
发布时间:2018-08-18 21:30
[Abstract]:Priority attention to value-related stimuli is adaptive and can avoid loss and maximize reward. In previous studies, the characteristics of reward association were all single visual features related to task (e.g., color, shape, direction). However, the choice of attention for a certain feature was regulated by spatial position. When reward association, task It is not clear how the relevant features are regulated by spatial information. In order to explore this issue, this study uses joint information (i.e. the combination of task-related color features and spatial information) to predict rewards and examine value-driven attention capture. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of spatial location information and color and spatial position information in value-driven attention capture. The same stimulus and low reward in two adjacent locations were linked and designed for 2 (reward level: high, low) *2 (stage: 1, 2) subjects. The results showed that attention could be captured only when distractors appeared in the neutral position between high and low reward positions or between two high reward positions. In the training stage, two adjacent positions were connected with high and low rewards (i.e. removing the neutral position between the two high reward positions) and 2 (reward level: high, low) *2 (stage: 1, 2) subjects were designed. In the test stage, the single factor design (distraction position: no appearance, high) was performed. The results showed that only when distractors appeared in high reward positions could attention be captured. The results supported the overall effect. Experiment 3 examined the interaction between color and location information in value-driven attention capture. Twenty-four subjects participated in the experiment. In the training stage, the color and position were combined to predict the reward, which was 2 (reward level: high, low)*2 (stage: 1, 2). In the test stage, the presentation of distraction was 2 (color: high reward color, low reward color)*5 (position: high reward position, low reward position, neutral position between high reward, low reward position). The results showed that attention could be captured only when the high reward color appeared in the neutral position between the high reward position and the high reward position. Experiment 4 explored the value-driven attention capture effect based on spatial scenarios. Twenty-four subjects participated in the experiment. The results showed that attention could be captured only when distractors appeared in high-reward scenarios. Experiment 5 examined the interaction between color and spatial joint information in value-driven attention capture. 24 subjects participated in the experiment. During the training phase, one scenario was used. Color A was associated with a high reward, while color B in another scenario was associated with a low reward, and was designed for 2 (reward level: high, low) *6 (stage: 1-6). The test phase was 3 (color: high reward color, low reward color, distraction free)*3 (scenario: high reward scenario, low reward scenario, neutral scenario). Design. The results showed that high-reward colors captured attention in all scenarios. After the experiment of study 1 and study 2, subjects were asked to complete the reward-association questionnaire. The experimental results showed that most of the subjects could be aware of the reward-association rule explicitly during the training phase. The role and mechanism of value-driven attention capture included two experiments. Experiment 6 examined whether the reward-linked task-independent color stimuli as prominent distractors could capture attention. Parity Consistency of Side and Target Numbers: Consistency, Inconsistency. The test phase was designed as a single factor (distractors present: absence, high-reward distractors present, low-reward distractors present). The results showed that, when high-reward colors appear as prominent distractors, the range is larger than that of low-reward colors. Experiments 7 examined whether the task-independent color stimuli of reward-link could capture attention as non-prominent distractors, and whether the value-driven attention-capture effect was due to spatial transfer or filtering costs. 18 participants participated in the experiment. The experimental setup of training and testing phases The results of behavioral data showed that the color distractors associated with high rewards could still capture attention when they were no longer highlighted. ERPs data showed that the distractors associated with high rewards did not induce N2pc components. The following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The reward predictive information is sufficient and necessary for the production of value-driven attention capture. The reward predictive information can be task-related, such as the color and location of the target, or task-independent, such as the scene in which the target stimulus exists or the distracted stimulus features unrelated to the target. Value-driven attention capture effect can be produced by measuring and distinguishing different amount of rewards. (2) Value-driven attention capture produced by location has a certain generalization, which shows that distractors can also produce value-driven attention capture effect when they appear in the neutral position between two high rewards. This generalization is due to training. (3) When color and position were combined to predict reward, individuals were able to "bind" the joint features of color and position to establish a link with reward at the training stage; the link established at the training stage could not be generalized to some features. (4) When color and scene were combined to predict reward. In the training stage, most of the subjects were able to perceive the association between information and reward, and the individuals were able to learn the explicit relationship between information and reward. (6) The distracted stimulus characteristics associated with high reward in the training stage were tested. The results of ERPs show that attention capture is not caused by spatial shift of attention, but by filtering cost.


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