[Abstract]:Vehicle driver fatigue detection is divided into contact detection and non-contact detection. Contact measurement is to directly contact the driver's body, collect some physiological indicators of the driver, and judge the driver's fatigue state through these indicators. Non-contact measurement is used to judge the fatigue state of the driver by using some parameters of the vehicle or the video image of the driver. The method of contactless detection based on video detection is used in this paper. Compared with the traditional contact detection method, this method does not need to touch the driver's body, and ensures the safety and comfort of the driving process. The contents of this paper include: image preprocessing, face detection, human eye contour extraction, geometric description and parameter extraction of human eye contour, and judgment of human eye fatigue state. Image preprocessing includes grayscale image denoising and histogram equalization in order to reduce the amount of information in the image and eliminate the noise in the image making the image easy to process. Ada Boost classifier is used in face detection and human eye detection. This classifier can be used to form a cascade classification. Finally, the classification results are obtained by successive classifiers, and the classifier selects Haar-like features. In the detection of human eyes, a two-level Ada Boost classifier is used. The first level classifier detects the human face first, and the second level classifier detects the human eye according to the position relationship between the human face and the human eye, which improves the detection rate of the human eye. The human eye contour is extracted by mathematical morphology, and the geometric description of human eye contour is described by elliptical Fourier transform, which describes the contour of human eye as the coefficient of Fourier series. The experimental results show that the parameters of .PerCLOS can accurately describe the blink times of the human eye in a unit time, and it can be used to judge the fatigue state of the human eye. Finally, the fatigue state of the driver is simulated and the expected results are obtained.
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