
发布时间:2021-09-05 13:37

【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:402 页


摘要(Abstract in Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Definitions of evidentiality
        1.1.1 Evidentiality in narrow sense
        1.1.2 Evidentiality in broad sense
        1.1.3 Working definition of evidentiality in this study
    1.2 Rationale of the study
        1.2.1 Why study evidentiality?
        1.2.2 Why study evidentiality in journal research articles?
   Research articles
   Previous empirical studies on evidentiality
   Limitations of previous studies on evidentiality
        1.2.3 Why from the cognitive functional perspective?
   Previous approaches to evidentiality
   Limitations of previous approaches on evidentility
    1.3 Objectives and research questions
    1.4 Methodology and data source
        1.4.1 The corpora
        1.4.2 Annotation method
        1.4.3 Analytical procedure
    1.5 Originality of this study
    1.6 Organization of the dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Classification of evidentiality
        2.1.1 Previous studies on classifications of evidentiality
        2.1.2 Classification of evidentiality of this study
    2.2 Lexico-grammatical realizations of evidentials
        2.2.1 Direct evidentials
   Visual evidentials
   Non-visual evidentials
        2.2.2 Indirect evidentials
   Inferred evidentials
   Reported evidentials
        2.2.3 Evidential strategies
   Irrealis moods
   Perfect tenses
        2.2.4 Evaluative evidentials
   Good-bad parameters
   Certainty parameters
   Expectedness/obviousness parameters
   Importance/relevance parameters
    2.3 Evidentiality and other grammatical and semantic categories
        2.3.1 Evidentiality and subjectivity
        2.3.2 Evidentiality and affect
        2.3.3 Evidentiality and stance
        2.3.4 Evidentiality and hedge
        2.3.5 Evidentiality and evaluation
        2.3.6 Evidentiality and appraisal
        2.3.7 Evidentiality and epistemic modality
    2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Cognitive functional linguistics
    3.2 Relevance theory
        3.2.1 Cognitive effects
   Contextual strengthening
   Contextual contradiction and elimination
   Contextual implication
        3.2.2 Cognitive principles of relevance
        3.2.3 Communicative principle of relevance
    3.3 Subjectivity
        3.3.1 Perspective space
   Direct mode
   Indirect mode
   Free indirect mode
   Implicit perspectives
        3.3.2 Epistemological stance
   Personal experience epistemological stance
   Inferential epistemological stance
   Reportive epistemological stance
   Factuality epistemological stance
   Imaginative epistemological stance
    3.4 Metadiscourse
        3.4.1 Textual and interpersonal functions of metadiscourse
        3.4.2 Metadiscourse and genre
    3.5 Discourse community
        3.5.1 Audience
        3.5.2 Context
    3.6 Conceptual blending theory
        3.6.1 A basic diagram of conceptual blending
        3.6.2 Online meaning construction based on conceptual blending theory
    3.7 Analytical frameworks for the current study
        3.7.1 A four-element model of functions of evidentiality in RAs
        3.7.2 Cognitive mechanism of lexico-grammatical realizations of evidentiality
        3.7.3 Cognitive mechanism of online meaning construction of evidentiality
    3.8 Summary
Chapter 4 Frequency and Distribution of Evidentiality
    4.1 Frequency of evidentiality
        4.1.1 Frequencies of direct evidentials
        4.1.2 Frequencies of indirect evidentials
        4.1.3 Frequencies of evidential strategies
        4.1.4 Frequencies of evaluative evidentials
        4.1.5 Frequencies of evidentiality in RAs
    4.2 Distribution of evidentiality across generic structures
        4.2.1 Generic structures of RAs
   Abstract section
   Introduction section
   Discussion section (conclusion included)
        4.2.2 Distribution of evidential types across generic structures
   Direct evidentials and generic structures of RAs
   Indirect evidentials and generic structures of RAs
   Evidential strategies and generic structures of RAs
   Evaluative evidentials and generic structures of RAs
   Evidentiality and generic structures of RAs
    4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Interpersonal Functions of Evidentiality
    5.1 Evidentiality as a promotion strategy
        5.1.1 Evidentiality and promotional nature of RAs
        5.1.2 Promotional function of direct evidentials
        5.1.3 Promotional function of indirect evidentials
        5.1.4 Promotional function of evidential strategies
        5.1.5 Promotional function of evaluative evidentials
    5.2 Evidentiality as metadiscourse
        5.2.1 Evidentiality as interpersonal metadiscourse
        5.2.2 Evidentiality as textual metadiscourse
    5.3 Evidentiality 沒s author identity ;ndexing strategy
        5.3.1 Evidentiality and author's credibility
        5.3.2 Evidentiality and balance between author's authority and solidarity
        5.3.3 Evidentiality and author's responsibility
    5.4 Evidentiality as the stimulus of relevance
        5.4.1 Direct evidentials as the stimulus of relevance
        5.4.2 Indirect evidentials as the stimulus of relevance
        5.4.3 Evidential strategies as the stimulus of relevance
        5.4.4 Evaluative evidentials as the stimulus of relevance
    5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Cognitive mechanism of lexico-grammatical realizations of evidentiality
    6.1 Evidentiality and epistemological stance
        6.1.1 Evidentiality and personal experience epistemological stance
        6.1.2 Evidentiality and inferential epistemological stance
        6.1.3 Evidentiality and reportive epistemological stance
        6.1.4 Evidentiality and factuality epistemological stance
    6.2 Evidentiality and perspectives
        6.2.1 Evidentiality and direct mode
        6.2.2 Evidentiality and indirect mode
        6.2.3 Evidentiality and implicit perspective
    6.3 Evidentiality and discourse community
    6.4 Evidentiality and genre
    6.5 Lexico-grammatical realizations of evidentiality
    6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 Cognitive Mechanism of the Online Meaning Construction of Interpersonal Meanings of Evidentiality
    7.1 Online meaning construction of interpersonal meanings of evidentiality
    7.2 Online meaning construction of evidentiality as promotion strategy
    7.3 Online meaning construction of evidentiality as metadiscourse
    7.4 Online meaning construction of evidentiality as author identity indexing strategy
    7.5 Online meaning construction of evidentiality as the stimulus of relevance
    7.6 Summary
Chapter 8 Conclusions and implications
    8.1 Summary of major findings
    8.2 Significance of current study
    8.3 Pedagogical and research implications
    8.4 Limitations and suggestions for future research

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