
发布时间:2018-07-20 10:27
[Abstract]:From Fujian to Taiwan's Hakka, its native land is mainly concentrated in Sau Zhuan town and Guan Bei Town, Zhaoan County of Zhangzhou city in Southern Fujian, Lake pit town and Xia Yang Town in Yongding District, Longyan city of Fujian Province. After migrating to Taiwan, the Fujian Hakka dialects not only have contact with the language of the original people, but also contact with the strong dialect of Minnan dialect, and also have the "four counties". The contact between the Hakka and the Hakka dialects, such as "the cavity", "the sea land cavity", and so on. These different levels of contact made the Hakka dialects originating from the same migrants native to the Taiwan different changes. The evolution and evolution of the Hakka dialects from Fujian to Taiwan in different language environments in Taiwan are combed, and the historical features and evolution paths of the phonetics are investigated through the synchronic comparison between the various points of the middle ancient sound rhyme (mainly with the native land of immigrant). At the same time, the language contact of the Hakka dialects in Taiwan Fujian Province is summed up on this basis. The different laws of the ancient and transmutation of speech in the background.


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