
发布时间:2018-07-07 23:32

  本文选题:流体仿真 + 表面张力 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:Physical simulation is a process based on real world physical laws to reproduce a variety of physical phenomena, such as fluid motion, elastic body shape, and so on in a computer. Physical simulation can achieve high precision, and the cost is lower than physical experiment. So it is widely used in the early stage of aerospace, mechanical manufacturing, biological medicine and many other fields. Research. Many scenes which are difficult to be photographed in film and television production are also physical simulation through the phenomena of water, wind sand, flame and so on. The visual effects are made with high quality renderers. In recent years, with the development and popularization of 3D printing technology, digital manufacturing has become the frontier of research again. The physical simulation is applied to the 3D The structural mechanics analysis of the model can detect the design defects in time and ensure the structure stability of the model. Through the kinematic analysis, a model with special motion laws can be produced. The application of physical simulation greatly improves the level of digital manufacturing. The surface grid has a very important role in the physical simulation. First, thin structure objects (such as paper, cloth, plate, bubble, etc.) are usually expressed directly by surface mesh. Second, the surface mesh can represent the surface shape of the model, so it is widely used for collision detection and real-time display of the scene. The free surface can be traced with a dynamic surface mesh for materials such as fluid and so on. Although the real objects in the natural world have a certain volume, the topology and calculation of the body mesh are often complicated. Therefore, if the surface mesh can be used to approximate the calculation model, the computation can be reduced and the speed of the simulation can be improved. In this paper, three materials, such as water droplets, viscous fluid film, plastic film and so on, are used in this paper. The volume of water droplets is very small and its shape is mainly influenced by the surface tension. Therefore, the fluid movement inside the water droplets can be ignored and the direct deformation of the surface mesh is simulated. The fusion and splitting of water droplets can be realized by the Boolean operation and the mesh optimization of the surface mesh. Both viscous fluid film and plastic film can be achieved. It is a thin layer structure, so the surface mesh can be well simulated. We apply its simulation technology to the virtualization of two traditional manufacturing processes: water transfer and thermoplastic molding, the method of "computable water transfer printing" and "computable thermoplastic molding", so that it can be used in full color coloring of 3D surfaces. We developed this method. Some new technology prototype systems have been proved to be practical and reliable. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:. A real-time water drop simulation method based on surface mesh is proposed. By direct deformation of the surface grid of water droplets, the movement of water droplets, the contact of water droplets with the surface of hydrophilic surface, and the sliding of water droplets on the solid surface. Simulation. This method simplifies the fluid simulation from the three-dimensional voxel to the deformation of the surface mesh, so that the calculation can be reduced greatly. It can not only simulate the real time, but also allow users to interact with the water droplets. The process of being stretched and attached to the surface of an object. We applied the simulation of the phenomenon to a surface coloring process, a virtual process of water transfer, and proposed a "computable water transfer printing" method to solve the problem of precise alignment between patterns and models in the process of coloring complex surfaces in the traditional water transfer process. The prototype system has realized the virtual simulation, the system calibration and the integration of motion control. In view of the defects of the color distortion caused by the overstretching of the water transfer film during the process of water transfer to the complex model, we put forward a multiple transfer method. Each time the model is localized in one direction only, the pattern is superimposed after multiple transfers, and the model surface is on the model surface. The plastic film is modeled by the surface mesh to simulate the deformation of the plastic film under atmospheric pressure and to be attached to the surface of the object. We apply the simulation to the plastic molding process, the virtual flow process of vacuum thermoplastic molding, and put forward the method of "calculable thermoplastic molding". Combined with 3D printing, the virtual digital model with texture is made into a physical model. First, the digital model is used as a mold to simulate the process of vacuum forming. According to the simulation results of the plastic sheet deformation, the preformed pattern is calculated and printed on the transparent plastic sheet. By simulation of the vacuum process, the plastic is found out. A gas cavity may appear between the die and the mold. According to this, the exhaust holes are set on the model, and the mold with the vent hole is produced by 3D printing. We have reformed a small vacuum forming machine to make the pattern on the plastic sheet aligned with the object accurately. After vacuum molding, the print texture is attached to the surface of the mold. At the same time, the plastic sheet also covered a transparent protective shell for the pattern, and finally got the same physical model as the digital model.


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