
发布时间:2018-11-21 20:40
[Abstract]:The Arab nation is a national unity, and the Arab national identity is the recognition and the sense of belonging to the Arabs. The origin of the Arab nation itself is complex, and the national identity of the Arab nation has always been affected by the same multi-identity, such as the religious identity, the national identity, the blood relation and the regional etc., and the different forms and features are embodied in the course of the historical development. Based on the concept of the national identity, this paper divides the historical evolution of the Arab national identity into five different periods according to the expression of the Arab national identity in different historical stages, and studies and discusses the performance and the characteristics of it in each period. And from the three levels of history, culture and politics, the paper probes into the overall characteristics of the Arab national identity and the influence on the growth of the Arab nation and the situation of the political and social situation in the Arab region. The thesis is divided into three main parts: introduction, text and conclusion. In this section, the introduction section introduces the reason, the significance, the literature review and the research method of the thesis's writing. This paper focuses on combing the academic achievements of Chinese and foreign scholars in the field of national research and the problems of national identity, and drawing out some of the theories to be discussed in the paper. The text is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the elaboration and combing of the theory concept. From the basic concept of the national identity, the level of the national identity, the value and the function of the national identity, the theoretical knowledge involved in the national identity of the Arab nation is discussed. The second chapter to the sixth chapter are to analyze, sum up and interpret the historical evolution of the Arab national identity according to different historical stages. The second chapter is the identity of the Arabs in the time of the Jahili. The Arabian Peninsula is the home of the Arab, the common geographic environment, the blood relationship and the language factor provide the preparation condition for the Arab to produce the mutual agreement. In this period, the main living state of the Arabs is the nomadic tribal system. In the collective life, the Arabs have the tribal identity of the tribe, and also produced the whole consciousness and the desire for the same. However, the national identity of the Arabs has not yet been truly produced during the period of the Jahili period, and there are still many unstable factors. The third chapter is the Arab identity of the Islamic period. The founding of Islam has planted a nation's seed, laying the foundation for the recognition of the Arab nation, and promoting the formation of the national identity of the Arab nation. The production of the Arab national identity is closely related to the establishment and the external communication of Islam. Islam has broken the tribal identity based on the ties of blood, the Arabic language of the religious language and the increasingly stable social life created a good environment for the cohesion of the Arab identity. During this period, the Arab peoples began to form, and the national identity was a prerequisite for religion, with the aim of being Arab as a means of development, with the dual character of religion and ethnicity. The fourth chapter is the Arab national identity of the Ottoman period. The Arabs were under the rule of the foreign family during this period. Under the double pressure of the Ottoman Empire and the Western colonial power, the Arab identity is in a suppressed state. With the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab national identity began to awaken. The Arab began to seek an independent national identity and gave the nation a new connotation. Since the national rejuvenation and the national independence are the subject of the national life of the stage, the national identity and the religious identity and the national identity have achieved a certain degree of harmony. The fifth chapter is the recognition of the modern Arab nation. in that modern time, the Arabs oppose the Western colonialism, and the struggle for national liberation has won the victory. In the 1950s and 1960s, the trend of the Arab nationalism became the mainstream of the times, and the Arabs had taken a step towards the unity of the people in the political practice, and the Arab national identity also reached the climax. The national identity of this period is the reinforcing agent of the Arab national unity, which has promoted the unity of the Arab unity of national unity. In addition, the ethnic identity has begun to differentiate between the religious identity and the national identity, and the complexity of the multiple identification is beginning to unfold. Chapter six is the identity of the contemporary Arab nation. The chapter describes the status of the Arab national identity in the contemporary and the key factors that affect its development. The Cold War mentality of the two major powers of the United States of America has torn and contested the identity of the Arab nation, and the Arab national identity in the process of globalization has been hit by many aspects such as politics, economy and culture, and the chaos of the Middle East has put a test on the national identity of the Arab nation. The ethnic identity of the Arab nation is subject to the division of the political interests in the present day, and is also subject to the multiple effects of other identity. Chapter 7 is a multi-level view of the Arab national identity. From the historical level, the national identity of the Arab nation has the continuity in history, and it is the historical existence that can't be denied. But it also has experienced different historical stages, presenting a wave-like, unstable state of development. From the cultural level, the Arab peoples agree to use Arabic as a tie and mark, have the religious color of Islam, and attach importance to the history and traditions of the nation. From the political level, the national identity of the Arab nation is influenced by the political and political realities on the one hand, and on the other hand, the development of the political practice is also promoted. The paper concludes that understanding the national identity of the Arab nation should combine the history of the Arab nation and view the fluctuation of the identity of the Arab nation. The Arab national identity is the self-expression of the Arab sense of common group. At present, the Arab society is volatile, the country is torn apart, each self-government, the sectarian conflict continues to ferment, the problem of terrorism is cluster. In such a mess, the strengthening of the Arab national identity has helped to help alleviate the conflict between the Arab States and to increase the mutual affection between the Arabs. The Arab national identity of the contemporary society has become a political mainstream, and more is a cultural identity. The Arabs must recognize and treat the issue of national identity with an open cultural attitude, develop the national identity of the Arab nation from the perspective of culture and thought, and form an Arab culture with national characteristics and harmonious development with the world culture, To strengthen the unity and friendship of the Arab peoples and to consolidate the national identity of the Arab people.


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