[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the quality of modern life, people pay more attention to the family environment, and put forward higher requirements for the intellectualization and energy-saving of the family equipment. At present, ZigBee gateway or Bluetooth gateway mode is used in the research of equipment networking in indoor monitoring system, which is connected to the IPv4 network. However, with the continuous access of mobile devices to the Internet, IPv4 address has been exhausted. And the connection mode of ZigBee gateway can not realize point-to-point communication because the underlying device can not directly connect to the Internet. If you want to achieve point-to-point communication, you need the underlying device to implement the IPv6 protocol, but usually the underlying device has limited hardware resources and cannot provide the resources needed to run IPv6. In order to solve this problem, 6LoWPAN protocol is proposed. Based on the research of 6LoWPAN technology, an indoor environment monitoring system based on 6LoWPAN is designed in this paper. The system consists of information acquisition module, lamp control terminal and network coordinator. The information acquisition module collects indoor environmental parameters, and the lighting control terminal adjusts the light according to the illumination and personnel conditions. The network coordinator is responsible for setting up the network and carrying out the preliminary processing and transmission of information. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the system information acquisition module is designed and implemented. The system information acquisition module includes harmful gas, infrared pyroelectric human body, temperature and humidity, illumination and other information acquisition module. The information acquisition module is composed of JN5168 module, sensor UART serial port, power circuit and so on. Then a 6LoWPAN network structure is implemented, and the JenNet-IP protocol stack is used in each node to realize the data transmission in 6LoWPAN. Then the network coordinator is designed and implemented, which solves the problems of network construction and Datagram transmission and processing between 6LoWPAN network and Internet due to the difference of network structure. Finally, the whole indoor environment monitoring system is built, and the function of the system is tested, that is, the adjustment test of the lamp control terminal to the intelligent lamp, the information collection and upload test of the information collection system, the data transmission test of the network coordinator and so on. The test results show that this scheme can meet the requirements of intelligent dimming and environmental information data collection in indoor environment monitoring system.
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