-concept. Oral English self-concept leads to individual persistence, commitment or abandonment in learning behavior. From the perspective of symbolic interaction theory, this study makes a detailed analysis of the internal self-dialogue of college students during their oral English learning in the first two years of college. It is found that their oral English self-concept has experienced different developmental states including neglect conflict confirmation conflict intensification conflict mitigation conflict transfer conflict shelving and internal consistency. With the development of college students' oral English self-concept into different states, their internal thinking on their own oral English competence promotes or impedes their specific personal behavioral competence (time management, emotional management) to varying degrees. The development of interpersonal skills, overall competence, and further affect their identity, life goals and values and other aspects of the development and change. The present study explores the formation mechanism of oral English self-concept, the state of development, and the significance of foreign language education, so as to clarify the relationship between language learning and personal development for English educators and researchers. The results enrich oral English learning and self-concept.




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