
发布时间:2018-07-12 14:02

  本文选题:具身认知 + 隐喻加工 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:隐喻既是一种语言现象,也是一种认知功能,当代的认知科学更是将其看作人类认识事物与了解世界的重要方式与途径。随着当前具身认知思潮逐渐为主流认知科学所接受与重视,其摈弃传统认知科学观身心分离的先天不足,强调身体、动作与情境在整个认知过程中整体性的核心特征也为人们熟知。而隐喻作为人的本质思维方式也因为认知的具身潮流而受到越来越多的关注。本文以隐喻及隐喻思维为切入点,结合具身心智与具身认知的相关理论与实证研究,对隐喻认知加工的具身本质进行了介绍与论证,并以行为实验与事件相关电位实验为研究方法,探索与验证了隐喻认知加工的具身性质。 本研究以隐喻在线认知加工中的事件相关电位法为主要研究工具,在对汉语隐喻材料本身的语言属性(如熟悉度、规范性、可接受性)以及相关具身行为实验(身体感知觉、身体姿势和情绪)比对的基础上,以先期问卷形式对所选择的语料进行合适性、熟悉度和具身的性质进行筛选,并以E-prime软件编写程序进行语料呈现,设计了三个实验,以期验证汉语隐喻认知加工过程中的具身性及其影响,并在一定程度上探讨了汉语隐喻认知加工的神经机制。 实验一采用尾词范式设计,呈现的语料中包含本义句、正相关句、负相关句和错句四种类型,实验前及实验过程中分别以冷水、温水、热水为自变量对被试进行预先刺激,用BrainProduct公司的ERP设备记录被试实验过程中语料刺激所引发的脑电数据,用E-prime软件记录被试对所呈现语料的反应时与正确率的行为数据,并在实验结束后进行问卷回忆。对行为数据与脑电数据综合分析的结果显示:经历不同温度刺激的被试,在对不同类型语料的理解上确实表现出了不同的行为反应与脑电差异。这种不同在行为反应上表现为热水组被试对那些能表现出友好、善意、热情等与“热”相关的语料的反应正确率更高,而冷水组的被试则对冷淡、冷漠等表现出“冷”的词汇的反应正确率更高,同时脑电地形图与波形图也能直观的显示出冷水组被试与热水组被试在语料加工过程中的不同大脑认知加工过程。相关的具身刺激对被试的行为与选择确实带来了一定的影响,并直接体现在外显的反应中。对被试行为数据的正确率与反应时的重复测量方差分析,以及对于电极点平均波幅的重复测量方差分析显示,不同被试组间差异不显著,被试的性别差异也不会影响被试的行为反应结果。在针对脑电数据的统计分析中,脑地形图和波形图的分析显示有差异,SPSS统计显示P600成分的组间差异显著。对此我们认为:实验结果在一定程度上验证了不同温度会影响被试隐喻认知加工过程的假设,温度会对被试的隐喻认知加工产生一定的影响。 实验二采用了尾词范式的正相关句、负相关句、无关句和错句作为被试的呈现语料,以不同的坐姿作为对不同组别被试的具身刺激方式。用BrainProduct公司的ERP设备记录被试实验过程中对语料所产生的脑电反应,用E-prime软件记录行为数据,并在实验结束后进行问卷回忆。比起实验一,实验二在离线分析过程中去除了较多的不良被试数据,究其原因我们认为这是由于一直让被试保持着弯腰和挺直的身体姿势会导致被试随着实验的推进而愈加疲劳,并自然而然的产生一些无关的干扰电位。综合所获得的行为与脑电数据,我们认为:经历不同坐姿刺激的被试,在对不同类型语料的理解上确实表现出了不同的行为反应与脑电差异。这种不同在行为反应上表现为挺直组的被试对那些能表现出自信、成功、成就、自豪等与“我能”内隐相关的语料的反应正确率更高,而弯腰组的被试则对那些表现出失败、无力、沮丧、落后等内隐的表现出“我不行”的词汇反应正确率更高,同时脑电的地形图与波形图也能直观的显示出挺直组被试与弯腰组被试在理解语料过程中的不同大脑认知加工过程。虽然行为数据中被试正确率与反应时的重复测量方差分析显示不同被试组间差异并不显著,但对所选取的四种波形成分N200、N400、P300、P600在FCZ,F3,F4,P3,P4,FP1,FP2,CZ八个电极点上的比较则出现了显著性差异或边缘显著差异。结果支持了实验的假设,证明了不同身体姿势的刺激会对被试的隐喻认知加工产生相应的影响。 实验三采用与实验二相同的实验方式,以尾词范式的正相关句、负相关句、无关句和错句作为被试的呈现语料,并以不同的情绪刺激作为对不同被试组别的具身刺激方式。用BrainProduct公司的ERP设备记录被试实验过程中对呈现语料所产生的脑电反应,E-prime软件记录行为数据,并在实验结束后进行问卷回忆。综合行为与脑电的数据,我们认为:经历不同情绪刺激的被试,在对不同类型语料的理解上确实表现出了不同的行为反应与脑电差异。这种不同在行为反应上表现为积极情绪组被试对那些能内隐地表现出被接受、被善待、被悦纳等相关句子的判断正确率更高,而消极情绪组的被试表现则与实验一和实验二相反——对那些表示被拒绝、被憎恨、被冷待等句子判断正确率更低了。脑电的地形图与波形图也能直观的显示出积极情绪组被试与消极情绪组被试在语料加工过程中确实有着不同的大脑认知加工过程。对被试行为数据的正确率与反应时的重复测量方差分析,以及对于电极点平均波幅的重复测量方差分析显示,不同被试组的间差异不显著。在对N200、N400、P300、P600四种成分的平均波形输出中,N400成分存在组间差异。因此我们认为相关的具身刺激对被试的行为与选择确实带来了一定的影响。实验结果在一定程度上验证了实验的假设,不同情绪刺激确实会对被试的隐喻认知加工产生一定的影响。 综合实验一、二和三的结论,本研究认为,1.具身效应对于中文隐喻认知加工具有促进或延缓作用,并且这种作用体现在被试的外显行为选择与脑电数据比较上;2.N400、P300等成分是隐喻材料理解加工敏感性的指标,其波幅、激活区域等指标是句子加工难度本身的反映;3.左右脑区在中文隐喻认知加工过程中的地位与作用是不对称的,左右脑区存在差异,且右脑应该是负责隐喻意义整合的区域。
[Abstract]:Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cognitive function. Contemporary cognitive science regards it as an important way and way for human understanding of things and understanding the world. With the current cognitive trend of cognition gradually accepted and attached to the mainstream cognitive science, it abandons the deficiency of the traditional scientific concept of physical and mental separation and emphasizes the body. The core features of action and situation in the whole cognitive process are also well known. Metaphor, as the essential way of thinking, is also being paid more and more attention to the trend of cognition. This paper, taking metaphor and metaphorical thinking as the breakthrough point, combines the relevant theories and empirical studies with physical and physical cognition, and the metaphor of metaphor. The physical nature of cognitive processing is introduced and demonstrated, and the behavior experiment and event related potential experiment are used as the research methods to explore and verify the physical nature of cognitive processing of metaphor.
This study takes the event related potential method of metaphorical online cognitive processing as the main research tool, and on the basis of the language attributes of the Chinese Metaphorical material itself (such as familiarity, normality, acceptability) and the relative physical behavior experiments (body perception, body posture and emotion), the selected corpus is used in the form of the previous questionnaire. The suitability, familiarity and the nature of the body are screened, and the three experiments are designed with the programming of E-prime software, in order to verify the physical character and its influence in the cognitive processing of Chinese metaphor, and to a certain extent, the neural mechanism of Chinese Metaphorical recognition processing is discussed.
Experiment one was designed with the tail word paradigm, which included four types of sentence, positive correlation sentence, negative correlation sentence and wrong sentence. Before and during the experiment, cold water, warm water and hot water were used to stimulate the subjects in advance, and the brain stimulated by the language material stimulation in the trial process of BrainProduct's ERP was used to record the brain. A E-prime software was used to record the behavior data of the response time and the correct rate of the presented corpus, and the questionnaires were recollection at the end of the experiment. The results of a comprehensive analysis of behavioral data and EEG data showed that subjects experiencing different temperature stimuli did show different behaviors in understanding different types of corpus. The difference between the reaction and the electroencephalogram. This difference shows that the response rate of the hot water group is higher in the hot water group, while the cold water group is more correct in the cold, cold and cold words, while the cold water group has a higher correct rate of "cold" words, while the EEG map and wave form are at the same time. The graph can also visualized the different brain cognitive processes in the process of processing of the cold water group and the hot water group in the processing of the corpus. The related physical stimulation has a certain effect on the behavior and selection of the subjects, and it is directly reflected in the explicit reaction. The difference analysis, and the repeated measurement of variance analysis for the average amplitude of the electrode point showed that the differences between the different subjects were not significant, and the gender differences of the subjects did not affect the results of the behavior response. In the statistical analysis of EEG data, the analysis of the brain topographic map and the waveform map showed differences, and the SPSS statistics showed that the P600 components were between groups. The difference is significant. We believe that the experimental results prove that different temperatures will affect the hypothesis of the cognitive processing of the subjects, and the temperature will have a certain effect on the metaphorical cognitive processing of the subjects.
Experiment two uses the positive correlation sentence of the tail word paradigm, negative correlation sentence, irrelevant sentence and wrong sentence as the presentation corpus of the subjects, with different sitting posture as a physical stimulus to different groups of subjects. Use the ERP equipment of BrainProduct company to record the electroencephalogram response produced by the corpus during the trial process, and record the number of behavior with the E-prime software. Compared to experiment one, experiment two removed more undesirable data during the off-line analysis, the reason we think it was that the body posture that kept the subjects bent and straight will cause the test to become more tired as the experiment advance, and naturally produce one. Some unrelated interference potentials. Combined with the obtained behavior and EEG data, we believe that the subjects who experienced different sitting stimuli did show different behavioral responses and EEG differences in the understanding of different types of corpus. Achievements, pride and so on are more correct in response to "I can" implicitly related materials, while the stooped subjects show more correct rates of vocabulary response to those who show failure, weakness, frustration and backwardness, and the topographic and wave chart of the EEG can also intuitively show a straight group of subjects and stoopes. The group was tested in different brain cognitive processes in the process of understanding the corpus. Although the repeated measurement variance analysis of the correct rate and response in the behavior data showed that the differences between the different subjects were not significant, but the comparison of the selected four kinds of waveform components N200, N400, P300, P600 in FCZ, F3, F4, P3, P4, FP1, FP2, CZ eight electrode points There are significant differences or marginal differences. The results support the hypothesis that the stimuli of different body positions have a corresponding effect on the cognitive processing of the subjects.
Experiment three used the same experimental method as experiment two, with the positive correlation sentence of the tail word paradigm, the negative correlation sentence, the irrelevant sentence and the wrong sentence as the presentation corpus of the subjects, and the different emotional stimuli as the physical stimulation to the different subjects. In the course of the trial experiment of BrainProduct's ERP, the presentation of the presentation was produced. The E-prime software records behavioral data and recalls the behavioral data after the experiment. Comprehensive behavior and EEG data, we believe that the subjects experiencing different emotional stimuli do show different behavioral responses and EEG differences in the understanding of different types of corpus. This difference is manifested in behavioral responses. The positive emotion group was more correct in judging those sentences that could implicitly be accepted, treated well and accepted, while the negative emotion group was performed on the contrary with experiment one and experiment two. The graph also shows that the positive emotion group and the negative emotion group do have different brain cognitive processes during the processing of the corpus. The analysis of the correct rate and the repeated measurement variance analysis of the tested behavior data and the repeated measurement of the average amplitude of the electrode points show that the different subjects are different. There is no significant difference between the four components of N200, N400, P300, P600, and there is a difference between groups in the average waveform output of the four components. Therefore, we believe that the related physical stimulation has a certain effect on the behavior and selection of the subjects. The metaphorical cognitive processing of the test has a certain influence.
In the conclusion of one, two and three comprehensive experiments, this study suggests that 1. physical effects can promote or postpone Chinese metaphorical cognitive processing, and this effect is reflected in the comparison between the explicit behavior selection and the EEG data of the subjects. 2.N400, P300 and other components are the index of metaphorical material understanding processing sensitivity, its amplitude, activation area and so on. The standard is the reflection of the difficulty of the sentence processing. The position and function of the brain area about 3. in the cognitive processing of Chinese metaphor is asymmetrical. There are differences in the left and right brain regions, and the right brain should be the area responsible for the integration of metaphorical meaning.


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