[Abstract]:At present, diesel engine fault diagnosis has become the focus of research at home and abroad. In the fault diagnosis of diesel engine, different fault information can be obtained by multiple sensors. In order to obtain higher accuracy and reliability of fault diagnosis, it is necessary to make full use of the obtained fault information to diagnose the fault of diesel engine. In this paper, the present situation of diesel engine fault diagnosis at home and abroad, the necessity and feasibility of applying information fusion technology to diesel engine fault diagnosis are discussed, and the mechanism of diesel engine vibration signal is studied. To lay a foundation for the smooth progress of the experiment. In order to reflect the running state of diesel engine from many aspects, the characteristic level information fusion of diesel engine vibration signal and pressure signal is carried out by using neural network method, and the principle and algorithm of BP neural network and RBF neural network are studied. Aiming at the deficiency of RBF neural network, a hybrid hierarchical genetic algorithm using hierarchical genetic coding scheme is proposed. The algorithm is used to optimize the structure of hidden layer, the center value of hidden layer, the base width and the linear weight of output of RBF neural network. The three methods are used for fault diagnosis, and the simulation results are carried out under Matlab. The results show that the RBF neural network optimized by genetic algorithm has the advantages of fast training speed and high precision. In addition, in order to synthetically utilize the diagnosis information obtained by multiple sensors, the RBF neural network optimized by genetic algorithm and D-S evidence theory are combined to construct the mass function for vibration signal and pressure signal. The fault diagnosis of diesel engine based on decision level fusion weakens the uncertainty of the diagnosis result and makes the diagnosis more accurate. Since D-S evidence theory is only a simple combination of evidence, the weighted evidence synthesis method is used in this paper. When multiple evidences are fused, the degree of conflict between evidence is expressed by the distance of evidence and the conflict factor, and then the weight coefficient is determined by the value of the degree of conflict between the evidence, and the basic trust distribution function of evidence is modified. Then the D-S rule is used to synthesize and the fault diagnosis experiment shows that this method is effective for conflict evidence fusion and fully proves that the method can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of fault diagnosis.
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