
发布时间:2018-07-18 17:24
[Abstract]:The study of metaphysics poetry mainly revolves around its theme and means of expression. For the theme, the subject of metaphysics is found to include two aspects of secular and religious themes, but their studies are mostly based on the characteristics of the subject itself, such as the complexity of Donne's works showing the coexistence of secularism and religion, and Marvell's poetry highlights "and The characteristics of "time", Herbert and karshaw's poems contain obvious religious feelings. Some researchers put the work of the school in the historical context of the 16,17 century. It is thought that only the culture of the time made the two sides of the theme of his poetry. And the scholars associate the works with the personal experiences of the poets and consider the poet's life. A few scholars have discussed the memory of Herbert's poetry, but only the discussion of his poetry can strengthen the memory and emotion of the contemporary religion. Similarly, the understanding of the metaphysical poetry techniques in the academic world is mostly adopted by Dr. Johnson's negative comments on the metaphor: happy The recent study also found that the metaphor contained a process of image construction, so the writing techniques of metaphysics had visual characteristics. Although the academic circles paid attention to the image of the metaphysics poetry, they or they were only a technique to discuss the "metaphor", " The characteristics of "Emblem" and "poetic poetry" have not been paid attention to by the metaphysical poets. In addition, some scholars like to use the word "allegorical painting" as a general name for various rhetorical devices used in metaphysics. This research direction ignores the most significant features of Emblem itself, and is used to sum up the metaphor, including the metaphor. Different rhetorical devices appear somewhat general. In fact, although the social history and human civilization are developing in a linear structure, most of the development is the form of material civilization. On the vertical level of history, the form, structure and even cultural connotations of human society always show an astonishing similarity. Is there any connection between culture? If so, what is the relationship between the two? And why does metaphysical poetry present such nostalgia? In addition, all kinds of rhetorical devices used by metaphysics are all involved in the process of image construction. What are the relationship between the rhetorical devices and memory with image features? And the metaphysical poets include The poets of different beliefs have different religious and political positions in their educational parties. Then why do the poets with different beliefs adopt the creative techniques of image construction? Based on previous studies and thinking about the above questions, this paper puts the theme of metaphysics in cultural memory that has not been paid much attention by the predecessors. With the support of the theory of memory and the theory of iconography, it is believed that the ancient Greek hedonistic memory and the religious memory of the medieval mysticism created the secularity and religion of the metaphysics. The reason is that the poet's contact with the ancient Greek culture or the medieval culture and the chance and character of the poet itself are due to the inheritance of culture. Therefore, the metaphysical poetry has a memory construction of the past culture. In the ancient Greek society, there were religious theology, which advocated meat appetite and spiritual enjoyment, the contemporary philosophy and the corresponding social performance, as well as the portrayal of the metaphysical poets Donne and Marvell, and the portrayal of the carnal pleasure and the spiritual enjoyment; in the middle ages, there were Christian mysticism gods. Under the theory of the mystic experience of meditation on Christ, marriage and devotion to love, in the metaphysics, Herbert and crshaw have a similar religious experience. The metaphysical poets have a direct and significant relationship with the memory emblem of their themes with the rhetorical devices with image features: image manipulation. It is for memory, because the image has always had a profound origin with the memory tradition, and the image is the best way to wake and deepen the memory. The reason why the poets use images to construct memory is closely related to the historical context of the seventeenth Century. Therefore, metaphysics, images and memory are closely linked to the three: Metaphysics poets use all kinds of times. The theme of "nostalgia", which has the role of "Defamiliarization", has the poetic effect of arousing or strengthening the memory of the traditional culture. The purpose is to express the poet's attention and attachment to the traditional culture in the face of the change of the times, and to keep a lot of discomfort in the transformation of the society at that time. Therefore, this article elucidates the memory tradition of metaphysics in the study of metaphysics in Britain in seventeenth Century. The thesis is divided into four chapters in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The introduction is mainly about the origin of the topic, the theoretical support, the literature review and the introduction of the main contents of the literature. The memory of metaphysics is presented by four different characteristics: metaphor, allegorical, deformable and pictorial poetry. The metaphor is the linguistic presentation of the metaphysical poet "wit", which combines unrelated concepts or objects together, and often contains paradoxical tension. So the image narrative technique which contains the metaphor is manifested by the paradox or tension of the picture. The metaphysical poets or the paradoxes of the imagery, or the contrast of the form and content, or the rhetorical techniques of "sudden drop" are used to show the paradoxes or tension of the imagery. The image elements are realized by two ways: one is the picture itself. With its "dominant" image, light, color, and space, the reader can capture the meaning of poetry through the senses; two is the "recessive picture" contained in the poetry, the image in the poetry, the color of the composition, the light and dark, and so on. The analogy of the state and abstract inner activity is presented to enhance the reader's sensory perception, while the deformable narrative is the wind of Barok's culture, the multi angle, multilevel change, or the painting of the entire poetic picture, which makes the poetry back from the realism of the classicism and has modernism. The impression of the impressionist style. A poem can be regarded as the most classic visual poem. Poetry has a very strong picture effect through the combination of words. And a poem is mainly used to convey visual effects in shape, and a sense of visual perception, that is, the size and volume of the image are reflected by the most basic single bits - lines: the length and the length of the lines. Size, the position of the line is set to build a figure, volume and the spatial level of things. In some poems, there are such elements. These four rhetorical devices are not limited to the use of a poet, and a poet is not only dependent on a means of expression, but is used by the characteristics of poetry. The two chapter mainly discusses the cultural memory of metaphysics and the hedonism of ancient Greece. The affirmation of secular life in the metaphysical poetry, the advocacy of the popular music and the pursuit of human love all show the rebirth of the ancient Greek hedonism memory of the Renaissance in sixteenth Century. The hedonism in ancient Greece was prevalent. Their theology, philosophy and this production were produced. The way of life embodies this value: the ancient Greeks created the gods according to the needs of human beings. Therefore, God is the incarnation of human beings and the desire of unfettered life. In addition, the greeny and Epicurus schools put forward the "happy" philosophy to encourage the world to have no time and time. Under such values, ancient Greece The thought of man's enjoyment of pleasure was affirmed, praised and sublimated. Therefore, the ancient Greeks sought pleasure. This culture passed through the memory of words and books to the 16,17 century. The revival of the Renaissance made this memory "awakened". Two of the metaphysical poets, represented mainly by Donne and Marvell, were remembered for this. They have been constructed by contact and personal experience and personality factors. Donne, before the conversion to the national religion, created many love poems, among which there was a bold description of love to encourage the world to enjoy the happiness of the world. A poet, Marvell, also draws strange images from the new discoveries of astronomy, geography and science and often uses the technique of deformable narration to show the theme of poetry. This is reflected in several of his popular classics. The third chapter of the thesis mainly discusses metaphysical poetry and the cultural memory of medieval constipation. Metaphysical poets are all religious poets. Although they have different beliefs, they all worship God devoutly, so strong religious feelings are an important feature of their poetry. The flow of religious feelings shows the recollection of the strong Christian mysticism culture in the Middle Ages after the ancient Greek and Rome civilization. It is characterized by religious mysticism. Mysticism usually refers to a pattern of physical and mental experience for individuals to explore the way of God and the kingdom of heaven by the body and mind. To meditate on Christ, to marry and devote himself to love is the transcendental state of the medieval mysticism. The profound religious culture in the middle ages did not withdraw from the historical stage in the Renaissance. In the metaphysics, the poets represented by Herbert and crabshaw were also in the poetry of the medieval mysticism because of the contact of the memory and personal life and character and character factors. Memory construction. In their works, there is also a description of the medieval mysticism about the meditation of Christ, the marriage and devotion to love. And a poet who is very sensitive to the image sense of the text, Herbert mainly uses the means of "like poetry" to express religious memory. The poet has brought the complex and luxuriant image and style of Barok's culture into poetry, and uses the form of "allegorical painting" to show Barok's sentiments of religious meditation, ecstasy emotion and devotion. The fourth chapter of the thesis mainly discusses the creation context of metaphysical poetry in image memory. The influence of the following four factors. First, the Stuart Dynasty's love of visual art greatly promoted the development of the visual art of the British Isles. Culture flourished, and it was influenced by the visual processing of the Barok culture that swept Europe in seventeenth Century: the peculiar quality of the metaphysics was largely derived from Barok's paradox based on analogy; Barok's way of painting with a regiment, a block processing and a vantage style. The metaphysical poets used the rhetorical expression of similar deformation narration, while the preference for color in Barok's visual concept made the metaphysical poets fond of contrasting the theme with contrasting contrasting colors. Furthermore, the British national religion also took a nod of acquiescence to the development of visual art: Elizabeth I adopted the stability of the Political Bureau. The moderate religious reform measures did not completely remove the elements of Catholicism, and the Calvin Protestant teachings with a view to the image were not completely involved in the life outside the church, so the visual art and the life of the ordinary people were not completely isolated. Finally, in addition to the contact of the metaphysics poets to the visual culture, the performance of their works The final part points out that all kinds of new technologies and new trends of thought in the seventeenth Century of metaphysical poets lived in England.




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