[Abstract]:On September 3, 2015, the 70th Anniversary Parade of the War of Resistance against Japan was held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. The commemorative activities of the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan carried forward the great spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan, made the children of all ethnic groups throughout the country remember history and remembered the martyrs. The spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan is an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation and excellent culture, is the concentrated embodiment of the style and value orientation of the national spirit, and has rich connotation and important value of the times. The spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan provides a strong spiritual support for the construction of China's socialist cause and plays an important role in cultivating and practicing socialist core values. Contemporary college students are the new force in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the future. They shoulder the historical responsibility of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing Chinese Dream. They should firmly establish and actively practice the core values of socialism. Socialist core values are the embodiment of the fundamental nature and characteristics of the socialist core system, and the unity of the state, society and individuals in the value goal. The spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan and the spiritual essence of socialist core values are the important resources and valuable wealth for cultivating the core values of contemporary college students. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to inherit and carry forward the great spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan for cultivating the core values of contemporary college students. Guided by the basic theory of Marxism, this paper takes the promotion of the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan as the perspective, the cultivation of the core values of college students as the research content, and the literature retrieval, induction and comprehensive research as the main research methods. In order to strengthen the ideal and belief of college students, promote them to internalize the core values in their hearts and externalize them in the purpose of behavior, and explore the effective ways to cultivate the core values of college students by carrying forward the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan. To sum up, the full text has five parts: first, through the combing of the existing research results on the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan, the memorial of the War of Resistance against Japan and the cultivation of the core values of college students, this paper summarizes the current situation of academic research. Clear out the research ideas of this paper, try to innovate in the research content and research perspective. The second is to define the basic connotation of the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan and analyze the important relationship between the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan and the core values of socialism. Third, according to the characteristics of study and life of college students, this paper sums up the importance and function of carrying forward the spirit of War of Resistance against Japan in cultivating the core values of college students by using the method of combining theory with practice. Fourth, the purpose of carrying forward the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan and cultivating the core values of college students is to enhance the "four confidence" of college students in socialism with Chinese characteristics and to stimulate and enhance their patriotic enthusiasm. And promote college students to actively practice core values and strive to be excellent constructors and reliable successors of socialism. Fifth, on the basis of literature review and theoretical research, this paper puts forward some concrete ways to cultivate the core values of college students by carrying forward the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japan, including classroom education, campus culture, social practice, network propaganda, historical memorial of the War of Resistance against Japan, and so on. Hope to provide valuable theoretical reference for cultivating college students' core values.
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