
发布时间:2018-07-16 16:21
【摘要】:马克思的文化思想作为马克思主义理论体系中重要的、有机的构成单元,再现了马克思木人对文明、观念、思想、思潮、道德、宗教、意识形态及精神文明等文化构成子单元的基本认识和判断。准确把握马克思的文化思想,有助于理解马克思主义的整个理论体系,有助于推进中国特色社会主义精神文明、先进文化、国家软实力和社会主义核心价值观等方面的建设。然而,长期以来,国内外学术界对马克思文化思想的研究,侧重于在马克思主义的宏大范畴内展开,集中阐述了文化批判、文化本质等内容,缺少对马克思木人的针对性研究,也未能提炼出马克思对文化发展动力、发展规律及文化终极价值追求等方面的基本认识,鲜有将马克思散落的文化观点以严谨的逻辑加以建构。因此,鉴于马克思的文化思想是理解整个马克思主义文化理论的"秘钥"和"源泉"的考虑,鉴于马克思文化思想的普遍适用性和其研究方法的科学性,以及当前我国文化建设的实际需要,展开对马克思本人的文化思想的研究,既是理论发展创新的需要,也是中国特色社会主义文化建设的需求。对马克思文化思想的研究,通过采用文献研究法对《马克思恩格斯全集》进行详细的梳理,摘录出马克思本人有关文化、文明及意识形态等方面的论述。同时,参考《马克思恩格斯选集》、《马克思恩格斯文集》以及国内外有关马克思文化研究等相关资料,通过比较研究的方法,对马克思的文化思想进行全面的梳理、整理和分析。在此基础之上,采用总结归纳的方法对马克思关于文化的理论进行了逻辑性的归纳和架构。马克思文化思想作为文化理论"大厦"上的一个重要分支,不仅表现出与人类历史上东西方传统文化的密切相关性,而且对其之后的文化思想、文化发展及文化研究等方面,产生了深远的影响。马克思的文化思想是历史与现实"合力"的产物,基于历史的视角,马克思的文化思想超越了唯心主义哲学、经院哲学、宗教伦理和文化哲学的历史迷雾,从历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的立场,第一次阐述了文化的相关问题,使得马克思文化思想在世界观的层面上有了全新的突破,为其之后的思想发展提供了科学的哲学基点。另外,马克思文化思想中对政治、经济及社会等学说,又与德国古典哲学、英国古典政治经济学和法国空想社会主义等不同学术思想之间,存在着较为密切的关联性。基于现实视角的考察,马克思的文化思想与19世纪欧洲社会状况、欧洲的社会文化生态以及马克思个人和学术成长经历等因素密切相关。总之,马克思的文化思想是他对历史文化的传承、批判与创新和他对现实社会反思的双重结果。马克思的文化思想虽然散见于大量的文献之中,但是以系统论和解构的方法,通过对马克思经典著作的梳理和分析,能够厘清马克思文化思想内在的历史脉络和逻辑结构。唯物主义历史观和辩证思维的方法论是马克思文化思想的哲学前提,实践是马克思文化思想的逻辑起点,人的自由而全面发展是马克思文化思想的价值追求。马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义世界观与辩证思维方法的双重革命,不仅彻底改变了哲学史的发展方向,而且为认识世界、解释世界和改造世界,提供了全新的、科学的方法论。正是基于这一哲学前提,通过考察文化产生、发展和演变过程,提出了 "实践"的文化功能,论证了文化产生的源泉、存在的特征、发展的动力及发展的规律等基本问题,并经过对资本主义文化的批判和对无产阶级革命的探索,提出文化的价值追求——人的解放。因此,马克思的文化思想是一个严密的逻辑体系,是一个完整的文化理论框架。马克思从社会存在的历史唯物主义出发,紧紧围绕实践、劳动和生产力等理论,阐述了实践在文化发生中的决定性作用以及追求人类解放的文化价值所在,在此基础上,马克思揭示了文化作为人的本质的对象化产物的本质、文化的阶级性和传承性等特征,并历史性地考察了文化一国发展和全球发展以及不同社会阶段的文化发展形态,揭示出生产力发展等现实社会层面的驱动是文化发展动力所在以及文化从低级到高级螺旋式上升的发展规律。马克思的文化思想凸显出较强的经济特征、阶级特征和世界特征,在世界文化发展史上起到分水岭的作用,超越了之前的文化发展成就,开创了历史唯物主义的文化时代。马克思的文化思想对我国的文化建设具有极大的启示,推进我国的文化建设应该秉承马克思文化思想的哲学立论,坚持马克思文化思想的基本理论与中国的实际相结合,弘扬马克思文化思想的最高价值追求,不断推进我国的文化事业。总之,本文通过剖析马克思关于"文化"概念的认识,梳理出马克思文化思想的形成背景、逻辑进路及理论框架等基本文化理论,基本理清了马克思文化思想的发展脉络、研究范式和理论范畴。然而,马克思的文化思想是一个宏大的体系,研究马克思文化思想更是一项艰巨的学术任务,为此,关于马克思的文化思想研究,还有待不断深入、逐步深化,以期完整而准确地再现马克思的文化思想。
[Abstract]:As an important element in the theoretical system of Marx's theory, Marx's cultural ideology reproduces the basic understanding and judgment of the elements of Marx's cultural components of civilization, ideas, ideas, thought, thought, morality, religion, ideology and spiritual civilization. The accurate grasp of Marx's cultural thought will help to understand Marx. The whole theory system will help promote the construction of socialist spiritual civilization with Chinese characteristics, advanced culture, national soft power and socialist core values. However, for a long time, the research on Marx's cultural thought in the academic circles at home and abroad has focused on the grand category of Marx doctrine and concentrated on the text. The basic understanding of Marx's wooden man is lacking, and the basic understanding of Marx's motive for the development of culture, the law of development and the pursuit of the ultimate value of culture is also not refined. There are few cultural views of Marx to be constructed with strict logic. Therefore, in view of Marx's cultural thought, To understand the "secret key" and "source" of the whole Marx doctrine culture theory, in view of the universal applicability of Marx's cultural thought and the scientific nature of its research methods, and the actual needs of the current cultural construction of our country, the study of Marx's own cultural thought is not only the need of the theoretical development and innovation, but also the Chinese characteristic society. The needs of the cultural construction of the Communist Party. The study of Marx's cultural thought, through the literature study of the complete collection of Marx and Engels, excerpts Marx himself on culture, civilization and ideology. At the same time, we refer to the Max Don Gus selection, the Marx Engels literature and the home. On the basis of a comparative study of Marx's cultural research and other related materials, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis and analysis of Marx's cultural thoughts through a comparative study. On this basis, a logical induction and framework of Marx's theory of culture is carried out by the method of summary and induction. As a cultural theory, Marx's cultural thought is a "big" theory. An important branch of Xiamen not only shows the close correlation with the traditional culture of the East and the West in the history of human beings, but also has a profound influence on the cultural thought, cultural development and cultural research after it. Marx's cultural thought is the product of the combination of history and reality, and Marx's culture is based on the historical perspective. The thought transcends the misty history of idealist philosophy, scholasticism, religious ethics and cultural philosophy. From the standpoint of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, the first time expounds the related problems of culture, which makes Marx's cultural thought have a new breakthrough on the level of the world outlook and provides science for the development of his thoughts. In addition, in Marx's cultural thought, there is a close relationship between the different theories of politics, economy and society, such as the German classical philosophy, the British classical political economics and the French utopian socialism. From the perspective of reality, Marx's cultural thought and the European Society in nineteenth Century. The situation, the social and cultural ecology of Europe and Marx's personal and academic growth experience are closely related. In a word, Marx's cultural thought is the double result of his inheritance, criticism and innovation and his reflection on the real society. Marx's cultural thought is scattered in a large number of documents, but it is systematic. And the method of deconstruction, through the carding and analysis of Marx's classic works, we can clarify the inner historical context and logical structure of Marx's cultural thought. The materialist view of history and the methodology of dialectical thinking are the philosophical premise of Marx's cultural thought, and practice is the logical starting point of Marx's literary thought, and the free and comprehensive development of human beings. It is the value pursuit of Marx's cultural thought. The dual revolution of Marx's dialectical materialism and historical materialism and dialectical thinking methods has not only completely changed the direction of the development of the history of philosophy, but also provided a new and scientific methodology for the understanding of the world, the interpretation of the world and the transformation of the world. It is based on this philosophical premise, Through the investigation of the process of culture, development and evolution, the cultural function of "practice" is put forward, and the basic problems of the source of culture, the characteristics of the existence, the motive force of development and the law of development are demonstrated, and the value pursuit of culture, the liberation of the human being, is put forward by the criticism of the capitalist culture and the exploration of the proletarian revolution. Therefore, Marx's cultural thought is a strict logic system and a complete framework of cultural theory. From the historical materialism of social existence, Marx focuses on the theory of practice, labor and productivity, and expounds the cultural value of the decisive role of practice in the occurrence of culture and the pursuit of human liberation. On the basis of this, Marx revealed the essence of culture as the object of human nature, the character of culture's class nature and inheritance, and historically examined the development of one country and the development of the world as well as the form of cultural development in different social stages, and revealed that the driving force of the realistic social level, such as the development of productive forces, was the motive force of cultural development. As well as the law of the development of culture from low to advanced spiral, Marx's cultural thoughts highlight the strong economic characteristics, class characteristics and world characteristics, play a watershed in the history of world cultural development, transcend the achievements of the previous cultural development, and create a cultural age of historical materialism. Marx's essay. It has great inspiration for the cultural construction of our country. To promote the cultural construction of our country, we should uphold the philosophical theory of Marx's cultural thought, adhere to the combination of the basic theory of Marx's cultural thought and the reality of China, carry forward the highest value pursuit of Marx's cultural thought and continue to promote the cultural cause of our country. In a word, this article Through the analysis of Marx's understanding of the concept of "culture", the basic cultural theory, such as the background of the formation of Marx's cultural thought, the logical approach and the theoretical framework, has clearly clarified the development of Marx's cultural thought and the research paradigm and theory category. However, Marx's cultural thought is a grand system, studying Marx. Cultural thought is a more arduous academic task. For this reason, the study of Marx's cultural thought needs to be deepened and gradually deepened so as to reproduce Marx's cultural thought in a complete and accurate way.




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