【摘要】 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格,美国著名作家,他的作品《麦田的守望者》讲述了主人公霍尔顿在纽约市三天的流浪生活,细致地描写了16岁的霍尔顿从青春期的迷茫纠结到融入社会的成年之旅。《挪威的森林》则是日本作家村上春树最有代表性的作品之一,小说描述了男女主人公渡边和直子的爱情纠葛,以及对生与死,爱与性的主题探讨。这两部小说都是成长小说的代表,在东方和西方的文学评论界都有着极大的研究价值。本论文分析这两部作品的相似点和不同点,以及其成因。除引言和结论部分,本论文主体由三章构成。引言部分介绍了对《麦田的守望者》和《挪威的森林》的相关研究,而且简要介绍杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格和村上春树的生平和创作作品特点,然后介绍对两部作品的文学批评和以往对两部作品的研究情况,进而阐述了本论文研究领域的国内外现状及对其研究的重大意义。第一章是关于两位作家的写作理论部分,并且从文化背景和心理分析角度阐述两部作品异同。塞林格的《麦田的守望者》有许多后现代主义的特征,例如,主人公霍尔顿是个反主流文化的英雄。村上春树的《挪威的森林》是纯粹的现实主义,对于故事背景,主人公真实细致的描写,似乎给读者带入了一片无尽的森林。两部作品发生在东西方剧变的历史阶段,各自带有那个时代的烙印。塞林格和村上春树不同的生活经历也促成了两部作品的异同。同时也从心理分析角度找到两部作品的异同,找出霍尔顿和渡边行为的心理等深层次原因。第二章从主题,人物两个方面分析了两部小说的相似之处。“爱与性”是两部小数同有的主题,霍尔顿和渡边都具有敏感和深沉的个性,两个人都有过迷茫的青春岁月。他们都喜欢上自己心仪的女孩,却又得不到对方的真爱。“死亡”也是这两部小说同有的主题,无论是霍尔顿还是渡边都无法释怀亲人和朋友的逝去,而且两个人都曾在生与死之间徘徊过,最终两个人选择了勇敢的活下去。“坠落和拯救”同样也是两部小说共有的主题之一,两个主人公都陷入极大的痛苦之中,并且极度需要安慰,在别人的帮助下,逃离了自己理想化的世界,最终融入了社会。最后,本文提到的共有的主题是“孤独和无法融入社会”,两个人都感到很孤独,并且发现自己与所在的社会格格不入。第三章从叙事方式和象征手法上分析了两部小说的不同之处,两部小说虽然都使用了第一人称叙事方式,但手法上却是不同。《麦田的守望者》中的霍尔顿明显是一个积极的叙事者,每件发生的事情,他都身在其中,而非旁观者,对每件事情的态度都非常鲜明,完全符合其性格特点。《挪威的森林》叙事方式首先是以中年渡边回忆开始,然后年轻时代的渡边出现在文章之中成为主角,但中年渡边并没有退出叙述,在文章中时时刻刻感到他的存在,并且成为一位评论者。对比《麦田的守望者》简洁,平白的叙事方式,《挪威的森林》的叙事则比较立体,富有穿越感。两部作品的结局都属于开放式,但有明显区别。《麦田的守望者》中的霍尔顿最终明显有要融入社会的意图,而《挪威的森林》却未交待渡边和绿子的结局。两部作品同时使用大量的象征和隐喻等修辞方法。《麦田的守望者》中的象征手法较为直接,而《挪威的森林》的象征手法则较为含蓄。最后部分是结论,这部分旨在简要概括全文并表明本文的写作意图。《麦田的守望者》和《挪威的森林》中作者给我们营造出了独特的氛围,作者精准地抓住了生活在繁华都市里的青年人的精神世界,展示了青年人在社会中的迷失、困惑、孤独。回望我们身边,这种孤独感来自信息爆炸所导致的人际关系的崩溃。在经济高度发展的同时精神生活却显得非常贫乏,精神生活和物质生活的不同步发展导致人们生活的极度空虚。所以也会导致校园中和社会出现各种匪夷所思和不正常的现象。通过对这两部作品的研究,我们可以很好的为迷茫的青少年的发展指明一条正确的道路,并能够进一步加强精神文明建设。
【关键词】 比较; 成长小说; 相同性; 不同性;
Chapter I Influences of Postmodernism and Realism
1. Salinger’s Postmodernism and Murakami’s Realism
A. Salinger’s Postmodernism
More specifically, Postmodernism literature will not conclude with the neatly tied-up endingthat is often found in Modernist literature, but often parodies it. Postmodern authors are prone to focus more on chance than craft, and further use me t a fiction toundermine the writer’s authority. Another characteristic of postmodern literature is the questioning of differences between high and low culture through the use of pastiche,the combination of subjects and genres not deemed fit for literature before.
As for all stylistic eras, no precise dates exist for the beginning and ending ofpostmodernism’s popularity. 1941, the year when Irish novelist James Joyce andEnglish novelist Virginia Woolf both passed away, is used as a rough borderline forpostmodernism’s start. It is claimed postmodern fiction as a whole could be typifiedby the sarcastic quote marks and much of it can be taken as tongue-in-cheek. Thisirony, as well as black humor and the general concept of “play” is among the mostidentifiable aspects of postmodernism. Though the idea of using these in literature didnot begin with the postmodernists, they became central characters in manypostmodern works.
J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye employs a number of factorscharacteristic of Post-Modernism. Books written during the post-modernism erausually have one or more of the succeeding aspects: irony, metafictional, humorless,mixing fantasy with nonfiction. The Catcher in the Rye drastically implies individualisolation through the symbolism of the items owned by Holden. It shows ironythrough Holden’s deeds and thoughts. Holden is the anti-hero of the novel, so there isno hero. The book persists in values that are not permanent, and eventually it blurs thelines of reality because the whole book is a flashback. J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in theRye is an impeccable representative for post-modernism thanks to its use of literarydevices generally used in the post-modernism era.
Subjectivity is probed in many ways by the different aspects of postmodernliterature. This technique focuses on the importance of perception and personalemotions, as opposed to an objective view of reality. In The Catcher in the Rye,Salinger uses a first-person perspective, narrating the novel from Holden Caulfield’spoint of view. At times, the narration is a direct stream of consciousness fromHolden’s mind. These techniques emphasize subjectivity, because the reader is onlygiven Holden’s viewpoint of the world. This creates a complicated collocationbetween the historical reality of the novel and the reality as it is shown to us through Holden.