
发布时间:2018-06-21 07:35

  本文选题:叙事学 + 叙事空白 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:The narrative blank is a phenomenon in all narrative texts. For this problem, many scholars and scholars all over the world are involved. Although most of them do not explicitly mention the term "narrative blank", many of their research results are related to this. This paper mainly uses theoretical interpretation and text analysis to study the reasons, expressions, filling and value of the four aspects. This paper mainly includes the following six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction part. This part is the main part of the thesis. It should include the definition of narrative blanks, a summary of the related research results of narrative blanks, the origin, the goal and the main innovation of this study. In the origin of the study, this article mainly investigates the problem of the cover in the narrative communication, in order to arouse the readers' attention to the importance of the research. In the words of Heidegger, the narrative is a kind of go. At the same time, it is also a kind of shelter. Any narrative in the narration of certain events always pays the other events accordingly. That is to say, all the narration exists in the blank, the blank of the text and the narration are in the shadow. But the blank question in the narrative communication has not received enough attention in the academic circle, and it still needs to be discussed in depth. The purpose of this study is to put forward a new category of narrative blank, a new category of narratology, and to make a systematic and comprehensive discussion of its significance and value in narrative communication. This study mainly has the following innovations: one is the study of narrative blank expression. This paper puts forward ten expressions of five categories of narrative blank expressions. The theory is of important reference value for the narrative sender or the narrative receiver. Two is the filling of the narrative blank. The question of the filling of the narrative blank is a serious problem in the academic circles (including the reception aesthetics). This thesis has a more important academic significance. The results of this study will also be of great significance. It is helpful to better solve the dialectical relationship between the reader and the text. Three is to elucidate the value of the narrative blank in the narrative communication, especially the rhetorical value and the value of the text meaning. The narrative blank allows the communication between the narrative receiver and the text to be continuous, deep and solid two-way communication, so that the reader and the text can be exchanged between the text and the text. The second chapter of the paper mainly discriminates the connotation of narrative blank and defines the concept, essence and main categories of "narrative blank". It is believed that the narrative phenomenon that the story time is greater than zero and the narrative length equal to zero is the narrative blank. The essence is not absolute nihilism, but the absence and "there is no". The narrative blank can be divided into the blank of the narrative backing and the blank of the text structure. The former is the premise, the foundation and the source of the time, the latter refers to the narrative text. The third chapter of the paper mainly studies the reasons for the blank of narrative. This paper holds that there are four main reasons for the formation of narrative blanks: one is the limitation of language; two is the existence of unnarrated events; three is the consideration of narrative strategy; four is the absence of narrative form. The fourth chapter of the paper mainly discusses the blank of narrative. In this paper, the narrative blank is not a word, but it is not a direct and direct description. In the blank space discussed in this article, the narrator will always express the events that are not narrated in the narrative blank in a variety of ways. This is the expression of the narrative blank. This article puts forward less / more, cause / result, and vice. The fifth chapter of the paper mainly discusses the filling of narrative blanks, mainly discussing the three questions: first, the basis for the filling of the narrative blank. The basis of the filling of the narrative blank mainly includes the author's intention, the text potential and the reader's prejudice. Two is the way to fill the blank of the narrative. There are three kinds of filling and filling, transplantation filling and association filling. Three is the principle of filling the blank of narrative. It mainly includes the principle of openness, the principle of text dependence, the principle of coherence, the principle of moral distinction and the principle of balance trend. The sixth chapters of the paper mainly comb the value of the blank of narration. The blank of narrative is mainly of the following aspects: One is the value of proliferation. The narrative blank allows readers to fly their imagination, diversify and fill them in order to achieve the proliferation of the meaning of the narrative text. Two is the rhetorical value. The narrative blank can stimulate and provoke the expectation and imagination of the narrative receiver and let the narrative receiver go deeper and more deeply into the narrative communication. Let my readers become the common producer of meaning, to make reading become "writing reading". The three is the aesthetic value of narrative blank. Narrative narrative text generated by the actual blank for beauty. The narrative gaps can make the story more real world.


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