
发布时间:2018-06-20 20:28

  本文选题:湘方言 + 重叠 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:作为一种能产的语法手段,重叠极为广泛地运用于世界上大多数语言之中。汉语方言中的重叠现象丰富多彩,各方言的重叠现象既有共性,又各有特点。湘方言中的重叠现象也很丰富,有些用法非常特殊,对其进行深入的研究,既有利于全面认识湘方言的重叠现象和语法特点,也可为总结汉语方言重叠现象的规律,为推动汉语方言语法比较研究和汉语重叠现象的方言类型学研究等提供一定的帮助。 本文在田野调查的基础上,结合已有文献的研究,综合运用调查法、比较法、共时与历时相结合、描写与解释相结合的方法以及类型学的理论方法,对湘方言中的主要词类、短语的重叠现象和一些重叠句式(包括次生重叠)进行较为全面的描写、分析,并将其在湘方言内部、在湘方言与湖南省境内非湘语方言、湖南省境外其他方言之间以及与古代汉语之间,进行共时、历时的多角度比较,努力寻求湘方言内部、湘方言与共同语和其他方言的共性与差异,挖掘汉语方言重叠现象的类型学意义,了解湘方言重叠现象的历史发展和源流关系。 研究表明,一方面,在重叠问题上,湘方言体现了汉语乃至人类语言重叠的某些普遍共性。以湘方言重叠为材料基础,通过跨方言的比较,本文可以提炼出十来条有关重叠的、具有方言类型学意义的蕴含共性。另一方面,湘方言从古代汉语中继承了不少重叠形式,也在后来的发展中产生出一些创新用法,因而,在某些方面又表现出其较强的个性。湘方言重叠的共性与差异的形成,既有人类语言普遍共性的因素,也有对古代汉语继承和创新的因素,此外,方言的接触、语言自身的发展等因素也起着一定的作用。 全文除绪论和结语以外,共分为六章: 绪论部分简要介绍湘方言重叠的相关研究概况,本文的主要内容与研究意义、运用的理论方法以及调查布点、语料来源、发音合作人简况等。 从第一章开始至第四章,研究湘方言中主要词类的重叠现象。分别对湘方言中名词、量词、动词、形容词等词类的重叠问题进行研究。主要从结构类型、语法、语义功能等方面对湘方言各词类重叠现象进行描写、分析,并从共时、历时两个角度对其进行比较。 第五章研究湘方言中的短语重叠。对湘方言中的量词短语、动词短语和形容词短语等三大类短语重叠现象进行概述性描写、分析,重点从句法语义功能、内部构成等方面讨论湘方言中的‘'VXVX"式动词短语重叠,并结合湖南省境内非湘语方言及省外其他汉语方言中"VXVX"式的使用情况,对其作跨方言的比较。 第六章关注湘方言中的某些重叠句式。主要对湘方言中的重叠式反复问句和拷贝式话题结构等两类重叠句式进行描写、分析,并通过与其他方言的比较,对重叠式反复问句的共性与类型及湘方言的语序类型等问题进行重新思考。 结语部分在前面几章研究的基础上,总结湘方言重叠的内外部共性与内部差异性,分析这种共性与差异的形成原因,并对本文的主要创新与不足之处进行总结。
[Abstract]:As a kind of productive grammatical means, overlap is widely used in most of the languages of the world. The overlapping phenomenon in Chinese dialects is rich and colorful, and the overlaps of the dialects have both commonness and characteristics. The overlapping phenomenon and the grammar characteristics of understanding of Hunan dialect, but also for the summary of Chinese dialect reduplication rules and provide some help to promote the study of comparative study of Chinese dialect grammar and Chinese dialect reduplication typology.
On the basis of the field investigation, this paper combines the existing literature research, combined with the methods of investigation, comparison, synchronic and diachronic, the method of combining description and interpretation and the theoretical method of typology, which are more comprehensive in the main parts of speech, the overlapping of phrases and some overlapping sentences (including secondary overlap) in the Hunan dialect. The description, analysis, and in the Hunan dialect, and in the Hunan dialect and the Hunan dialect, between the other dialects in Hunan Province, and between the other dialects of the ancient Chinese, and with the ancient Chinese, the synchronic and multi angle comparison, try to seek the similarities and differences between Hunan dialect, Hunan dialect and common language and other dialects, and excavate the overlapping of Chinese dialects. The significance of the typology of Xiang is to understand the historical development and source relations of the overlapping phenomenon of Xiang dialects.
On one hand, on the one hand, on the one hand, the Xiang dialect embodies some common generalities of the overlapping of Chinese and even human languages on the issue of overlapping. With the overlapping of Hunan dialect as the material basis, through the comparison of the dialects, this paper can extract ten pieces of overlapping, with the meaning of dialect typology. On the other hand, Xiang dialect is from ancient Chinese. It has inherited a lot of overlapping forms, and also produced some innovative uses in the future development. Therefore, it shows its strong personality in some respects. The similarities and differences of the overlapping of Hunan dialect have both the common factors of human language and the factors of inheriting and innovating in ancient Chinese, in addition, dialects contact, language self. The development of the body and other factors also play a role.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into six chapters.
The introduction part briefly introduces the research situation of Hunan dialect overlap, the main content and significance of the research, distribution, using the theories and methods of research and the source of corpus, pronunciation partner profile.
From the first chapter to the fourth chapter, the author studies the overlapping of the main parts of the dialect in Hunan dialect, and studies the overlapping of the noun, quantifier, verb and adjective in Hunan dialect. It mainly describes and analyzes the overlapping of different parts of Hunan dialect from the aspects of structure type, grammar and semantic function, and from the two angles of synchronic. Compare them.
The fifth chapter studies the phrase overlap in Hunan dialect, and gives a brief description of the overlapping of three categories of phrases, such as quantifier phrase, verb phrase and adjective phrase in Hunan dialect, and discusses the "'VXVX" verb phrase overlap in Hunan dialect and the non Xiang dialect in Hunan province. The use of "VXVX" in dialect and other Chinese dialects in other provinces is compared.
The sixth chapter focuses on some overlapping sentences in Hunan dialect. It mainly describes two overlapping sentence patterns, such as repeated interrogation and copy topic structure in Hunan dialect, and rethinks the similarities and types of repeated interrogative sentences and the type of language order of Hunan dialect by comparing with other dialects.
The conclusion in the previous chapters on the basis of internal and external, internal differences and common summary of Hunan dialect overlap, analysis of causes of the similarities and differences, the main innovation and deficiencies and summary.


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