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executive mechanism 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-17 16:17















executive mechanism

  • 执行机构(45)
  • 执行机制(7)

         The application of reliability design techniques of intelligent electric executive mechanism



         The Reliability Prediction of Intelligent Electric Executive Mechanism



         The system composition structure includes 8031 single chip computer, signal test (count sensor and speed sensor), electrical interfaces (amplification shaping circuit, drive, relay, 8155 parallel I/O, 8279 keyboard display, D/A converter) and executive mechanism (electromagnet and electromotor).



         The auto cruising control system is composed of sensors, control switches, electronic control units(ECU)and the executive mechanism.



         A control system is connected with peripheral devices including 8155, 8279, DAC0832,sensor detector, power drive interface and executive mechanism on the basis of the 8031 single chip minimal applying system.





         Study on Executive Mechanism of Policy of Combating Desertification in Inner Mongolia



         On Structuring the Effective Public Policy Executive Mechanism



         With the aspect of policy implementation, with the main line of policy executive mechanism, based on comment process analysis and problem diagnosis of policy executive system of combating desertification in Inner Mongolia, this paper carries through economic analysis of model of main policies, and put forward optimum projects of executive model on policies of combating desertification.

         从公共政策科学、环境政策科学的角度对内蒙古荒漠化防治政策、政策分类、政策执行模式、政策执行机制及其要素、政策执行模式优化等理论问题进行界定、阐述和分析研究。 通过对内蒙古荒漠化防治政策执行过程、政策问题的演变等研究,探索出带有规律性的政策发展变化趋势,提出荒漠化防治政策及其执行必须与国家社会经济发展总政策相协调的观点。


         We must establish rural economic administrative system and policy executive mechanism which should suit the needof the socialist market - directed economy in order to implement agricultural effectively.

         要有效执行农业政策就必须建立适应社会主义市 场经济要求的农村经济管理体制和政策执行机制。


         We have developed a web based workflow system Wflow, in which a hierarchical workflow model and the nested distributed executive mechanism have been introduced. As a result, the ability of Wflow for meeting the requirement for the heterogeneous, autonomous and distributed environment is enhanced and the reliability is improved. This paper mainly discusses the architecture of Wflow, including the workflow model, the workflow enactment service and the mechanism of coordinating workflow enactment services.

         针对目前的工作流管理产品缺少对异构、分布应用的有效支持 ,缺少足够的可靠性和可扩展性 ,作者近期设计了一个基于Web的工作流管理原型系统WFlow 在该系统中通过引入工作流分层模型和嵌套分布执行机制 ,增强了系统对异构、分布应用的支持力度 ,提高了系统的可靠性 文中着重讨论其体系结构 ,其中包括工作流模型、工作流引擎和多引擎间的协调机制等




         . In order to demonstrate the executive mechanism of message-passing programs, the function and communication performance of the message-passing environment such as MPI(Message Passing Interface), PVM(Parallel Virtual Machine) and BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms) are discussed in detail.

         为了阐明消息传递并行程序的工作机制,本文对当前比较有代表性的消息传递编程环境如MPI(Message Passing Interface)、PVM(Parallel Virtual Machine)和BLACS(Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)等的功能、通信效率等进行了细致的研究和分析。


         The Perfection of Legal System and the Assumption of Executive Mechanism for Ecological Compensation



         At the same time, according to the executive mechanism, management model, business requirement and detailed application the IC card function, type, structure, content and read-write authorization limit is designed respectively, and we have designed the protection function for the safety of IC card management system and card system.



         The reliance basically finds expression in executive mechanism takesplace of market mechanism, and state credit in place of market credit.



         It gives the individual opinion of affirmatory content,executive mechanism and professional foundation of achieving commitment.




    查询“executive mechanism”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      executive mechanism

    The results are interpreted as evidence for selective impairment of the central executive mechanism by scopolamine without disruption of function in the articulatory loop or visuospatial scratch pad.


    The results suggest that scopolamine impairs working memory, and that the decrement is at the level of the central executive mechanism rather than the subsystems which it controls.


    executive mechanism 的翻译结果

    The mechanisms of the genesis of paradoxical sleep is as yet unknown. Jouvet (1967,1973) proposed that the noradrenalin neurons located in the median and caudal part of locus coeruleus complex were the executive mechanisms of paradoxical sleep. Recent studies indicate that the neural structures responsible for the generation of paradoxical sleep included the mediodorsal part of the pontine teg-mentum, the ventromedial part of the medulla oblongata, and the caudal part of the midbrain. The on neurons...

    The mechanisms of the genesis of paradoxical sleep is as yet unknown. Jouvet (1967,1973) proposed that the noradrenalin neurons located in the median and caudal part of locus coeruleus complex were the executive mechanisms of paradoxical sleep. Recent studies indicate that the neural structures responsible for the generation of paradoxical sleep included the mediodorsal part of the pontine teg-mentum, the ventromedial part of the medulla oblongata, and the caudal part of the midbrain. The on neurons are found in these areas. These nerve cells play an executive role in the phasic or tonic events of paradoxical sleep and belong to -cholinergic neurons. There are the off neurons within the raphe nuclei and the locus coeruleus complex. These nerve cells play a contrary role to the on neurons, and belong to monoaminergic neurons. Each phasic or tonic event of paradoxical sleep is under the control of both on and off neurons. The integrated activity due to the excitation of the on neurons arid the inhibition of the off neurons seems to be essential mechanism for the generation of paradoxical sleep. This article reviews the advances of these studies comprehensively.


    How to economize energy and reduce the cost of oil transportation is the key link for an oil transportation unit to bring up its economic efficiency. Protracted experiences in production have made it possible for us to realize quite well the automatic governing of the loop oil transportation with pumps in series by manipulating one executive mechanism--a hydraulic output adjusting valve with a control contact for combined multiple instruments. This automatic governing system is steady and reliable after...

    How to economize energy and reduce the cost of oil transportation is the key link for an oil transportation unit to bring up its economic efficiency. Protracted experiences in production have made it possible for us to realize quite well the automatic governing of the loop oil transportation with pumps in series by manipulating one executive mechanism--a hydraulic output adjusting valve with a control contact for combined multiple instruments. This automatic governing system is steady and reliable after putting into commission, showing considerable advantages in saving energy and reducing oil transportation cost.This presentation will surely be of significance to oil pipelining departments.


    Reentrant grooves and inside flats of P/M oil-impregnated bearings are usually made by machining. The cutting groove machine introduced in this paper can automatically cutreentrant grooves and flanges on oilless bronze bearings. The machine is made of bed and components of spindle, compact-feeding, clamping and tool post, and the working procedures of executive mechanisms are controlled by cams. Comparing with original manual operation both quality and quantity of cutting groove can be increased. The cutting...

    Reentrant grooves and inside flats of P/M oil-impregnated bearings are usually made by machining. The cutting groove machine introduced in this paper can automatically cutreentrant grooves and flanges on oilless bronze bearings. The machine is made of bed and components of spindle, compact-feeding, clamping and tool post, and the working procedures of executive mechanisms are controlled by cams. Comparing with original manual operation both quality and quantity of cutting groove can be increased. The cutting groove machine especially can reduce labour intensity and ensure safty in production, Therefore the machine is well accepted by operating workers.







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