本文选题:医疗保险 + 政府责任 ; 参考:《湖南工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Basic medical administrative payment is the embodiment of administrative payment in the field of medical security.Administrative payment of basic medical treatment refers to the act that an administrative organ should give certain material or service assistance to eligible citizens in the field of basic medical treatment, the subject of which is a specific organ with special functions, and the object of payment is relatively determined.The basic characteristics of payment are different from the traditional administrative payment, such as the wide range of objects and the fixed mode of payment.The basic medical administrative payment has a deep legal basis, mainly including the right basis and the normative basis.In addition to the constitutional rights of survival, equality and health, the right to pay for basic medical administration includes the right to fair distribution of medical resources, the right to request medical care, the right to emergency treatment and the right to medical insurance.In addition, the basic medical administrative payment has a multi-level normative basis, including the relevant provisions of the Constitution, a series of laws and regulations, as well as the content of many normative documents.At present, China's basic medical administrative payment consists of two parts: basic medical insurance payment and basic medical relief payment.The former mainly includes the basic medical insurance for urban workers, the new rural cooperative medical care scheme and the basic medical insurance for urban residents; the latter includes medical assistance objectives and medical assistance objects in accordance with the provisions of the interim measures on Social Assistance.Medical aid method, medical aid standard, medical aid application procedure and emergency medical aid, etc.There are some problems in the operation of basic medical insurance payment and basic medical assistance payment, among which the standard of urban and rural insurance payment is not uniform and there is a big difference between the basic medical insurance payment and the basic medical assistance payment.Due to the lack of special legislation and insufficient security, the unscientific distribution of the responsibility of the main body of the payment and the improper supervision of the payment fund, the basic medical assistance payment has a lower legislative level and an imperfect management system.There are obvious differences between urban and rural medical aid system, and the problems of rural medical aid payment are prominent.From the point of view of the world, the basic medical administrative payment system of other countries has certain reference significance to our country.Among them, in the field of basic medical insurance payment, the British model of national medical insurance, the German model of social medical insurance and the market-oriented American insurance model all have the color of state payment.In addition to the United Kingdom and the United States, other countries also emphasize the important role of the state in the payment of basic medical assistance, and make corresponding provisions on the standard and procedure of administrative payment.Through the above reference, we can construct the basic medical administrative payment system of the whole people, form the legal system of the basic medical administrative payment based on the constitution, improve the executive ability of the basic medical administrative payment of the administrative organ.Open up multiple relief channels for citizens' basic medical administrative payment and improve our basic medical administrative payment system.
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