
发布时间:2018-06-21 04:08

  本文选题:太行地区 + 成汤信仰 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Shang Cheng Tang Emperor was the first emperor in Chinese history who dared to challenge "the Divine of monarchy" on behalf of Xia Dynasty. It was listed as one of the most influential monarchs in ancestor, sages worship and ritual system. He not only established the Shang Dynasty, but also widely spread the legend of "Sanglin Prayer Rain", and initiated the tradition of "Rain sacrifice" of the Chinese people for more than 3,000 years. As a special ritual, the worship of Tang has been inherited from later generations, and the tradition of sacrifice with unique local characteristics has been constantly deified, respected and believed by the people on both sides of Taihang region, and formed a "Shang Tang Culture Circle" centered on analyzing the mountains of the city. Especially in the countryside, the abundance and apology of crops need this kind of local folklore resources dominated by the simple faith of Rain Water gods. Therefore, many villages, towns, villages or famous mountains and mountains have built temples to admire each other, especially after the Song and Jin dynasties. Song Huizong's "Jia run Gong" and "Guangyuan Temple" established an unshakable orthodox sacrificial status; the Tang Emperor Temple, which was created in large numbers among the people, also enriched a series of drama activities of Saishe with the purpose of collecting water and seeking rain. Up to now, there are still many ancient Tang Temple buildings in Shanxi and Henan provinces. The inscription objects and gold and stone materials are preserved, which bear the aftertaste of the folk primitive Rain ritual and the evolution track of the Northern Folk Temple Theater. This article will take Cheng Tang belief as the breakthrough point, take the related dance building form and the game society drama as the main research object, on the basis of the field investigation, unifies the literature material, explores the Cheng Tang belief and its sacrificial ritual interaction influence, To reveal the internal causes of the emergence, development and prosperity of folk drama, in order to worship Tang King with ancient witchcraft, religious influence and Taihang characteristics, as well as the folk customs and operas closely related to it. Do a more comprehensive study and presentation.


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