
发布时间:2019-04-10 17:28
[Abstract]:Based on the background of the dramatic development from 1949 to 1966 in New China, this paper explores the development process of stage art according to the representative drama and drama repertoire in this period, and interprets it one by one in theory construction. From the reform of traditional opera, the construction of specialized drama troupes, the exploration of "nationalization" of drama, and the promotion of modern opera of Beijing Opera, it basically constitutes the survival pattern of "seventeen years" drama in New China. Under the specific historical environment, the early stage construction of the New China Drama not only gave birth to many successful stage works, but also produced a group of outstanding directors, actors and stage artists, who concentrated on the spirit of the people's Republic of China. And affected the artistic style of drama development. As an organic part of theatrical performance, stage art is in the stage of reforming the ideological trend and the concept of drama, and stepping into the initial stage of new China. This paper attempts to sort out and record the development of stage art in Seventeen years through the following three chapters. The first chapter is the start-up period of stage art (1994-1956). Organize and record the general situation of theatrical performance (drama, opera), try to discuss the initial development of stage art in New China. Under the background of the Sino-foreign drama exchange (1950 / 1965), the establishment of the drama education system in New China has been promoted through the cooperation of international education, the exchange of international students and the hiring of experts to give lectures. This historical period of drama exchange, new China stage art education and talent training far-reaching impact. The third chapter is the exploration and argument of stage art nationalization (1957 / 1966). From the 1950s to the early 1960s, drama and drama learn from each other-exploring the nationalization and diversity of drama literature, director, performance and stage art. Finally, from the historical point of view, thinking about the development and evolution of the "17 years" stage art in the context of drama. To sum up, after the founding of New China, the stage art research is in a new social and political environment and cultural atmosphere-namely, the historical era of socialist revolution and socialist construction. In order to adapt to this era, the study of stage art, like the study of the whole drama art, tries to explore and establish a new pattern.


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