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城市社区养老服务的社会化探索.pdf 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2017-02-06 08:42


上海交通大学MPA学位论文城市社区养老服务的社会化探索I城市社区养老服务的社会化探索摘要我国的社区养老服务从二十世纪八十年代起步,经过20多年来的发展已初具规模。目前,大部分社区已初步形成了设施服务、定点服务和上门服务为主要形式,生活照料、医疗保健、心理保健、文化娱乐、参与社会以及权益保护为主要内容的社区养老服务格局。随着我国的人口老龄化,独生子女增多,核心家庭增多,独居老人等老年空巢家庭不断增加,传统的主要由子辈为父辈提供生活照料的养老服务支持功能弱化,人们对老人社区养老服务的需求越来越多,也越来越高。然而,原有的带有浓厚福利性色彩的社区养老服务,无论是服务项目还是服务规模,都极为有限,根本无法满足老年人的需求。这就需要社会化养老服务来支持老年人社区居家养老,老年照料必须实现社会化。只有走社会化的道路,我国的社区养老服务才有出路,才能解决人们服务需求的扩张与服务供给不足二者之间的矛盾。实践证明,社区养老服务社会化与社会福利社会化改革相适应的。但是,从总体看来,目前,中国社区养老服务的社会化程度较低,这种状况与人口老龄化发展速度及老年人口日益增长的需求越来越不相适应,亟待改变。必须扩大其受照料的社会渠道,得到全社会的支持与帮助。本文从分析我国老龄化背景入手,指出家庭养老、机构养老和社会救济性质的居家养老目前都面临严峻挑战,提出社区养老服务社会化是解决当前社区养老服务面临困境的最佳途径。并以康健社区养老服务实证为例,在借鉴西方多元化社区养老服务经验的基础上,提出“社会福利社会化”改革的形势下,推进社区养老服务社会化,就是要充分发挥上海交通大学MPA学位论文城市社区养老服务的社会化探索II社区、政府、家庭和社会各方力量,整合利用现有资源,实现社区养老服务投资主体多元化,服务对象公众化,运行机制市场化,服务形式多样化,服务队伍专业化,逐步形成与社会主义市场体制和社会发展相适应、多方参与举办、运行机制灵活、政策法规配套,管理服务规范的社区养老服务格局。关键词:社区,养老服务,社会化上海交通大学MPA学位论文城市社区养老服务的社会化探索IIIRESEARCH ON SOCIALIZATION OF MUNITY SERVICE FOR THE ELDERLYABSTRACT The emergences of “community service for the elderly” in our country started in the early eighties and have gradually taken shape throughout the following two decades. With the increase of aging population, only-child and nuclear families and elderly “empty nesters” who live alone with their children leaving home, the traditional mode of healthcare for the aged, in which the next generation shoulder the duty or burden of attending to the old generation has been weakened. Therefore, the demands munity service for the elderly are rising considerably and continuously, the requirement and expectation of such service are on the rise at the same time. However, the current situation of munity service for the elderly is still of typical “charity” nature and is far from satisfactory in terms of its item and scale. Due to such scarcity and limitation, the current service could hardly modate to the increasing demands. It readily leads to the necessity of the socialization of munity service for the elderly, and thereby socialized healthcare service for the elderly should be given immediate consideration. It has been proved by practice that the socialization of munity service for the elderly goes hand in hand with the reform of socialization of social welfare. Only by taking the path of socialization can the development munity service for the elderly in our country find its way to ess and can we bridge the increasing gap between the demand and supply of 上海交通大学MPA学位论文城市社区养老服务的社会化探索IVsuch service. However, generally speaking, the current situation of munity service for the elderly still remain at the rather low level, which fails to keep apace with the growing aging population and falls short of their increasing demands for healthcare service. Such situation is in bad need of change and improvement. It calls for the support and participation from the whole society so as to expand the coverage and diversify the channels munity service for the elderly. This thesi







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