
发布时间:2018-08-04 17:28
【摘要】:硅基平台不仅在传统半导体电子领域中有广泛运用,在微纳光子系统中也被广泛采用。硅基平台成为了实现微纳光电子集成芯片的理想平台。光电子集成芯片中的光通信模块,能提高芯片间的通信速度,降低通信功耗。硅基光通信模块也给传统的半导体设计和制作带来新的挑战。因此,硅基光通信模块有着巨大的研究和实用价值。光调制器做为光通信模块中不可缺少的一环,一直是该领域关注的重点。其中低驱动电压的光调制器由于其驱动电路简单,能耗低,在光电子集成芯片中受到越来越多的关注。本论文的研究包含了硅基平台上实现低驱动电压光调制器的两种新型方案。第一个创新方案,采用混合集成技术,将直接带隙的Ⅲ-Ⅴ多量子阱材料直接键合到硅基光波导上面,利用Ⅲ-Ⅴ多量子阱材料的能带填充效应实现低驱动电压的电吸收光调制器。在这种硅基混合平台上,本文创新地设计了三段锥形耦合结构,从而抑制Ⅲ-Ⅴ波导中高阶模的激发,缩短了纯硅波导和混合集成Ⅲ-Ⅴ波导之间的耦合长度。该耦合结构长度只有8μm,就能实现95%以上能量的耦合。凭借这种设计思路,本文制作和测试了硅基混合集成的Ⅲ-Ⅴ电吸收光调制器。利用Ⅲ-Ⅴ材料高选择性腐蚀比的特性,我们摸索出全湿法制作Ⅲ-Ⅴ波导的工艺,简化了传统Ⅲ-Ⅴ波导的制作流程。我们首次展示了基于能带填充效应的低驱动电压电吸收光调制器。该调制器的长度有80μm,驱动电压值只有50 mV,动态消光达到6.3 dB,动态能耗只有0.29 fJ/bit,与此同时调制速率有1.25 Gbps。这是目前报道中驱动电压最低的光调制器之一。基于能带填充效应的电吸收光调制器提供了一种实现低驱动电压,低功耗,小尺寸光调制器的新思路。借助于电吸收光调制器在反偏电压下具有双工作状态的特点,我们测试了其作为光探测器的性能。我们验证了电吸收光调制器也可以作为高速的光探测器。它在-3 V的偏压下有0.86 A/W的响应度,并且它的探测速度能达到20 Gbps。利用这个特点,我们首次展示了集成级联的两个阵列波导光栅,6个高速光调制器,6个高速光探测器的单片硅基混合集成的光收发模块。借助于能带填充效应下,电吸收光调制器高消光比的特点,我们克服了级联阵列波导光栅的高插入损耗。当单个信道的收发传输速率在1.5 Gbps时,我们在光探测器端观测到了清晰的睁开的眼图。第二个创新方案,利用低损耗微环对内部反射敏感的特点,我们设计了新型的基于可调反射镜和微环结构的纯硅基光调制器。这种硅基可调反射镜的微环光调制器,既比微环光调制器结构有更大的光学带宽,也比马赫-曾德尔光调制器的结构紧凑。我们设计的光调制器相位调制区域有200 μm时,理论预测的驱动电压只需要0.5 V,也能实现8 dB的消光比。接着,我们首次分析了调制微环内部反射率时,微环内光子寿命对调制带宽的影响。我发现此光调制器的调制带宽受到光子寿命的限制。
[Abstract]:Silicon based platform is not only widely used in the field of traditional semiconductor electronics, but also widely used in micro nano photonic system. Silicon based platform has become an ideal platform for realizing micronanoscale integrated chips. Optical communication module in optoelectronic integrated chips can improve communication speed between chips and reduce communication power. Silicon based optical communication module It also brings new challenges to traditional semiconductor design and production. Therefore, silicon based optical communication module has great research and practical value. As an indispensable link in optical communication module, light modulator has always been the focus of this field. More and more attention has been paid to the sub integrated chips. The research of this paper includes two new schemes for the realization of low drive voltage light modulator on the silicon based platform. The first innovation is to use the hybrid integration technology to direct the direct bandgap III - V multi quantum well materials directly to the silicon based optical waveguides, and use the multi quantum well material of III - v. On this silicon based hybrid platform, three tapered coupling structures are creatively designed to suppress the excitation of high order modes in the III - V waveguide and shorten the coupling length between pure silicon and hybrid integrated III - V waveguides. The length of the coupling structure is only 8 m. We can realize the coupling of more than 95% energy. By virtue of this design idea, this paper makes and tests the silicon based hybrid integrated III - V electric absorption light modulator. Using the characteristics of high selective corrosion ratio of III - V material, we find out the process of making the 3 - V waveguide by the full wet method, simplifying the production process of the traditional III - V waveguide. A low drive voltage electro absorption light modulator based on the band filling effect is presented. The modulator has a length of 80 mu m, a driving voltage value of only 50 mV, a dynamic extinction of 6.3 dB, a dynamic energy consumption of only 0.29 fJ/bit, and a modulation rate of 1.25 Gbps. at the same time. This is one of the lowest driving voltages in the present report. The effect of the electro absorption light modulator provides a new idea for realizing low drive voltage, low power, small size light modulator. We have tested its performance as a photodetector with the aid of the dual working state of the electro absorption light modulator at the reverse bias voltage. We verify that the electric absorption light modulator can also be used as a high-speed light. The detector has a response degree of 0.86 A/W under the bias voltage of -3 V, and its detection speed can reach 20 Gbps.. We first display the optical transceiver module of the integrated cascaded two array waveguide gratings, 6 high speed light modulators, and 6 high-speed optical detectors. With the aid of the band filling effect, We overcome the high insertion loss of the cascaded arrayed waveguide grating. When the transmission rate of a single channel is 1.5 Gbps, we observed a clear open eye picture at the photodetector end. Second innovative schemes, which are sensitive to internal reflection using low loss Microrings, are designed. A new type of pure silicon based light modulator based on adjustable reflector and microring structure. This silicon based tunable mirror micro ring light modulator has greater optical bandwidth than a micro ring light modulator, and a compact structure of the Maher Zeng Del light modulator. The theoretical prediction of the phase modulation region of the optical modulator we designed is 200 mu. The driving voltage is only 0.5 V, and the extinction ratio of 8 dB can be realized. Then, we first analyze the influence of the photon lifetime in the microloop on the modulation bandwidth when the inner reflectivity of the microloop is modulated.


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