本文选题:手势估计 + 关键点 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of smart home and intelligent devices, the information interaction between people and devices will become more and more frequent in people's daily life. Especially with the development of computer and artificial intelligence, the research field of contactless human-computer interaction, which is more suitable for human communication, will become more and more active. These research fields include eyeball tracking technology, speech recognition technology, facial expression recognition technology, lip recognition technology, face recognition technology, gesture recognition technology and body posture recognition technology. Because gesture information is abundant and interactive motion is natural comfortable and unconstrained gesture interaction technology is an important research direction in the field of human-computer interaction in the future. Because of the small size of the hands, the speed and direction of movement, the degree of freedom of the fingers is very high, the appearance of each finger is very similar and it is very easy to block each other. Therefore, how to estimate the human hand 3D key points quickly and accurately based on vision is a very challenging research topic. In view of the complex high dimensional gesture space and the large angle of view and high occlusion, based on the idea of "divide and conquer", this paper proposes a method to estimate the three dimensional key points of gesture guided by classification and regression. In this method, a difficult and complex gesture regression task is divided into several relatively easy sub-tasks, and each subtask is taught a unique regression model. Thus, the problem that a single model can not handle all cases well is avoided. First, a depth convolution neural network classifier Google LeNet, which uses depth map as input, is trained offline. Different from the previous gesture classifier which is classified according to the camera angle of view, the classifier in this paper is classified according to the rigid alignment of different gestures. For all categories predicted by gesture classifier, a cascaded stochastic forest regression is trained offline. In the test stage, the depth map is input into the gesture classifier to predict a gesture category directly, and then the depth map is sent into the cascade random forest regression corresponding to the prediction category again, and the 3D coordinate of the key points of the hand in camera coordinate system is output. Intensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the classification guidance regression algorithm proposed in this paper. From the qualitative point of view, the classification guidance regression algorithm is significantly ahead of the whole sample regression algorithm. Compared with other excellent algorithms, this classification guidance regression algorithm is still ahead of other excellent algorithms in most of the maximum allowable error threshold range. From the qualitative point of view, this method can not only deal with the complex large angle and high occlusion gesture situation, but also maintain a high frame rate, which can meet the real-time and accurate application scenarios.
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