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发布时间:2018-02-04 07:37

  本文关键词: 知识产权 惩罚性 赔偿 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As a branch of civil law, intellectual property rights follow the compensatory compensation system of civil law. But in practice some of the torts can not make up for the loss of victims effectively. This paper analyzes the punitive damages system by studying the current ways of intellectual property relief in China. This paper studies the system of punitive damages of foreign intellectual property rights, and analyzes and demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of introducing punitive damages in the field of intellectual property rights in China. At the same time, it establishes the applicable conditions for the system of punitive damages in our country. The first part is the background of the thesis, the purpose and significance of the research and the current situation at home and abroad. The second part is an overview of punitive damages of intellectual property. First of all, it clarifies the concept, characteristics, connotation and origin of punitive damages, and further analyzes the nature and function of punitive damages of intellectual property. The third part is the analysis of the current situation of the system of punitive damages of intellectual property. Respectively from the legislative and judicial status quo analysis. 4th part is the punitive damages of intellectual property rights system of extraterritorial legal investigation. Through the Anglo-American law system and the continental law system of the main countries as well as China's Taiwan area of intellectual property punitive damages system investigation. The 5th part is the theoretical basis of the intellectual property punitive damages system. It analyzes the necessity of its introduction. 6th part is to establish and perfect our country's knowledge. The suggestion of the system of punitive damages of property right. To clarify the applicable conditions of intellectual property punitive damages liability, the amount of punitive damages and reasonable limitations of the system.


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