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发布时间:2018-12-18 06:06
【摘要】: 代孕是指女性接受他人委托,通过人工辅助生殖方式孕育孩子,在生产之后,将孩子交由委托方抚养的行为。代孕的进行需要体外授精技术的支撑,或者说,代孕本身是运用体外授精技术的一种形式,其实质是由代母孕育的体外授精。如果说人工授精是弥补男性绝对不育的可行方式,那么相应的,体外授精则可以为绝对不育的女性提供有效的帮助(随着科技的发展,第二代体外授精技术,即卵母细胞内单晶显微注射技术则主要针对严重的男性不育)。 文章首先从对人工辅助生殖方式的介绍入手,意图说明相比较我们所习以为常的其他人工辅助生育方式,代孕的实质性区别只在于由代母而不是母亲(亲权意义上的,或者说是抚养的母亲)来孕育。也就是说如果能证明十月怀胎的孕育并不必然导致母亲的责任,那么,相比人工授精或其他体外授精方式,代孕并没有走得太远。这也是笔者在介绍人工辅助生殖技术时探讨诸如精子捐献理论等观点的初衷。 然后文章通过对代孕正当性来源的论述和对代孕责难的驳斥来说明代孕于理论上的正当性。代孕的正当性来自于生育权和建立家庭的权利,甚至来自于对平等的贯彻。《世界人口行动计划》中对生育权的定义是“所有夫妇和个人都享有自由负责地决定其子女的数量和间隔以及以此为目的而获得信息、教育与方法的基本权利;夫妇和个人在行使这种权利的责任时,应考虑他们现有子女和将来子女的需要,以及他们对社会的责任。”该定义也获得了我国的认可。从此定义出发,代孕各方当事人为代孕行为时只要履行了对他人权益应有的注意义务,那么根据权利理论,便没有理由禁止代孕。在其后对于种种责难的分析中,笔者认为并没有充分的理由说明代孕会对包括公序良俗和人格尊严在内的他人利益造成损害。同时,鉴于代孕对某些不育夫妇来说是唯一可行的途径,对代孕的许可实际上也是出于对平等的追求——不仅是不育者与有生育能力者的平等也是绝对不育者与其他不育者之间的平等。 科技的进步往往出人意料。技术上的可行与伦理上的接受毕竟是两个问题。一个国家的立法状况反映着国民的接受度。或许对代孕的立法就是在要在技术与接受之间寻找一个交集。即使笔者认为,代孕在理论上是具有充分正当性的,但就目前的社会承受度来说,,有关代孕的立法还应该是一个渐渐前行的进程。笔者希望通过对外国立法经验的介绍与分析来总结构建适应中国现实的立法。
[Abstract]:Surrogate pregnancy refers to the behavior that women accept the entrustment of others to breed their children through artificial assisted reproduction and give the children to the entrustment after giving birth. Surrogacy needs the support of in vitro insemination, or surrogacy itself is a form of IVF, whose essence is IVF conceived by surrogate mother. If artificial insemination is a feasible way to compensate for absolute male sterility, then in vitro insemination can provide effective assistance to women with absolute sterility (with the development of science and technology, the second generation of IVF, In other words, microinjection of single crystal in oocytes is mainly aimed at severe male infertility. The article begins with the introduction of artificial assisted reproduction, with the intention to explain that the substantive difference of surrogacy lies in the surrogate mother rather than the mother (in the sense of parental authority) compared with other artificial assisted reproductive methods that we are used to. Or a foster mother. In other words, surrogacy does not go far beyond artificial insemination or other forms of in vitro insemination if it can be shown that pregnancy in October does not necessarily lead to maternal responsibility. This is also the original intention of the author when introducing artificial assisted reproduction technology, such as sperm donation theory. Then the article explains the legitimacy of surrogacy in theory by discussing the source of the legitimacy of surrogacy and refuting the blame of surrogate pregnancy. The legitimacy of surrogacy comes from reproductive rights and the right to establish a family. Even from the implementation of equality. The definition of reproductive rights in the World population Plan of Action is that "all couples and individuals have the right to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and to have access to information for that purpose," The fundamental right to education and methods; In exercising this right, couples and individuals shall take into account the needs of their existing and future children, as well as their responsibilities to society. " This definition has also been accepted by our country. Starting from this definition, when the parties involved in surrogacy act as surrogates, as long as they fulfill the duty of care due to the rights and interests of others, then according to the theory of rights, there is no reason to prohibit surrogacy. In the subsequent analysis of all kinds of censure, the author thinks that there is no sufficient reason to explain that surrogacy will harm the interests of others, including public order, good customs and human dignity. At the same time, given that surrogacy is the only viable way for some infertile couples, The authorization of surrogacy is actually motivated by the pursuit of equality-not only between the infertile and the fertile, but also between the infertile and the other infertile. Advances in science and technology are often unexpected. After all, technical feasibility and ethical acceptance are two problems. The state of legislation of a country reflects the acceptability of its people. Perhaps surrogacy legislation seeks an intersection between technology and acceptance. Even though the author thinks that surrogacy is fully justified in theory, the legislation on surrogacy should be a progressive process in terms of the current social tolerance. The author hopes to summarize and construct the legislation adapted to Chinese reality through the introduction and analysis of foreign legislative experience.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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中国重要报纸全文数据库 前10条

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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前10条

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2 尹华容;宪法诉讼正当性研究[D];湘潭大学;2008年

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5 麻锐;经济犯罪法律责任论纲[D];吉林大学;2008年

6 翟楠;教育权力及其正当性之研究[D];南京师范大学;2008年

7 赵明;近代中国的自然权利观[D];中国社会科学院研究生院;2001年

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2 陆岸;论诱惑侦查之法治化建构[D];苏州大学;2005年

3 梁伟;法官自由裁量权寻读[D];山东大学;2005年

4 王超;企业社会责任正当性及其限度[D];天津商业大学;2007年

5 高小勇;财产征收的正当性及其限制[D];中共中央党校;2005年

6 王秋荣;现实与理想之间的差距[D];四川大学;2005年

7 秦红;论诱惑侦查[D];四川大学;2005年

8 张洪峰;论立法机关的司法职能[D];苏州大学;2005年

9 矫辉;惩罚性赔偿制度研究[D];大连理工大学;2006年

10 邬炼;法官庭外调查权研究[D];湘潭大学;2008年




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