发布时间:2023-04-02 04:53
自我效能感是影响运动员成绩的因素之一。自我对话是自信的来源,被认为是调节认知、情绪、行为和表现的一种策略。然而在体育领域中,自我对话对运动员表现的影响一直被忽略。最重要的是,关于自我对话对运动自我效能感及其运动成绩提高的影响也普遍缺乏。因此,本论文以自我效能感(Bandura,1997)和自我对话(Hardy et al,2009)模型为基础,考察了激励性和指导性自我对话对足球新手和专业球员自我效能感和传球成绩的影响。基于自我谈话干预种类(MST、IST、CG)3×2运动水平(专家、新手)组间实验设计,论文对45个俱乐部和45个青年足球训练营的球员被取样进行研究。实验分为四个阶段:测试方案熟悉度试用阶段、基线评估阶段、自我对话干预训练阶段和干预后评估阶段。在MST组中使用自我对话“I Can”等和“Ready,target,pass by”等IST组进行了2周的训练,以与对照组完成的传统足球训练进行比较。考察了激励性自我对话(motivational self-talk,MST)和指导性自我对话(instructional self-talk,IST)和不同运动员水平对足球运动员自我效...
【文章页数】:105 页
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Problem statement of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Hypotheses of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
2.Literature Review
2.1 Self-talk
2.1.1 Instructional and Motivational Self-Talk
2.1.2 Self-talk Interventions
2.1.3 The Self-talk Model
2.2 Self-efficacy
2.2.1 Conceptual Model of Self-efficacy
2.2.2 Nature of Passing Self Efficacy
2.2.3 The Role of Passing Self-efficacy in Accuracy Performance
2.2.4 Factors Debilitating Passing Self-efficacy and Accuracy Performance
2.2.5 Self-talk and performance
2.2.6 Self-talk,self-efficacy,and Performance
3.Research Method
3.1 Participants of the study
3.2 Study Design
3.3 Statistical Analysis of the Study
3.4 Data Collection Instruments and Materials
3.4.1 Interview
3.4.2 Self-talk Questionnaire(S-TQ)
3.4.3 Passing Self Efficacy Questionnaire(PSEQ)
3.5 Passing Performance Test
3.5.1 Passing Performance Scoring
3.5.2 Layout of the accurate passing performance testing diagram
3.5.3 Instructions and penalties for the passing test
3.6 Experiment Procedures
3.7 Experiment Phases
3.7.1 Phase1:Protocol familiarity passing trial test
3.7.2 Phase2:Base Line Assessment Session
3.7.3 Phase3:Self talk intervention training sessions
3.7.4 Phase4:Post Intervention Assessment
3.8 Post intervention Interview
4.1 Pilot Study
4.2 Backgrounds of Participants
4.3 Data normality statistical characteristics
4.4 Base line and post intervention measures comparison on passing self-efficacy and performance
4.5 The effect of self-talk intervention and play level on passing self-efficacy
4.6 The effect of self-talk intervention and play level on performance
4.7 Mediating effect of pass self-efficacy between self–talk and performance
4.8 Interview Analysis
5.1 Effect of self-talk intervention and player levels on passing self-efficacy
5.2 Effect of self-talk intervention and player levels on performance
5.3 Relation and mediating role of passing self-efficacy on the relationship among self-talk,and performance
6 Conclusions,Implications,Limitations,and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations of the study
6.4 Recommendations
Appendix A:Pre intervention Interview Questions
Appendix B:Self-Talk Questionnaire(S-TQ)
Appendix C:Passing Self Efficacy Questionnaire(PSEQ)
Appendix D:Accuracy performance Record Sheet
Appendix E Self-talk questionnaire Inter-Item Correlation and Inter-Item
Appendix F:Passing Performance test layout diagram
Appendix G:Post treatment check Interview questions
Appendix H Passing self-efficacy Mean comparisons based on experiment category and experience level
Appendix I:Accuracy performance Mean comparisons based on experiment category and experience level
Appendix J List of Tables
Appendix K List of Figures
Appendix L:List of Acronyms used in the study
【文章页数】:105 页
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Problem statement of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Hypotheses of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
2.Literature Review
2.1 Self-talk
2.1.1 Instructional and Motivational Self-Talk
2.1.2 Self-talk Interventions
2.1.3 The Self-talk Model
2.2 Self-efficacy
2.2.1 Conceptual Model of Self-efficacy
2.2.2 Nature of Passing Self Efficacy
2.2.3 The Role of Passing Self-efficacy in Accuracy Performance
2.2.4 Factors Debilitating Passing Self-efficacy and Accuracy Performance
2.2.5 Self-talk and performance
2.2.6 Self-talk,self-efficacy,and Performance
3.Research Method
3.1 Participants of the study
3.2 Study Design
3.3 Statistical Analysis of the Study
3.4 Data Collection Instruments and Materials
3.4.1 Interview
3.4.2 Self-talk Questionnaire(S-TQ)
3.4.3 Passing Self Efficacy Questionnaire(PSEQ)
3.5 Passing Performance Test
3.5.1 Passing Performance Scoring
3.5.2 Layout of the accurate passing performance testing diagram
3.5.3 Instructions and penalties for the passing test
3.6 Experiment Procedures
3.7 Experiment Phases
3.7.1 Phase1:Protocol familiarity passing trial test
3.7.2 Phase2:Base Line Assessment Session
3.7.3 Phase3:Self talk intervention training sessions
3.7.4 Phase4:Post Intervention Assessment
3.8 Post intervention Interview
4.1 Pilot Study
4.2 Backgrounds of Participants
4.3 Data normality statistical characteristics
4.4 Base line and post intervention measures comparison on passing self-efficacy and performance
4.5 The effect of self-talk intervention and play level on passing self-efficacy
4.6 The effect of self-talk intervention and play level on performance
4.7 Mediating effect of pass self-efficacy between self–talk and performance
4.8 Interview Analysis
5.1 Effect of self-talk intervention and player levels on passing self-efficacy
5.2 Effect of self-talk intervention and player levels on performance
5.3 Relation and mediating role of passing self-efficacy on the relationship among self-talk,and performance
6 Conclusions,Implications,Limitations,and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations of the study
6.4 Recommendations
Appendix A:Pre intervention Interview Questions
Appendix B:Self-Talk Questionnaire(S-TQ)
Appendix C:Passing Self Efficacy Questionnaire(PSEQ)
Appendix D:Accuracy performance Record Sheet
Appendix E Self-talk questionnaire Inter-Item Correlation and Inter-Item
Appendix F:Passing Performance test layout diagram
Appendix G:Post treatment check Interview questions
Appendix H Passing self-efficacy Mean comparisons based on experiment category and experience level
Appendix I:Accuracy performance Mean comparisons based on experiment category and experience level
Appendix J List of Tables
Appendix K List of Figures
Appendix L:List of Acronyms used in the study