
发布时间:2019-05-29 09:35
[Abstract]:Buddhism takes equality and compassion as the main spirit and is easy to integrate into the belief culture of different countries and regions in the world. Then affect the social life of the place of transmission, for the development of many aspects of the place to provide cultural impetus. The relationship of cultural exchanges between Vietnam and China has a long history, and Buddhism is one of the main contents of cultural exchanges between the two countries. Vietnamese Buddhism has been deeply influenced by Chinese Buddhism in terms of thought, inheritance, practice, etiquette, sacrifice, architecture and so on. At the same time, it has formed its own characteristics and created a philosophical thought and way of holding with the color of national culture. Among them, the Zhulin Zen School, which originated in the Chen Dynasty, adheres to the spirit of China's entry into WTO, and the thought of living in the dust and music is the most prominent. Chinese Buddhism has a profound influence on Vietnamese Buddhism in different periods, and this study is limited to the stage from the 17th century to the eighteenth century. This study mainly discusses and studies the influence of Chinese Buddhism on Vietnamese Buddhism in this stage, and sums up and summarizes the characteristics of Vietnamese Buddhism in this stage. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the political situation in Vietnam and China was grim, regime change, constant war, social unrest, and the people were in dire straits. On the one hand, many Chinese monks followed merchant ships to Vietnam to carry forward Buddhist Dharma and introduced Chinese traditional Zen ideas into Vietnam, bringing unprecedented opportunities for the rapid development of Vietnamese Buddhism, and for Vietnamese literature, ballads, idioms and other literary forms. Daily language, social moral values, stage art, architecture, sculpture and other artistic forms, as well as customs and habits have an impact. On the other hand, although Vietnam's territory continues to expand, the war has brought great spiritual trauma to the people and provided the soil for the development of Buddhism. At this time, the great rejuvenation of the Zen School of Bamboo Forest, the most Vietnamese Zen School, is interacting with the two Zen schools of Linji and Cao Dong in China. Although it is greatly influenced by Chinese Buddhism, Vietnamese Buddhism has not completely lost its own characteristics, such as: Zen pure double practice, integration of Zen schools, three religions of the same origin, the spirit of China's entry into WTO, and so on. From the 17th to the 18th century, the Chinese Zen master who came to Vietnam, with his selfless dedication and profound Buddhist attainments, completely conquered Master Nguyen and Master Zheng, and laid the way for the Zen master who came to Vietnam to spread Dharma in the future. During this period, many Chinese Zen masters were invited to Kyoto Shunhua in Tangzhong to teach Dharma to the officials and children of the palace, to hold an altar, to organize practice, and to promote the construction of many majestic and beautiful Buddhist temples. Etc. To be sure, the influence of Chinese Zen masters on Vietnamese Buddhism was not only limited to the 17th and 18th centuries, but also extended to the present. At present, most monasteries in Vietnam still have the architectural characteristics of Chinese Buddhism, and their names are still with Chinese or Chinese characters. The life of monks and nuns in the Taoist monasteries still retains the previous scene. Although the development of Vietnamese Buddhism is deeply influenced by Chinese Buddhism, it also forms its own different characteristics in the process of development in different historical stages, each stage is closely related to the rise and fall of a sectarian. From the 17th century to the 18th century, the Vietnamese Buddhist circles showed the scene of the two Zen schools originated in China, Cao Dong, and Anzi Zhulin Zen School, which was born in China, and the three Zen schools mingled with each other and developed together. It has become the most representative stage in the history of Vietnamese Buddhism. On the basis of the deep blending of the three Zen schools, the Guanchen School in Tong, Vietnam, is a combination of the essence of the Chinese Linji Zen School and the Chinese Cao Dong Zen School. The Lianzong Zen School outside the Tong of Vietnam is the combination of the Chinese Linji Zen School and the Vietnamese Anzi Bamboo Forest Zen School. This became the typical basis for the blending of Buddhist cultures between Vietnam and China in the 17 th and 18 th centuries.


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