
发布时间:2018-08-03 08:03
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of remote sensing satellite technology, the application range of remote sensing images in military and civil fields has been gradually expanded. The research on remote sensing image target detection methods has attracted more and more attention from scholars in various countries. In general, people are concerned only with a small part of the entire image or the whole segment of the visual frequency, and use the global features in a single way. The target detection has been limited in practical application, which has some limitations, and the advantage of the local feature on the performance of information description provides an effective way for remote sensing target detection under complex background. In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of remote sensing information processing, the military reconnaissance and information collection will be enhanced. In this paper, the ability of the collection, focusing on the detection and identification of the mass target, the array target and the port target in remote sensing images, takes the oil tank, aircraft and ship as the specific research object, and studies the above objectives systematically with the characteristics of the target in the human visual perception system and the spatial relationship of its local characteristics. On the basis of this, the detection and recognition method for different types of objects in remote sensing images is proposed, and the efficiency and adaptability of the remote sensing target detection and recognition system are improved. The research results are obtained. This paper mainly studies the typical target detection method of remote sensing images based on the visual local features. The following work is as follows: 1. in view of the low accuracy of the target edge detection results of remote sensing images, then the image matching, target tracking and other image processing analysis precision problems. The thesis first analyzes the human visual physiological structure and the characteristics of remote sensing targets, systematically studies the interpretation process of remote sensing image, and the factors, methods and development of the interpretation. The trend is summarized and summarized, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the research of remote sensing target detection and recognition in the full text. Then a method of detection of target edge features of remote sensing image based on visual perception is proposed. The visual perception and remote sensing targets are excavated through the theoretical study and analysis of the characteristics of the visual perception system. The experimental verification of the effectiveness of the high and low threshold method based on visual perception to the detection of edge features of remote sensing images is verified by experiments, and by comparing with other algorithms, it is proved that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of the descriptors of each edge feature descriptor.2. to increase the resolution of remote sensing images. In addition, the image content tends to be complicated, the target is affected by the shadow interference and the recognition rate is reduced, and the accuracy of the target detection is faced with the great difficulty and challenge. A new method of mass target detection based on the characteristic of the circle is proposed, which focuses on the detection and recognition of the target of the remote sensing image oil tank. The experimental results show that this paper is proposed in this paper. Compared with other methods, the accuracy of the detection results has been effectively improved, and the location of the oil storage area can be realized quickly by the detection results. The algorithm is suitable for the remote sensing image.3. of different resolution. The target of the aircraft is shadowed by its own shadow and building occlusion in the actual remote sensing image. As well as the influence of ground object interference, the shadow outline of the aircraft target is mistaken for the aircraft target, which reduces the accuracy of the detection and leads to the reduction of the accuracy of the actual aircraft target location and feature extraction. In this paper, an array target detection and recognition method based on the invariant features is proposed. The detection and recognition of the aircraft target in the airport background is studied. The experimental results show that the implementation of this method is simple. Compared with other detection methods, it has good robustness to the interference effect of the target background, and the computation is small. The accuracy of the detection results can effectively improve the.4. target ship's target in remote sensing images. The gray and texture features of the standard are close to the port. The traditional detection method is not easy to separate the target from the port, and the detection accuracy is low. In this paper, a method of ship detection on the starboard of remote sensing images based on local significant features is proposed. In the environment, the effect of target detection is better, and the algorithm is not affected by the berthing position and shadow of the ship. The target recognition rate is higher and the robustness is stronger.


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