发布时间:2023-04-22 08:55
【文章页数】:303 页
摘要 ABSTRACT Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Realistic Backgrounds
1.1.1 The Creation of A Binary System-China's Efforts to Build Universities of Applied Sciences
1.1.2 China‘s UAS:A New Innovation Actor
1.1.3 The Innovation Mission of UAS in China
1.1.4 Implications of Research and Innovation for Teaching in UAS
1.1.5 China‘s Case:Serious Imbalance
1.2 Theoretical Background
1.2.1 Research Trends
1.2.2 Limitations
1.3 Research Purpose and Questions
1.4 Research Significance
1.5 Definition of Key Concepts
1.5.1 Innovation and Research
1.5.2 UAS in China
1.6 Overview of the Methodology
1.7 Organization of the Thesis Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Higher Education Institutions and Innovation
2.3 Innovation Mission of Chinese Higher Education institutions
2.4 Innovation in China‘s UAS
2.4.1Research and Innovation Funds
2.4.2 Policy and Measures
2.4.3 Innovation Evaluation
2.4.4 Innovative Capacity
2.4.5 Scientific Research and Innovation in China‘s UAS:Challenges and Dilemmas
2.5 Review of Scientific Research in UAS in Some European Countries
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Germany
2.5.3 Belgium
2.5.4 Finland
2.5.5 Netherlands
2.5.6 Norway
2.5.7 Switzerland
2.5.8 Experiences from European Countries
2.6 Implication for Research Questions and Research Design Chapter3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Methodology
3.2.1 Rationale for Qualitative Research Design
3.2.2 Rationale for a Case Study Methodology
3.3 Case Study with Mixed Methods Data Collection
3.3.1 Case selection
3.3.2 Overview of the Research Design
3.3.3 Data Collection Instruments
3.3.4 Data Analysis
3.3.5 Quality of the Findings
3.4 Manner of Writing
3.5 Summary Chapter4 Case Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Grounded theory method
4.2 Case1:QC UAS
4.2.1 The College
4.2.2 A Historical Sketch of Research and Innovation in QC
4.2.3 Case Analysis for QC
4.3 Case2:TD University
4.3.1 The University
4.3.2 A historical sketch of research and innovation in TD
4.3.3 Coding Analysis for TD
4.3.4 Conclusion
4.4 Case3:HXY College
4.4.1 HXY College
4.4.2 A Historical Sketch of Research and Innovation at HXY
4.4.3 Coding analysis for HXY
4.4.4 Summary
4.5 Case4 TZ University
4.5.1 The University
4.5.2 A Historical Sketch of R&I in TZ
4.5.3 Coding Analysis for TZ Chapter5 Cross-Case Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Current R&I Situation of UAS
5.2.1 Regional Disparities——Talent-recruitment Perspective
5.2.2 Leadership
5.2.3 Bureaucracy
5.2.4 R&I and Teaching
5.2.5 Academic Drift
5.2.6 Incentive System
5.2.7 GuanXi
5.2.8 Gender
5.2.9 Professional Bottleneck
5.2.10 Academic Equality
5.2.11 Culture of Innovation
5.2.12 The Entrepreneurial University
5.3 Conclusion Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Summary of the Findings
6.2.1 UAS Motivations for R&I
6.2.2 Characteristics of R&I in UAS
6.2.3 Factors that Influenced UAS‘R&I
6.2.4 Comparisons between Cases in China and Europe
6.3 Policy Recommendation
6.4 Implications of the Study
6.5 Limitations of the Study and Recommendations for Future Study
6.6 Concluding Remarks REFERENCES PUBLICATION& RESEARCH Appendix A:List of Abbreviations Appendix B:Participant Information Statement Appendix C:Participant Consent Form Appendix D:Interview Questions Appendix E:Profiles of the Interviewees AKNOWLEDGEMENT 致谢
【文章页数】:303 页
摘要 ABSTRACT Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Realistic Backgrounds
1.1.1 The Creation of A Binary System-China's Efforts to Build Universities of Applied Sciences
1.1.2 China‘s UAS:A New Innovation Actor
1.1.3 The Innovation Mission of UAS in China
1.1.4 Implications of Research and Innovation for Teaching in UAS
1.1.5 China‘s Case:Serious Imbalance
1.2 Theoretical Background
1.2.1 Research Trends
1.2.2 Limitations
1.3 Research Purpose and Questions
1.4 Research Significance
1.5 Definition of Key Concepts
1.5.1 Innovation and Research
1.5.2 UAS in China
1.6 Overview of the Methodology
1.7 Organization of the Thesis Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Higher Education Institutions and Innovation
2.3 Innovation Mission of Chinese Higher Education institutions
2.4 Innovation in China‘s UAS
2.4.1Research and Innovation Funds
2.4.2 Policy and Measures
2.4.3 Innovation Evaluation
2.4.4 Innovative Capacity
2.4.5 Scientific Research and Innovation in China‘s UAS:Challenges and Dilemmas
2.5 Review of Scientific Research in UAS in Some European Countries
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Germany
2.5.3 Belgium
2.5.4 Finland
2.5.5 Netherlands
2.5.6 Norway
2.5.7 Switzerland
2.5.8 Experiences from European Countries
2.6 Implication for Research Questions and Research Design Chapter3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Methodology
3.2.1 Rationale for Qualitative Research Design
3.2.2 Rationale for a Case Study Methodology
3.3 Case Study with Mixed Methods Data Collection
3.3.1 Case selection
3.3.2 Overview of the Research Design
3.3.3 Data Collection Instruments
3.3.4 Data Analysis
3.3.5 Quality of the Findings
3.4 Manner of Writing
3.5 Summary Chapter4 Case Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Grounded theory method
4.2 Case1:QC UAS
4.2.1 The College
4.2.2 A Historical Sketch of Research and Innovation in QC
4.2.3 Case Analysis for QC
4.3 Case2:TD University
4.3.1 The University
4.3.2 A historical sketch of research and innovation in TD
4.3.3 Coding Analysis for TD
4.3.4 Conclusion
4.4 Case3:HXY College
4.4.1 HXY College
4.4.2 A Historical Sketch of Research and Innovation at HXY
4.4.3 Coding analysis for HXY
4.4.4 Summary
4.5 Case4 TZ University
4.5.1 The University
4.5.2 A Historical Sketch of R&I in TZ
4.5.3 Coding Analysis for TZ Chapter5 Cross-Case Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Current R&I Situation of UAS
5.2.1 Regional Disparities——Talent-recruitment Perspective
5.2.2 Leadership
5.2.3 Bureaucracy
5.2.4 R&I and Teaching
5.2.5 Academic Drift
5.2.6 Incentive System
5.2.7 GuanXi
5.2.8 Gender
5.2.9 Professional Bottleneck
5.2.10 Academic Equality
5.2.11 Culture of Innovation
5.2.12 The Entrepreneurial University
5.3 Conclusion Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Summary of the Findings
6.2.1 UAS Motivations for R&I
6.2.2 Characteristics of R&I in UAS
6.2.3 Factors that Influenced UAS‘R&I
6.2.4 Comparisons between Cases in China and Europe
6.3 Policy Recommendation
6.4 Implications of the Study
6.5 Limitations of the Study and Recommendations for Future Study
6.6 Concluding Remarks REFERENCES PUBLICATION& RESEARCH Appendix A:List of Abbreviations Appendix B:Participant Information Statement Appendix C:Participant Consent Form Appendix D:Interview Questions Appendix E:Profiles of the Interviewees AKNOWLEDGEMENT 致谢