[Abstract]:Since 2005, when the Fifth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the proposal of the Chinese Central Committee on formulating the 11th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, the concept of a public cultural service system has been put forward for the first time. Public cultural service has become a hot spot in domestic academic and political circles. Chongqing has made great achievements in economic and social development since 1997. However, the construction of public cultural services related to the people's livelihood has not been fully adapted to the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and to the new pattern of development of the socialist market economic system. The characteristics of non-equalization of basic public cultural services are obvious. First of all, this paper introduces the significance of realizing the equalization of basic public cultural services in Chongqing. It is pointed out that the realization of basic public cultural services is conducive to the overall development of urban and rural areas and the construction of a harmonious socialist society, helps to meet the cultural needs of the people, and promotes the great development and prosperity of culture. It is helpful to provide reference for the cultural construction of the western region and even the whole country. Secondly, the author makes a comprehensive study on the equalization of Chongqing's basic public cultural services from two aspects: horizontal and vertical by using the coefficient of variation method. First of all, the paper analyzes the degree of equalization of every index in every district and county of Chongqing in 2010, and obtains the whole situation of equalization of basic public cultural service in Chongqing in 2010, according to the weight of each index. Then it studies the whole situation of the equalization of basic public cultural services in Chongqing in 2009 and 2011, and observes the trend of the equalization level. Through longitudinal comparison, it is found that the level of equalization of basic public cultural services in Chongqing is increasing, but it is still at a lower level and in the initial stage of equalization. Finally, in order to better promote the practice of equalization of basic public cultural services in Chongqing, this paper is based on the status quo and constraints of equalization of basic public cultural services in Chongqing. The corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the basic principles and concrete measures to be adhered to. In promoting the equalization of basic public cultural services, Chongqing should adhere to the principles of standardization and flexibility, long-term and short-term goals, fairness and difference. According to the status quo of equalization and the restriction factors of non-equalization, the paper puts forward that the coordinated development of regional economy should be promoted, the consciousness of public cultural service of government should be strengthened, the development system of public cultural service should be established among districts and counties, and the system of public finance should be improved. Increase financial input; improve financial transfer payment system; establish and improve public cultural performance evaluation and accountability mechanism.
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