
发布时间:2021-07-30 07:23

【文章来源】:山东大学山东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:249 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Statement of the Problem
    1.3 Purpose and Method of the Study
    1.4 Significance of the Study
    1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Classifiers in Chinese Language
        2.2.1 Definitions of Chinese Classifiers
        2.2.2 Classification of Chinese Classifiers
        2.2.3 Working Definition of Classifiers in the Study
    2.3 Properties of Chinese Classifiers
        2.3.1 Syntactic Properties of Chinese Classifiers
        2.3.2 Semantic Properties of Chinese Classifiers
        2.3.3 Pragmatic Properties of Chinese Classifiers
    2.4 Studies on L1 Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
        2.4.1 Studies on the Acquisition Order of Chinese Classifiers
        2.4.2 Studies on the Acquisition of Different Types of Chinese Classifiers
    2.5 Studies on L2 Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
        2.5.1 Studies on Classifier Errors
        2.5.2 Studies on the Effect Factors for Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
        2.5.3 Studies on the Effect of Chinese Proficiency and LI Background
    2.6 Classifiers in Lao and Quantifying Constructions in English
    2.7 Research Gaps and Research Questions
    2.8 Chapter Summary
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Sources of Data
        3.3.1 Judgment Task
        3.3.2 Description Task
        3.3.3 Writing Task
    3.4 Data Collection
        3.4.1 Selecting and Grouping Participants
        3.4.2 Conducting the Pilot Study
        3.4.3 Conducting the Main Study
    3.5 Data Analysis
        3.5.1 Coding and Scoring for Judgment Task
        3.5.2 Coding and Scoring for Description Task
        3.5.3 Coding and Scoring for Writing Task
        3.5.4 Statistical Treatment of the Data
    3.6 Chapter Summary
Chapter Four The Acquisition of Classifier Constructions
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions at Different Proficiency Levels
        4.2.1 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions at Low Level
        4.2.2 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions at Intermediate Level
        4.2.3 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions at High Level
        4.2.4 Cross-Level Patterns and Discrepancies
    4.3 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions with Different L1 Backgrounds
        4.3.1 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions by the English Group
        4.3.2 Acquisition of Classifier Constructions by the Lao Group
        4.3.3 Between-Group Similarities and Differences
    4.4 Effects of Classifier Type on the Acquisition of Classifier Constructions
    4.5 Interaction of Classifier Constructions, Proficiency, and Classifier Type
    4.6 Chapter Summary
Chapter Five The Acquisition of Semantic Constraints
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints at Different Proficiency Levels
        5.2.1 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints at Low Level
        5.2.2 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints at Intermediate Level
        5.2.3 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints at High Level
        5.2.4 Cross-Level Patterns and Discrepancies
    5.3 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints with Different L1 Backgrounds
        5.3.1 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints by the English Group
        5.3.2 Acquisition of Semantic Constraints by the Lao Group
        5.3.3 Between-Group Similarities and Differences
    5.4 Effect of Semantic Categories on the Acquisition of Semantic Constraints
    5.5 Chapter Summary
Chapter Six The Integrative Use of Chinese Classifiers
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Use of Classifiers at Different Proficiency Levels
        6.2.1 Use of Classifiers at Low Level
        6.2.2 Use of Classifiers at Intermediate Level
        6.2.3 Use of Classifiers at High Level
        6.2.4 Cross-Level Patterns and Discrepancies on Classifiers Use
    6.3 Use of Classifiers with Different L1 Backgrounds
        6.3.1 Use of Classifiers by the English Group
        6.3.2 Use of Classifiers by the Lao Group
        6.3.3 Between-Group Similarities and Differences
    6.4 Misuse and Overuse of Chinese Classifiers
        6.4.1 Misuse of Classifier Constructions
        6.4.2 Misuse of Classifier-Noun Pairing
        6.4.3 Overuse of the General Classifier ge
    6.5 Chapter Summary
Chapter Seven Discussion
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Earlier Acquisition of the Numeral Construction
    7.3 Failed Acquisition of the Adjective Insertion Construction
    7.4 Interactive Effects of Chinese Proficiency and Classifier Type
    7.5 Earlier Acquisition of zhi, zhang, and liang
    7.6 Difficulties in Acquiring the Semantic Transparency of Classifiers
    7.7 Overregularization of the General Classifier ge
    7.8 Better Performance of Lao CSL Learners
    7.9 Asymmetrical Nature of the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
        7.9.1 Asymmetry in L2 Proficiency and the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
        7.9.2 Asymmetry in Acquisition of Constructions and Semantic Constraints
        7.9.3 Asymmetry in Use of ge and Use of Specific Classifiers
    7.10 Toward a Model of L2 Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
    7.11 Chapter Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
    8.1 Summary of the Study
    8.2 Pedagogical Implications for CSL Instructions
        8.2.1 Applying Classification of Classifiers Oriented to CSL Learners
        8.2.2 Monitoring the Use of ge
        8.2.3 Paying Close Attention to the Effect of L1 Background
        8.2.4 Emphasizing the Teaching of Classifier-Noun Pairing of Classifiers
        8.2.5 Recognizing the Significance of "Classifier Errors"
    8.3 Limitations of the Study
    8.4 Suggestions for Future Studies
    8.5 Concluding Remarks
Appendix Ⅰ:Personal Information Questionnaire
Appendix Ⅱ:A Test of Chinese Grammar
Appendix Ⅲ:Acceptance Judgment Task
Appendix Ⅳ:The Description Task
Appendix Ⅴ:The Writing Task

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