[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the technology, such as the missile, the aircraft and so on, the target has more and more maneuverability, so the importance of real-time detection and accurate parameter estimation of the maneuvering target is becoming more and more serious, whether in the aspects of military defense or civil aviation safety. The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, which has emerged in recent years, has been highly concerned since it has a prominent advantage over the traditional array radar. MIMO radar has a good application effect in the research of target detection and parameter estimation. Because of the mutual orthogonal waveform of the on-board MIMO radar, the freedom of transmission is introduced, so that the degree of freedom of the system is greatly increased, and a better application is provided for parameter estimation of the moving target in the aspect of clutter suppression. The main content of this paper is to estimate the relative motion parameters of the maneuvering target under the system of on-board MIMO radar. The structure of this paper is as follows: First, the research of this paper is based on the high-attention coherent MIMO radar, and the principle of the MIMO radar is introduced with the aid of such models. and its unique signal processing flow. At the same time, the target echo model and the clutter data model of the on-board MIMO radar are constructed, and the basic knowledge of the self-adaptive processing of the MIMO radar is described. Secondly, based on the established radar echo model, the probability density function of the received data is derived and simplified based on the established radar echo model. At the cost function of initial velocity and acceleration, the target arrival angle is estimated, then the initial velocity and acceleration of the maneuvering target are combined and estimated, and the three-dimensional search is avoided. The method adds an orthogonal waveform, and uses single pulse echo data to complete the parameter estimation, and the estimation performance is excellent, but still faces a large amount of computation. Finally, a method of maneuvering target parameter estimation based on CPT (three-phase shift) is proposed. The target echo is modeled by the guide vector and the waveform is not taken into account. The method comprises the following steps of: carrying out three phase transformation to obtain a relational expression containing only the acceleration, estimating the relation, and then compensating the target acceleration, and combining the fast Fourier transform and the matched search to obtain the initial velocity estimation value. The method not only can obtain higher parameter estimation precision, but also has lower algorithm complexity.
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