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发布时间:2018-02-03 20:24

  本文关键词: 碳排放权 环境容量 权利分配 权利移转 出处:《中国政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 碳排放权交易制度是指国家为应对气候变化,保障经济、环境可持续发展通过法律手段对碳排放权进行初始分配,在此基础上通过市场机制使有限的环境容量资源的配置达到最优,进而实现对温室气体排放实施管理,是一种综合运用经济手段和法律手段解决环境问题的有益尝试。 碳排放权作为排污权体系下一种具体类型的排污权,与传统物权相比,其最大特点在于权利客体环境容量的特殊性。环境容量是指环境所具有的对污染物的净化能力,以环境容量为物权客体,事实上突破了传统物权理论对客体有形性、静态性等规定,是人类对自然规律深刻认识的结果,也是人类法学观念不断适应社会发展变化的结果。碳排放权作为对环境容量的使用权,其原权利为国家所享有的环境容量资源所有权,其产生来源于国家的初始分配。因此,碳排放权是一种新型的用益物权,也是一种具有浓厚公权色彩的私权。 国情决定我国更易受到气候变暖导致的不利影响,而我国作为碳排放大国,也面临着被课以强制减排义务的可能,传统环境管理模式已不能适应这些变化。而碳排放权交易制度因其能将企业和公众引入环境管理之中,成为构建新型环境管理方式的一种有效的途径。同时我国自签署《框架公约》、《京都议定书》以来,颁布多项文件应对气候变化问题,为我国建立碳排放权交易制度提供了政策和制度基础。而科学技术的发展和国内碳排放权交易的实践也为我国碳排放权交易制度的建立提供了技术和经验支持。 任何法律制度的建构和运行均离不开对客观自然规律的共性认识及对所调整具体法律关系的个性契合。这既是法律制度建构的出发点,也是法律制度建构的最终目的。碳排放权交易制度虽为国际法文件所确立,但综观世界各国,成功的碳排放权交易制度(如EUETS及GGAS)无不是建立在对一国政治、经济、人文、环境条件的深刻理解之上。而这些制度规则既是对碳排放权交易法律关系的调整手段,也是动态碳排放权交易法律关系在静态法律制度中的一种体现。 笔者认为我国在建立碳排放权交易法律制度的过程中,也应当注意将制度共性与我国国情特点相结合,在总体设计上注重系统性和效用性,采取循序渐进的方式逐步推进我国碳排放权交易制度的建立。而在具体设计上,坚持以三公原则、协调发展原则、政府监管原则、总量控制原则等为指导,进行具体法律规则的设计,在碳排放权交易的主体、标的物、初始分配方式及权利移转等方面体现出制度共性和国情特点,并规定相应法律责任,为制度的有效运行提供保障。最终通过碳排放权交易制度的建构为我国应对气候变化提供有效的解决手段。
[Abstract]:The carbon emission trading system refers to the initial allocation of carbon emission right by the state in order to deal with climate change , safeguard the economy and the sustainable development of the environment . On the basis of this , the allocation of the limited environmental capacity resources is optimized through the market mechanism , thus realizing the management of the emission of greenhouse gases , which is a useful attempt to comprehensively utilize the economic means and legal means to solve the environmental problems . As a specific type of pollution right under the system of pollution right , the carbon emission right is characterized by the particularity of the environmental capacity of the rights object . The environmental capacity is the result of human ' s deep understanding of the natural law . It is the result of human ' s deep understanding of the natural law . China ' s national conditions decide that our country is more vulnerable to the adverse effects caused by climate warming , and our country , as a big country of carbon emission , is faced with the possibility of compulsory emission reduction , and the traditional environmental management model has been unable to adapt to these changes . The construction and operation of any legal system are inseparable from the common understanding of the objective natural law and the individual fit of the relationship between the specific legal relations . This is not only the starting point of the construction of the legal system but also the ultimate aim of the construction of the legal system . In the process of establishing the trade law system of carbon emission right , the author thinks that the system commonality and the characteristics of our country ' s national conditions should also be paid attention to , and the establishment of China ' s carbon emission right trading system should be gradually promoted in the overall design .



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10 代超男;我国碳排放权交易法律制度构建[D];西南政法大学;2011年




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