[Abstract]:In this paper, the seed sorting system was used as the research background, the soybean seed was used as the research object, VC6.0,Opencv and MATLAB were used as the research tools, from the pretreatment process of the soybean seed image, the edge extraction process, the segmentation of the adhesion bean seed. The shape feature component, color feature component, manipulator driving operation and the communication process between PC machine and PLC are deeply studied, which is of practical significance for machine vision screening of seeds. The results are as follows: 1. Soybean seeds were collected under light source and captured under ordinary incandescent lamp to obtain most of the characteristics of seed images. The background color selected in the experiment is white, so the reflection of the middle part of the seed is strong due to the vertical illumination of the light source. It is easy to mix the middle part and the background color together when extracting the object with the maximum class algorithm. Therefore, the image should be preprocessed. In this paper, two methods are used to study, one is to compress the gray value, the other is to extract the binarization of the three channels of BGN R. In order to analyze the color characteristics of the later stage, the method of tri-channel binarization is chosen. 2. In order to identify dried seeds, several algorithms for edge extraction of Roberts operator, Sobel operator, Prewitt operator and Canny operator were analyzed and compared. In the process of screening, it is inevitable to encounter the phenomenon of two or more seeds conglutinating each other, resulting in misjudgment. By using the method of corrosion to separate the conglutinated soybean seeds, the monospecific seeds were treated with the same number of expansions. The binary image obtained by this method basically maintains the shape feature of the original image, and has no effect on the extraction of other parameters such as area, perimeter and roundness in the future. The algorithm is used to solve the adhesion segmentation problem of soybean grains. 3. The characteristic components of 18 kinds of soybean seeds were defined and extracted. Not only the shape but also the color of FL were compared, which improved the recognition rate. The standard characteristic quantity is analyzed by mathematical processing software Minitab to determine whether it conforms to the normal distribution, and the deviation of 卤20% for the definition of qualified seed according to the 3 蟽 interval is not in accordance with the normal distribution. This basically can screen out the unqualified bean seed. Finally, VC programming software was used to complete the preparation of seed sorting interface, and the identification of unqualified seeds was realized. 4. 4. The frequency conversion speed control of seed conveying device is realized by frequency converter, the driving device of manipulator is analyzed, the servo motor is driven by PLC high speed pulse, and the grasping action of manipulator to three positions of seed is simulated theoretically. The communication process between PC machine and PLC was studied. The basic communication process between PC machine and PLC was realized, and the feasibility of sorting soybean seeds by manipulator was verified theoretically. To sum up, the research of this subject provides a series of theoretical foundation and technical support for the realization of automation and scientific seed screening, overcomes the disadvantages of manual detection, and achieves high speed for seeds. Accurate and nondestructive testing has certain practical application value.
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