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发布时间:2018-02-09 01:16

  本文关键词: 已决事实 既判力 程序内确定力 证明力 预决效力 出处:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The validity of determined facts can be divided into two levels, one is that the legal effect is the res judicata and the determination in the procedure, the res judicata extends to the facts in the main text of the award, and the determination in the procedure is the facts of the reasons for the award. As an objective existence, the determined fact has the potential as evidence, which is often reflected in a documentary evidence, and the force of proof belongs to the validity of the facts. A kind of certainty of the result of handling a lawsuit dispute produced by a judge is an internal force that keeps the state of the outcome of a lawsuit dispute unchanged. The determination force within the procedure is the binding force of the judgment of the fact within the procedure. Being locked in the procedure. Both of them are the effect of the procedural law, and the basis is the realization of the procedural law, that is, the procedural law is effectively implemented. An improper judgment in substantive law still acquires res judicata, because substantive law has no place in the basis of res judicata. The occurrence of res judicata is based on different breakthroughs in the basis of res judicata. The essence of a retrial is to overturn a judge who has obtained res judicata. It is not because res judicata has not been obtained. The basis for breaking the res judicata includes improper litigation procedures and improper substantive law. The factual role of facts is not so much effective as that of any kind of existence. The nature of things-as potential evidence. Because determined facts have both legal and factual effects, Therefore, in practice, it is necessary to analyze concretely the effect of what nature it displays. The pre-determination effect of the decided fact has a significant connection with the legal effect and the factual effect of the determined fact. Only the fact with res judicata has absolute pre-determination effect, Because of the complexity of the manifestation of the validity of the determined facts in the latter case, the legislative provisions appear to be unable to do so.


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