
发布时间:2018-07-14 12:40
[Abstract]:Handicraft is the most important skill expression in ancient society. This paper takes the Qing palace office as the research object, takes the technical social history as the research angle, adopts the literature investigation method, the contrast analysis method and the document metrology method, studies the historical evolution of the Qing palace building office, and probes into its historical significance. At the same time, try to respond to the Qing Palace Office of the artisanal skills reflected in the problem. Through the research, the article draws the following conclusions: first, the Qing Palace Office is a production institution of the Qing Dynasty, formed in the historical clues of the continuous improvement and development of the Qing Dynasty. Is under the guidance of Emperor Kangxi around the heart of the temple workshop and the formation of the Qing Dynasty imperial handcraft department. In the early Qing Dynasty, there existed the alternation between the Ministry of Industry system and the inner government system, and the establishment of the Office of the Qing Dynasty finally realized the transformation from the inner court production to the inner government system. Secondly, according to the amount of workload undertaken by the Qing palace office, the history of the office is divided into five periods: establishment period, development period, peak period, conservation period and extinction period. In the history of these changes, the name of the Qing palace building office has undergone changes such as "Yangxin Hall", "Building Office Office", "Yangxin Dian Office", "House Office Building Office", and so on. It has also experienced corresponding changes such as the Yangxin Temple and the Wushu Hall. Yangxin Temple Office and the House Office of the four stages. Third, the production network of the Qing palace office is all over the country, and its workshops are divided into two parts: inside and outside Beijing. The layout of the workshops in Beijing presents the characteristics of "city and garden double pattern", and the place of production outside Beijing is the supplement of the workshop in Beijing. The two ends of the imperial art network in the Qing Dynasty were the court and the place. Between the court and the place, the local skill represented by "snowdrift white" supports and complements the court skill from artisans, materials, utensils, etc. And the court art also by the circulation of objects to affect the local way. Fourth, emperors, officials and craftsmen played different roles in the Qing palace office. The two emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong enthusiastically participated in the production of the work as designers and managers; officials, especially those represented by Prince Yi Yunxiang, Haiwang and Tang Ying, were typical "technical officials". The artisans are the subjects of the Qing Palace with their personal ability and skill savvy in the management of every link of the Qing Palace Office. Between emperors and craftsmen, the role of artisans' subjectivity is not excluded by the participation of imperial power, on the contrary, there are some bright points in the craftsmen who cooperate with the demands of emperors through positive posture. Craftsmen from all over the country and even foreign countries cooperated with the monarchs to form the court skills of the Qing Dynasty. Fifth, the manufacturing function of the Qing palace office has the characteristic of "family and country duality". The unique features of the Qing palace office are the rich kinds of workshops and the types of skills. Therefore, it is the most concentrated handcraft exchange platform in Chinese history. And court art is the precious historical heritage left over by the Qing palace office.


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