
发布时间:2018-08-03 13:07
[Abstract]:With the development of optical communication technology, optical access network (optical access network), as the bearing unit of optical signal transmission, has also realized a wide range laying, which makes everyone enjoy the convenience brought by optical communication. The distribution of optical fiber in the optical access network is more dense, and the fiber to the household realizes the laying of multiple fibers in a few meters or even shorter intervals. If the precision can not distinguish the multiple fibers in these meters, if the optical fiber fails, the maintenance personnel may be misjudged, thus causing unnecessary human and material waste. In addition, the increase of the communication rate makes the operators more aggravating the effect of the optical fiber barrier. Therefore, in order to make the communication malfunction made. The most effective solution is to reduce the loss and shorten the detection and maintenance time. In the process of detection and maintenance after the optical access network fault, the maintenance time is directly related to the accuracy of the fault location. The most common and most likely problem in the optical access network is fiber optic cable. The maintenance personnel usually use the optical time domain reflector. By using the principle of the pulse flight method, the equipment has the defects of the contradiction between the positioning accuracy and the detection distance of the fault, which limits the positioning accuracy in the long distance measurement. The precision is reduced to tens of meters or even hundreds of meters after the range is over ten kilometers. The maintenance personnel can only search and check in the range of precision, resulting in maintenance. It is difficult to carry out the work in time. Although the researchers have proposed a variety of optical fiber fault location methods, it is difficult to implement the remote high precision positioning function with a simple device. In order to control the operation and maintenance costs strictly, the operators need simple and practical monitoring devices to realize the maintenance of optical fiber in the optical access network with a wide distribution in recent years. It is found that the detection technique of correlation method can realize large range and high precision fault detection and solve the defect of optical time domain reflectometry. However, this method is very strict with the detection signal: periodicity will limit the detection distance and the bandwidth of the signal will limit the detection accuracy. Therefore, detection in the correlation method detection technology, detection The signal requires an aperiodic, high bandwidth and uncomplicated condition that can be used to monitor the fault of the optical network. Now there are three main types of optical access networks: active optical network, passive wavelength division multiplexing optical network, passive time division multiplexing optical network. The requirements of the monitoring device are also focused. Based on the principle of relevant methods, this paper puts forward the corresponding high precision monitoring device for these three kinds of networks, which has simple structure and good application prospect. The main contents and innovation points of this paper are as follows: 1. the related detection techniques are analyzed in principle from the existing optical fiber fault detection technology. Compared with other technologies, and the requirement of the detection signal, 2. in active optical network, the communication signals in the network are used as detection signals, with the aid of the characteristics of random oscillation and high change rate of the signal, the real-time centimetre precision fault monitoring is realized in the existing network, and the positioning work is realized. 3. in the passive wavelength division multiplexing optical network, because each branch has specific wavelength information, the spectrum range of the detection signal must cover all the wavelength information of all the branches of the network. Therefore, we use the high integrated ultra radiant light emitting diode to make use of the characteristics of its wide spectrum and the random fluctuation of the output signal. High precision fault monitoring; 4. in the passive time division multiplexing optical network, because it is difficult to distinguish the specific branch from the signal characteristics, we add reflective optical filters at the end of each branch. The reflection of the filter or the Finel reflection of the fault point provides multi light feedback to make the detection laser produce chaotic laser. The chaotic laser signal The time delay (position) information of the external cavity reflects the position of the feedback point, and then the fault branch and the fault location can be judged by the disappearing filter position information and the new position information. The fault detection of millimeter level precision is obtained in the experiment.


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