本文选题:隐私权 + 侵权行为 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the popularization of electronic network technology, we apply the network to our daily work and life, and obtain all kinds of information through the network, which greatly improves the efficiency of life and work.At the same time, other people use the Internet to violate other people's privacy cases also occur frequently.The occurrence of these cases not only seriously disturbed the normal working order of the Internet, but also caused a certain negative impact on society.Therefore, it is imperative to deeply study and explore the responsibility of violating the right to privacy in the network environment, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and to further improve the relevant civil laws and regulations in our country.Based on the analysis of the typical cases of invasion of privacy in the network environment issued by the Supreme people's Court, this paper probes into the new connotation and changes of the right to privacy in the network, as well as the new characteristics of the infringement of the right to privacy on the Internet, combining with the basic theory of civil law.And through the research and analysis of our country in the network privacy protection deficiencies, put forward to improve our country in the field of privacy protection related legal system thinking and suggestions.The first part of this paper compares the privacy right in the network environment with the traditional privacy right, and puts forward the new characteristics and changes of the privacy right and the tort behavior in the network environment.In the network environment, the main ways of infringing privacy rights are infringing other people's information and data, infringing other people's data space and infringing other people's network activities and so on.The second part of the network environment, violation of Internet privacy elements and other issues are combed.By contrasting with the traditional behavior of infringing the right to privacy, this paper makes a deep analysis of the legal liability of infringing the privacy of the network in the network environment.On the basis of the first two parts, the third part explores the identification of the subject of privacy infringement and the way of responsibility according to law in the network environment.The fourth part: on the basis of the previous research, the author puts forward some suggestions to perfect the relevant legal system in the field of privacy protection in our country's network environment: firstly, the independent status of the right of privacy should be made clear in the General principles of Civil Law (General principles of Civil Law); secondly,The personal privacy protection law should be formulated; thirdly, the self-discipline system of the industry should be perfected; finally, citizens' awareness of the protection of the right to privacy on the Internet should be enhanced.
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