[Abstract]:WeChat is a particularly popular chat software. On January 21, 2011, WeChat launched a 1.0 beta version, which supports the introduction of existing contact information through the QQ number, enabling instant messaging. Simple features such as sharing photos and changing avatars, and a new 2.0 version of voice-to-speech features was introduced on May 10, 2011. The WeChat public platform was officially launched on 17 August 2012, with major changes made on November 29, 2012, and February 6, 2013, respectively. Add the function of editing text message, check the sensitive words and security of the sent content, add the advanced function option, the user can choose one to use in the edit mode and development mode, and turn on the authentication of real name. To present, the operation of WeChat platform has matured, also had its own user group. WeChat has the characteristics of a large number of user groups and its ease of operation, which has established the status of the best carrier of light application enterprise intelligent customer service. In the face of a large number of unscheduled e-commerce users, the traditional artificial customer service has been very difficult to meet the needs of the market. The hardware products of various enterprises compete equally, and consumers often demand more service attitude, and experience emotion and culture. Therefore, the mature intelligent customer service products will gradually evolve into a certain enterprise concept and culture of intelligent customer service in the future. Whether it is intelligent customer service based on e-commerce enterprise platform or other forms of enterprise intelligent customer service, it will be a way to improve the user experience. In this paper, the enterprise intelligent customer service is implemented on WeChat platform. In the part of query database, the nearest neighbor query algorithm TPR- tree is used to realize the search of query information. When users use intelligent customer service, they use intelligent queuing algorithm to calculate the waiting time, so as to avoid the situation of waiting timeout. At present, the enterprise-based intelligent customer service has been in the trial operation phase.
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