
发布时间:2018-07-08 10:27

  本文选题:小波神经网络 + 参数初始化 ; 参考:《中北大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Wavelet analysis and neural network are the main components of the new generation of computing intelligent information processing technology. The wavelet transform is a local transformation of a time domain and frequency domain. Using the expansion and translation operation of the wavelet function to analyze the signal in different scales, the useful information can be extracted from the signal effectively. It overcomes the tradition. Fu Liye transform can not simultaneously carry on the defect of time frequency analysis, so it becomes one of the frontier technologies of nonlinear science. The artificial neural network is a theoretical model formed by the rational abstraction of the neural network of the human brain. It can rely on self learning ability of the environment to obtain knowledge, and use the connection weights between the neurons. The wavelet neural network (WNN) is a product of the combination of wavelet analysis and neural network. It can maintain the ability of multi input parallel processing, self learning, nonlinear mapping and fault tolerance on one hand. On the other hand, the wavelet analysis with strong mathematical basis is easily applied to the high level. On the basis of the existing classical wavelet neural network model, this paper has studied the existing classical wavelet neural network model. The former is the main research object, the initialization of the adaptive wavelet network with tensor product type wavelet function, the structure and algorithm of the fuzzy wavelet network combining with the fuzzy mechanism, the radial wavelet network. The algorithm of the collaterals has been studied and analyzed in detail, and it is applied to signal prediction, system identification, pattern classification and so on, which make the wavelet networks have higher practical value and significance in application. The main work is: first, multidimensional input adaptive wavelet with the tensor product type wavelet activation function Network (WNN_M) is the earliest and most classic wavelet network model. Its scale parameters, translation parameters and linear weights are all adjustable parameters of the network. In application, the flexibility of the network is added, making it possible to approximate the nonlinear system with a smaller scale wavelet network. In its application, the initial parameters are still more Q.H.Zhang proposed. The heuristic method (HIA). In order to get the more ideal initial parameters for the model and make the network training fast convergence, an improved parameter initialization method (CIA) is proposed using the time-frequency localization feature of the hidden layer wavelet function (CIA). The method first sets the threshold vector according to the statistical characteristics of the multidimensional input data, and uses the most important method. The idea of adjacent clustering determines the number of neurons in the hidden layer of the network, and determines the initial value of the corresponding wavelet translation reference vector and the scale parameter by the time window width of the hidden layer wavelet function. The initial error of the three different time series prediction shows that the initial error of the WNN_M-CIA is compared to the WNN_M-HIA. It is obviously lower. After several iterations of the gradient descent method, the prediction accuracy is still better than the network prediction accuracy based on HIA initialization. It shows the validity and rationality of the initialization algorithm. Secondly, considering the trend of combining the fuzzy theory with the wavelet analysis and the neural network, a kind of TSK fuzzy system and the wavelet network are proposed. This model uses the wavelet network with continuous parameter and tensor product multidimensional wavelet activation function as the conclusion part of the TSK fuzzy system, analyzes the difference between the fuzzy wavelet network model and the existing fuzzy wavelet network model, and applies it to the nonlinear system identification. In the training algorithm, the selection of the particle swarm optimization is based on the particle swarm optimization. The hybrid optimization algorithm combined with the online gradient descent method. Through the identification experiments of two nonlinear systems, it can be seen that even if less fuzzy rules and parameters are used, compared with the existing models, the proposed model and algorithm can still get more satisfactory identification results. Again, based on the competition algorithm. The Kohonen self organizing mapping (SOM) neural network has proposed a method of tilt correction and character segmentation for the license plate images. The pixels of the characters in the license plate are divided into seven classes according to the Euclidean distance between the coordinates, and the estimation of the tilt angle of the license plate is obtained according to the weight vector of the neuron. In addition, the purpose of the tilt correction is achieved. After preprocessing, the weight vector obtained by the SOM algorithm can also further use the shortest distance method to segment the character of the license plate. The example shows the effectiveness of the algorithm. Finally, on the basis of the SOM competition algorithm, a self generated circular disk cell division algorithm is proposed with the radial wavelet network, which will be used as a follow-up of the previous work. It is applied to the recognition of license plate characters. The algorithm uses competition mechanism to map the input mode to the two-dimensional unit disk instead of the neuron in the rectangular domain. As a hidden layer neuron of the radial wavelet neural network, the number and distribution of the required neurons can be classified by the network classification results. The "circumference nearest neighbor strategy", which is used to assign the weights of the neurons after the splitting, can not only make the disk mapping of the input sample keep the topological order, but also effectively use the weights that have been trained by the competition algorithm, making the algorithm more efficient. Compared with the classic radial basis function (RBF) network, the proposed algorithm can achieve higher recognition accuracy and have higher practical value than the classical radial basis function (RBF) network.


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