[Abstract]:In our country's criminal legislation and judicature, we attach great importance to the influence of social influence on conviction and sentencing. However, the criminal law does not make any restrictive provisions on the social impact, which makes the social impact a grey area of criminal law. However, criminal law and judicial practice show two opposite attitudes. Therefore, this paper tries to demonstrate whether social influence should enter the field of criminal law evaluation and how to enter the field of criminal law evaluation. In general, this paper aims to demonstrate the orientation of social influence in the criminal law system, so the logical starting point of the article is from the social influence, and finally the social impact. In order to demonstrate the criminal significance of social impact, this paper makes the following chapters. The introduction shows that the social influence has evolved from the daily life language into the criminal law field, and has made a brief introduction to the current research situation of the social impact in the criminal law field. It is pointed out that although social influence is generally applicable in reality, it is in an awkward position, and its orientation in the criminal law system has never been solved. The first chapter, through the analysis of a case, puts forward how to position the social influence in the criminal law system, and then discusses how to regulate the problem, it is necessary and urgent to study deeply and systematically. The second chapter applies the methods of sociology, linguistics and historical research to the criminal code, judicial interpretation, adjudication documents, the Supreme people's Court guiding cases and the Supreme people's Procuratorate Bulletin cases. Committed to the systematic examination of the text of the social impact, pointing out that the current social impact has many uses, many expressions and many meanings in the field of criminal law, The uncertain situation has become a hidden concern in criminal law theory and criminal judicial practice. The third chapter focuses on the perspective of legal interest as a whole, discusses whether the social impact will affect the legal interests as the essence of crime, and points out that the social impact has strong instability and uncertainty. It may not be brought into the protection category of collective legal interests, but legal interests can not deny the concept of criminal policy. Perhaps this is the link between social influence and legal interest, which leads to the gradual entry of social impact into criminal law evaluation. The fourth chapter mainly looks for the qualitative problem of social impact in the existing criminological system with illegal and responsible as the pillar, and points out that the social impact can not be regarded as a constitutive element because it has no specific meaning and does not have the function of limiting the scope of crime. However, in judicial interpretation, many people regard social influence as one of the harmful results. In this case, whether the social impact can be attributed to the objective and surpassing factors is worthy of further discussion. The fifth chapter mainly discusses whether the social influence should belong to the quantitative problem of sentencing circumstances, and points out that the social influence belongs to the external factors, not reflects the personal danger itself, so it can not be used as the discretion of the preventive punishment. Social impact, as a national reaction and evaluation to crime, can be regarded as the consideration of liability punishment at present. However, with the advancement of the process of rule of law, the social impact should be distinguished from the rational legal product. Then gradually fade out of the scope of legal evaluation. The sixth chapter analyzes the reasons why the social influence enters into the criminal law evaluation, reveals the theoretical and practical difficulties arising from the application of the social influence, and discusses how to apply the social influence reasonably in the legislation and judicature. Furthermore, the author advocates the view of limiting the application of social influence in the criminal law field, in order to display the application of the norms of "social impact" more accurately.
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