本文选题:习近平总书记 + “四个全面”战略布局 ; 参考:《河南工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, has stood at the height of history and the times and, proceeding from the overall situation of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, has proposed and formed a comprehensive building of a well-off society and an all-round deepening of reform. Comprehensive rule of law, comprehensive strict administration of the party's strategic layout. The proposal of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout will more completely show the overall framework of the new central leadership collective administration of the country, and make the key links, key areas, and main directions of attack of the party and the state more clear at present and in the coming period. The internal logic has become more rigorous, which has declared the new layout of the party's governance and administration under the new situation, and opened up a new realm of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the general strategy, general grasp and follow of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the new great project of building the party. The layout of "four all-round" strategies is an important content of the Party Central Committee's strategic thought of governing the country and managing government with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. It sparkles with the thought of combining Marxism with the reality of China, and it is full of Marxist standpoint and method. The essence of "four-round" is our party's grand strategic layout of governing and managing government under the new situation. The "four comprehensions" were derived from the actual needs of the development of our country, from the eager expectations of the masses of the people, and were put forward for the purpose of promoting the solution of the outstanding contradictions and problems we are facing. The "four comprehensive" strategic arrangements are the latest theoretical achievements of the new central leading collective in organically integrating Marxism with current China's reality. It is an important arrangement to promote the socialist modernization construction of our country and realize the strategic goal of "two hundred years", which has strong theory, reality, pertinence and maneuverability. The article combs the formation and scientific connotation of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, through reading a large number of "four comprehensive" strategic layout related documents, sorting out the "four comprehensive" strategic layout of the inherent logical relationship, This paper analyzes the methodology contained in the four-round strategic layout and the significance of the four-round strategic layout. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to conscientiously study and deeply understand the "four all-round" strategic thoughts, which provide theoretical guidance and operational guidelines for us to do a good job in all fields.
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