
发布时间:2017-12-28 11:36

  本文关键词:面向医学数据的随机森林特征选择及分类方法研究 出处:《哈尔滨工程大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医学数据挖掘 特征选择 微阵列表达数据分析 随机森林 支持向量机

[Abstract]:Medical data mining is an important research direction of data mining technology. For many years, it has always been a hot topic in the field of computer science and medicine. In recent years, medical data mining objects are gradually changing from clinical diagnostic data to gene chip data. At present, many excellent data mining algorithms have been applied to various medical research work, such as decision tree, support vector machine and artificial neural network. However, the high dimensional feature space, the inherent characteristics of medical data highly redundancy, highly relevant features, sample class imbalance and the characteristics of medical research data mining results for the understanding of the requirements, traditional data mining algorithms cannot be applied directly to the medical data mining tasks. Random forest algorithm (random forest algorithm) is an integrated machine learning algorithm based on decision tree. On the one hand, because the random forest has the advantages of high classification accuracy, fast calculation speed and can identify the main related feature from having small marginal effect and complex interactions in the widely used in medical data analysis; on the other hand, studies have shown that random forests in the categories of imbalanced data sets and high-dimensional data sets on the classification ability and stability will be weakened. In order to solve the problem of medical data sets of features of high dimension and redundancy, and the correlation between the sample class imbalance, based on the UCI standard data sets, diabetes clinical diagnosis data sets and microarray data sets on the feature selection and data classification method based on random forest, mainly carried out the following work. First, aiming at the problem of sample class imbalance in medical datasets, a random forest improvement algorithm based on random resampling technology and integrated machine learning idea is proposed. Firstly, from the original training data set using back random resampling technique to construct samples balanced data set, and then train the random forest classifier at each sampling data set, finally all the random forest classifier to generate the data set by the number of votes to determine the classification of unknown samples. Experimental results on UCI dataset show that compared with traditional random sampling and cost sensitive methods, the algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively improve the classification performance of classifiers, especially the recall of minority samples. Secondly, aiming at the problem of high dimensional feature space and high correlation among features of medical clinical dataset, a Filter based feature selection algorithm based on random forest is proposed. The algorithm based on the sort of feature data set of the random forest variable importance scores, then feature selection is determined by iterative threshold selection before the experiment, several important features constitute the largest fraction feature subset, finally in the feature subset of the training classifier. Experimental results on UCI dataset and diabetes clinical dataset show that the classification performance based on the importance score of random forest variables is significantly higher than that of existing algorithms based on feature subset subarea and feature correlation. Thirdly, aiming at the problem of highly correlated and highly redundant features among medical datasets, a Wrapper feature selection algorithm based on random forest and sequential search strategy is proposed. This algorithm uses the random forest good ability for identifying the main related feature from having small marginal effect and complex interactions in the random forest variable importance scores as feature importance measurement, using sequence to the United feature sequence search and sequence prior to the combination of search strategy feature subset selection, quality classification feature subset classifier the rate of correct evaluation of feature subsets, the final choice of the correct rate of classification feature subset with the highest as the best subset of features. Simulation experiments on UCI dataset, diabetes clinical dataset and microarray dataset show that the classification accuracy and subset quality of the proposed algorithm are better than those based on filtering method and other metric methods. Finally, aiming at the problem that there are many unrelated features, noise characteristics and redundant features in the dataset of microarray, a random forest feature selection algorithm based on Filter and Wrapper is proposed. The algorithm uses the Filter feature selection algorithm to filter out was not associated with the target variable genes, then using Wrapper feature selection algorithm to select the most random forest based on feature subset. In the process of Wrapper feature selection, aiming at the characteristics of microarray list data, based on the importance score of random forest variables, we propose a feature search strategy combining sequential forward feature selection and sequential backward feature selection, delamination redundant features and irrelevant features hierarchically. The simulation experiments on the data set of the microarray list show that the proposed algorithm is better than the existing algorithm in the classification accuracy.


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