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老年人犯罪刑事责任研究 来源:涂国虎:日期:2009-08-27



  导师:陈忠林 教授




关于老年人的定义是犯罪学中所使用的一个概念,其目的是基于对老年人犯罪研究的需要。瑞典学者桑德巴最早从年龄结构的角度来定义老年人。判断老年人的标准也有所不同,根据人的生理机能心理状态和角色作用,可分别从生理年龄、心理年龄、社会年龄来衡量。1982年,在联合国“老龄问题世界大会”上,将老年年龄的界限定义为60岁。1996年10月1日施行的《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》第二条规定:“本法所称老年人是指60周岁以上的公民”。把我国老年人的起点年龄定为60周岁,以60周岁为标准便于正确的估量老年人口变动对社会经济的影响,更适合我国现有的国情。 因此,老年人犯罪概括起来说,指60岁以上的人所实施的犯罪。老年人犯罪作为一个特殊群体也有自己特殊的特点和犯罪原因,应该引起我们足够的重视。 一般来说下面老年人犯罪的犯罪原因有一下几种: ⑴心理特征所致;⑵恶习不改所致;⑶是精神疾病所致;⑷是地位变化所致;⑸是经济原因所致;著名学者施温特在其所著《犯罪学》一书中,对预防老年人犯罪方面的一些观点作了介绍。就刑事制度方面,他认为与总的犯罪相比较,60%的老年罪犯的判决可以说是严厉的,老年人被判监禁,将加深和加速他们本来就百无聊赖、被排出在社会生活之外的过程。同时,由于老年人犯罪具有许多自身特殊性。因此对老年人犯罪的预防和控制应当注意一些问题,我们要在现实条件下来谈论某种预防措施,不能一味的追求预防成效而忽略了现实的可能性。
关键词  老年人犯罪   老年人刑事责任能力             

老年人犯罪能力     老年人受刑能力

Elderly crime is a special group of crime, should belong to a continuous weakening of the criminal groups. Because people have a gradual development from the gradual aging process, the criminal liability of natural ability is the case, the elderly because of their own characteristics, and its ability to criminal liability will be reduced. Ancient Chinese law virtually all criminal liability relief for the elderly, many of the world\\'s countries have a lighter for the elderly crime or reduce criminal provisions. Identification of the elderly and the ability to control their own behaviour, after all, the spirit of normal adults than weaker, when the perpetrator\\'s ability to identify and control is low, their subjective reflection of the vicious on small and therefore harmful to society is relatively small and should be considered Punishment leniency. By legislative means the elderly offence to a lighter punishment, will implement this provision in the course of criminal proceedings, but this is a Child care for the elderly respect in China since ancient times ethical, social order can be stable, but also embodies the elderly Crime particularity of the criminal responsibility of the request. The purpose of this research it is difficult.
This paper tightly around the elderly started on crime and criminal liability in the interpretation of the ancient and modern criminal law theory of criminal liability in accordance with the doctrine, the author put forward their point of view, and in-depth and comprehensive proved the rationality of this idea . The full text is divided into four parts, a total of 30,000 characters
The first part of the current reality on the criminal background of the elderly.Along with the rapid development of social, scientific and technological advances of modern medicine constant progress, the people\\'s living standards are improving, and the extension of life expectancy, the emergence of centenarians is no longer a rare thing, because at the same time increasing the birth rate low, it means that the decline in fertility newborn population decline, and also means that the proportion of the elderly rising. The sooner the declining fertility rate, the more rapidly, the proportion of the elderly population will rise faster and more sharply, and the decline in mortality and life expectancy extended to the elderly, to the ageing of the population is far more aggravated. Although this is an inevitable trend, there is understanding of this point after a long process, in recent years, the ageing of the population has increasingly become a focus of attention of the people.
According to international standards, the ageing of society is that people over 60 years old accounted for 10 per cent of the total population over the age of 65 or above population of the total population of more than 7 percent, and many Western countries have already entered the aging society, for example, Germany elderly Basically, the number of people living more than 20 per cent of the total population, and even reached 27 percent. Japan is not only Asia ageing of the population most affected countries, but also in developed countries the ageing of the population the fastest countries.
China\\'s fifth census figures show that China\\'s population aged 60 or older has reached 130 million, accounting for 10.41 percent of the total population, of which more than 65-year-old population reached 88.11 million, accounting for 6.96 percent of the total population. In accordance with the standards of the population age structure, China has entered the ranks of aging countries, a period in the future of China\\'s aging population will continue to grow at a rate faster, it is estimated that in 2015, the population over the age of 60 will be more than 200 million, the total 14% of the population. With the proportion of the elderly population growing, social environment for the elderly families of their own physical, mental and the impact of various factors. Elderly crime in the community and the proportion of criminal possession of a number of growth trend
The second part, the elderly of the concept of crime, characteristics, types, causes and response measures On the definition of the elderly is a crime in the use of a concept, the purpose is based on the needs of the elderly on crime. SANDEBA from Sweden the earliest to define the structure of the elderly. Judgement of the elderly standards also vary, according to the human physiological function and the psychological state of roles, from the age of physiological, psychological age, social age to measure. 1982, in the United Nations "World Assembly on Ageing," and the older age limits defined as 60 years of age. October 1, 1996 implementation of the "People\\'s Republic of China Law on the Protection of the interests of older persons," set forth in Article 2: "This law refers to the alleged elderly citizens above 60 years of age." To the starting point of China\\'s elderly age is set at 60 years of age to 60 years of age as a standard to facilitate the correct assessment of the socio-economic changes in the elderly population of more suitable for China\\'s current conditions.
Therefore, the elderly crime can be summed up, that people over the age of 60 by the crime. Elderly crime as a special group has its own special characteristics and causes of crime, we should pay sufficient attention. Below the elderly generally perpetrators of crimes to several reasons: ⑴ psychological characteristics caused by the bad habit of not changed by the ⑵; ⑶ is due to mental illness; ⑷ status is the result of changes; ⑸ economic reasons; famous Sweden
scholars in his book "Criminology", a book on crime prevention in the elderly some of the points were introduced. On the criminal system, he considered that with the crime, compared to 60 per cent of the older offenders decision can be said to be severe, older persons sentenced to imprisonment, will deepen and accelerate their already 100 boredom, were drained in the social life of process. At the same time, many elderly people have their own unique crime. So the elderly crime prevention and control should pay attention to some problems, we need to talk about some reality down preventive measures, can we prevent the pursuit of effectiveness while neglecting real possibility.
The third part, the existing elderly criminal responsibility for crimes Reflection
As the elderly criminal responsibility for crimes by the special nature of their own, many of the world\\'s countries are a special requirements. Some of the foreign criminal legislation and China\\'s legislative models are differences, some countries only made general provisions, while others are made of specific provisions. To the United States, the United Kingdom was the use of English in local centres for the elderly Crime also made some useful exploration. The mid-20th Century, the Japanese began in-depth study of older persons crime problem. Some countries have criminal responsibility for crimes on the elderly has made specific provisions, the implementation of the 1997 Penal Code provisions of the Russian Federation, the court judgement full of men 65 years of age shall not be sentenced to life deprived of their liberty, nor sentenced to death. France provisions of the new Penal Code, was sentenced to 65 years of age, living naturally stop prohibited. It was clear that many countries have found that the special nature of the crime the elderly, and have also made some very meaningful draw with the research results. This China\\'s Criminal Law of the elderly crime is a very good reference for the role.
In China, with the advent of an aging society, the elderly crime, as an objective existence of a growing number of scholars beginning to pay attention to the elderly crime problems, and scholars from China\\'s actual conditions and the elderly of the special nature of crime found China\\'s criminal law on criminal responsibility for crimes provisions of the elderly a few problems and a note, so far, the existing criminal responsibility for crimes on the elderly has been made many achievements of China\\'s elderly crime and the criminal system Construction perfect provide constructive comments. But in various statements, or lack of this issue on the system, this issue will not go to the entire criminal process, the lack of which can be used to guide practice judicial recommendations. A correct understanding of the elderly crime, the elderly and accurately criminal penalty is applied in this paper the main issues of concern.
Part IV, in view of the above problems were put forward their views on the amendment
Based on the elderly at home and abroad over criminal responsibility for crimes on the status of inspection, we can see that the elderly crime and the elderly criminal responsibility for crimes particularity has not conduct an in-depth study, especially not with the traditional Chinese ethics system to be analysed. This article from China\\'s traditional system of ethical perspective of the
characteristics of elderly crime of criminal responsibility to the elderly and the reason crime to the criminal responsibility of the reasons for the special provisions, but also an objective analysis of the ability of the criminal responsibility of the elderly , and made the elderly and the ability of the criminal capacity of the concept of torture. elderly crime should be made to exclude the death penalty advocate, trying to elderly crime of criminal responsibility to implement the special nature of our criminal justice legislation and the entire process of .
The elderly crime in the criminal system the complexity of the issues, the content of this paper select few highlights, as the elderly criminal responsibility for crimes system, and other issues in the future I will be time for further study.

Key word Elderly crime elderly criminal responsibility
Ability of elderly crime Ability of the elderly torture

目 录
前 言 …………………………………………………………………………………… 1
第一部分、当前研究老年人犯罪的现实背景 ………………………………………3
一、世界老龄化社会发展的基本格局和发展趋势 … ………………………………3
2.老龄化社会的定义 ………………………………………………………5            
二、我国老龄化社会发展的基本格局和发展趋势 …………………………………7
1.我国老龄化社会趋势的概述 …………………………………………7            
2.我国老龄化社会的特点 ………………………………………………8
第二部分、老年人犯罪的概念、特点、类型、成因和应对措施 …………………8
一、老年人犯罪的概念 …………………………………………………………… 8
二、老年人犯罪的特点 ………………………………………………………………9
三、老年人犯罪的类型 ………………………………………………………………11
四、老年人犯罪的成因 ………………………………………………………………12
五、老年人犯罪的预防和应对措施 …………………………………………………14
第三部分、对现有老年人犯罪的刑事责任的反思 ……………………………… 17
一、世界上其他国家关于老年人犯罪的刑事责任的规定 ………………………… 17
1.依法规定可以从轻处罚………………………………………………… 18          
2.依法规定可以减轻处罚………………………………………………… 19
3.依法规定应当减轻处罚 ……………………………………………… 20
二、我国古代关于老年人犯罪的刑事责任的规定 ………………………………20
1.西周时期 …………………………………………………………………… 20
2.春秋战国时期 ………………………………………………………………20
3.汉朝时期 ………………………………………………………………………21
7.近代 …………………………………………………………………………21
三、应当对老年人犯罪的刑事责任作出特殊性规定的理由 ……………………… 22
1.老年人犯罪的刑事责任能力的分析 ……………………………………… 22
2.老年人犯罪的犯罪能力的分析 … ………………………………………… 24
3.老年人犯罪的受刑能力的分析 …………………………………………… 25
4.中国传统伦理价值观对老年人犯罪的刑事责任的影响…………………… 27
四、老年人犯罪死刑适用的问题 ………………………………………………………28
第四部分、针对上述的问题分别提出自己的修正的意见 ……………………………30
一、老年人犯罪可以从轻处罚………………………………………………………… 30
二、在刑事诉讼中,增设对老年人犯罪的特殊性规定 ………………………………33
三、在刑罚的执行阶段,增设对老年人犯罪的特殊性规定………………………… 36
结 语 ………………………………………………………………………………38





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